~2~ti 0734 M'Ufl7GAGE
<br />23rd y February --...-- , I9 - B2 , by aria between
<br />THIS INDENTURE, mach thin-- -----.._._____.__. _ da of .._ .. ---__..._ ---__ _. ---
<br />Ol ac~____L, Muirhead, an unmarried person, - _______i_.______-~___._,_.
<br />of ~a 1 i ___ County, Nebraska, as mortgagor _, and Home Federal Savingsand Loan Association of Grand[sland, a wrporation
<br />otganfxGd and existing under the laws of the Utdted States of Ataterica with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island; Nebraska, as
<br />mortgagee;
<br />WITNESS£TH: Thatsaidmortgagor ,for and in consideration of the sumof~__
<br />*Three Thousand One Hundred Fifty-seven and No/lOQt6>s* ~~a~h_3,~57.flO ~
<br />the receipt n£ which ishereby acknowledged, does _,__. by these presents mnrtgSg'e'and+wast'aor uMO'satd rnortgag.d;~its successors and assigns.,
<br />forever, all thefollowing described reap estate, situated in the County o£ Hd l l _,~
<br />sad State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />The North Half (N-1 /2} of Lot Twelve {12}, and lot Ten (lO), except the North
<br />Eight Feet (8'), all in Block Twenty-eight {2B), Highland Park, in the City
<br />of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Together with ail heating, air conditioning, fighting, and plumbing equipment and fixtures. including screens, awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors, andwindotrshadabor blinds, used on:or in connection with said property, whether the same are now located on said properly or hereafter
<br />placedthereob. '„..
<br />TO HAYEAIVD 7YYHGLD THESAivIE, WgeLhnr with ail and singular the tenements, hereditatrtents and appurtenances thereunw be~
<br />longing. or in;.anywise aggertainiog, forever, and warrant cite title to the same. bald mogtagor ____.-hereby covenant 5__.. with said
<br />mortgagee that..-.- _S he:__._1S._--__.___, at the delivery hereof, the lawful owner- ___ nl the premises abova conveyed and des...ibed.
<br />~ and__ ~ 5.___. seized of a good and: irulefeasible estate of inheritance therein, free and wear of all encumbrances, and thaC S.. he_will
<br />warsaot ~~a, ~e{emf: the title thernto-forever against the claims end demands of all persons whomsoever.
<br />PROYIDEI) ALWAYS, and this instrutaeut is executed and delivered to secure the payment of the sum of ___.._ __ ____.....____._.__._._.
<br />--*Three Thousand_One _Hundred__Fifty-sev_en_and_,~o[1QOths*__ pbllarsl~~167.OO ___ __.___,__l,
<br />.) with intetYfsL thereon, tagatber with suc6charges and advances as may be due a.nd payable to said ttwrcgagee under the terms and conditions
<br />of thepmmissory`aate of even date herewith artd secured hereby, executed by said mortgagor _____ to said mortgagee, payable as expressed
<br />in said note, and tosecure thaperformance of all the. terms and conditions contained themin. The terms of said note are hereby incorporated
<br />herein by this reference.
<br />It is the,iatentioa and agreement of the. parties hereto that this mortgage shall also secure any future advancesmade to said. mortgagor-.--.
<br />by. said mottgagce, sad any and ail indebtedness in addition w the amount apwve stated whist.. said mortgagors, nr any of Chem, may owe to
<br />said.mocLgagee, however evidenced, whether by note, book account or otherwise. This mortgage shall remain in fuip force and effect between
<br />the parties hereto andthei= heirs, personal rsprosentatives, successors and assigns, uatIl all amounts secured heceunder, indudi.ng future
<br />advances, are,paid ia. fuL' with interest.
<br />The mortgagor-- hereby assign5__ to said mortgagee all tents and income arising at any and ail times from said property and
<br />hereby authorize said mortgagee or its agent, at its option, upon default, to take change of stud property and collect all rents and encome
<br />firer@from and--apply the same to the payment of interest, principal, insurance premiums, taxes, assessments, repairs ar improvements ~
<br />tteeessary ta kaepsard property iatetuntablemndition; or to ot2rer charges, or payments provided for hereinor in the twtehereby secured. This
<br />tent assignment shell continue infatce tmtil the unpaid balance of said note is fully pain. The taking of gossession hernunder shall in ro manner
<br />prevent or retard said awrtgagce. in the collection of said sums by foreclosure or otherwise.
<br />' 'Che failure. of the mottgagee':to, assert any of its rights hereunder at any time shall tint oe construed as a waiver of its right to assert the
<br />sameat any later time, and ta insis6 upon and enforce sLr.`ct compliance with ell tha terms and grovisioats of said notn and of this. mortgage.
<br />If saidmortgagor shat! cauag.. to be,paid to said mortgagee [he entire. amount due it hereunder, and under the cerm.~ and provisions
<br />of said smote: hereby seemed, including futureadvances, and any aataasions or renewals theawf '.tv. accordmree with the terms and provisions
<br />theraoF, and if said mortgagor ~___ shall compfy with ail the provisions of said Hate and of thismortgage.. then these p>rasents shall be void, r?
<br />ocharwiae Go remain m fuH force atrd,effect, sad saidraortgagee shall be entitled to tha. possession of all of sad groperty, and may,, at. its option, tt?f
<br />derLre the whrsle'af said testa sad ail indebledceaa represented thernby to beimmediately. due and payahpe, and may forecluse.this mortgage
<br />ea take arty otherkgal action to puatect ta.xight. Appraisement. waived..
<br />Ibis morifpagesl~elltrahindiagupon,andsftatl.entue.to the 6ettaStof.Cheheirs, executors, administrstnrs, su:.crsaors and assigns ut the
<br />respective'pectieshereto.
<br />Ih WITNESS 'tfHEREQF, said.Mortgagot __._ ha $.__._hereunto set... ,..__,he..;.r, _...._. hand___._the d»y »nd ~esrfirst about.
<br />!f ~ /
<br />rrritien. i'
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