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~.__ <br />s <br />i '' S2-A--ffEAL ESTATE MGRTGAG:i-tWith Tax Clause) ILev, a8 Hultman anti Felton & Woof. Walton. t1e 6$4&1 <br />f KNOW ALL A1EN BY TEIESE FRESENTS: That Mary A. Whitley, Rn Unrelnarried Person, and <br />~ Paul Biben and Ann L. Biben, Husband and Wife <br />of Daug1 d5 County, and State of Nebrds ka , in rnnsideration of the sum of <br />TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/i00-------------------°--------------------_------- DDLLARs <br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY nnco The First National Bank of Grand Island, <br />Grand Island, Nebraska <br />of Hdl 1 County, State of Nebraska the following described premises situated <br />in Hall County, and state of Nebraska , to-wit: <br />*-i THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE4) OF SECTION THIRTY <br />~'` THREE (33) IN TOWNSHIP NINE (9) NORTH, RANGE <br />ELEVEN (11) WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., HAL! COUNTY, <br />..., NEBRASKA. <br />,~ <br />N <br />Cl0 <br />The intention being to rnnvey hereby an absolute title in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and dower. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, wiG'1 all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said <br />mortgagee(s) attd to his, her or their heirs and assigns forever, provided. always, and these presents are upon the eapress <br />condition that if the said martgagor(s}, his, her m their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns shall pay or cause tq be <br />paid Yo the said mortgagee(sj, his, her or their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, the principal sum of $25 , OOO.OO <br />payable aS follOwS, to WIt: <br />AS PER NOTE OF EVEN DATE <br />with interest according to the tenor and eflt~cw of the mortgagors written promissory note hearing even date with these presents <br />and shall pay all taxes and assessments levied upon said real estate, and all other taxes, levies and assessments levied upon this <br />mortgage or the note-which this mortgage is given to stK;ure, before the same bea:omes delin~uant, and keep the buiktings on <br />said premises insured for the sum of S 25,OOO.OO loss, if any, payable to the said mortgagee, then these presents <br />to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force. <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (;) That if the said mortgagor shalt fail to pay such taxes or procure such insurance, the <br />said mortgagee may pay such taxes and procure such insurana; e; and the sum so advaziced, with interest jt ] $,!10 per <br />cent, shall be sepaid by said mortgagor, and this mortgage shall stand as security for the same. (2) TF:t a failure to gay any <br />of said money, either principal or interest, when the same becomes due, or a failure to comply with any of the foregoing <br />agreements, shall cause the whole sum of money herein secured to become due and collectible at nnco at the option of the <br />mortgagee. <br />signed this 1 bth say of February is g2 . <br />t <br />In presence of ~~ = ~...~..e!!'u:........... <br />MAi2Y...A.:...WHI~l'tE.Y........_...._..... -~.... <br />ANN...C. _ BTBEN...^...__ .- ~ <br />-- Pnu~ .$R~. <br />STATE OF ...... -NebY;dskd . . ... . . . .. . ..Count of ... ~:-sa-:~~- <~'.-~4: a!.' - <br />y .... <br />The foregoing instrument was. acknowledged before me .........February...... yg 82 <br />by...l~ia'x:A..,Whi-tl.e~±,.An.Unremarried Person and Paul Biben and Ann L. Biben, Husband <br />aid Wife <br />~~irauntsnwr^-~kwrMw.+•' 1 , . <br />~~....~ u~:rW^x j~~i ti t-.~t',r'~c. u; 7- /. ~rl,-t:c,-..iC-.z.~ '-c.: C:. ff :•--. <br />w pM~ ~g,aa. il, lfli Signature of Persan Taking Acknowlec~ment <br />'~r_, <br />~ Commission Expires:: ~~~v` ' ,~ 5 Title <br />STATE OF_-° -°---°- -.. -.. . _ ... ... ......... . <br />S ss <br />~. County ._..._.-_._..__..-_....-....._--°-.._..._.__._ ...............~ <br />' _...-...._............aay of ....................._.......__............_..... 19....-........ at--- <br />and recoaded. in I3ooic-..._..._..._............_,..--..--.of......_ ..............-..._ <br />Entered on numerical index and filed for record <br />in the R.geter of Deeds C1Ric+s of said Calmly the <br />_...__......_.o'dodt and.... _._...__ _.__... ..minutes -_.._. ___.__. _.IAR., .' <br />.at page..__ ........................................ ,. <br />.........__._.. ._.. _... ..... __. _._...__. Rag. of Deeds'. <br />By--_.. _. _..__.._.. _Deputy <br />._:..._. .. - .. _ .. .. _. .. . .i.:.-:: <br />