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-- <br />52•A-REAL ESTATE MtYRTG9:GE--t With Tax Clause) Hev ^S ~~ tl ~ ~ 1'3Hatrman and fefton 5 Woit. Walton. Ne 6845! <br />i KNOW ALL MEN BY TiIESE PRESENTS: That Keith A. Phelps and Konnie K.. Fhelps, husband <br />and wife, <br />of Ha11 Cooney, and State of Nebraska , in consideration of the sum of <br />FIFTEEN THOUSAND AND NO/100------`---------------°•----------------------_------ DOLLARs <br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto Carl Dittman <br />of Hall C.ounfy, State of Nebraska, the following described pmmisa~s situated 3 <br />in Hdl I County, and State of Nebraska . to-wic: <br />Lot One {1} in Block Forty-one {41) ofi the Original Tot+m, now City of (rand ?stand, ~!ali s <br />County, flebraska, and the 6~lesterly One-Half of vacated Locust Street, ad,jacer.t to the <br />Easterly line of Lot One (?), Block Forty-one (41}, Original Town, now City of grand <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as `ollows, to-wit: Eerinninn~ <br />at the Northeast corner of said Lot One (1), Block Forty-one (41} and running Southerly <br />along and upon the Easterly 1_ine of said Lot One (1), Block Forty-one (=t1) a distance of <br />One Hundred Thirty-two Feet (13?..,^,°) to the Southeast cov°ner of said Lot one {1), 51ock <br />Forty-one (4i}; thence running Easterly Forty Feet {40.0') to the center of Locust Street! <br />thence running ~lortherly and parallel to the Easterly line of said Lot One (1}, Block <br />Forty-one (41) a distance of One Hundred Thirty-two Feet (13?.O') to the Southerly line <br />of Fourth Street; thence running Nesterly Forty Feet (4p.0') alone and upon the <br />Southerly line of Fourth Street to the point of beginning. <br />The intention being in convey hercbg an absolute title in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and dower. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises aMwe described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said <br />mortgagee{s) and to his, her or their hairs and assigns forever, provided always, and these presents are upon the express <br />condition that if the said mortgagor(s), his, her or their heirs, executors, admutistrators or assigns shall pay or cause to be <br />paid to the said mortgagee(s), his, her ur [heir heirs, executors, admmisirators or assigns, the principal sum of $ 15, DDO.OD <br />payable as follows, to wit: <br />Monthly payments of interest with the principal amount due and payable on February 5, <br />1985, <br />with interest aecurding to the tenor and effeiK. of the mortgagors written promissory note bearing even date with these presents <br />and shall pay all taxes and assessments 1c~vied upon -;aid real estate, and all other taxes, levies and assessments levied upon #his <br />mortgage or the note "which this mortgage is given to secure, before the same becomes detinyuent, and keep she buildings on <br />said premises insured for the sum of S 15 OOD.00 toss. if any, payable to the said mortgagee, then these presents <br />to be void, otherwise io be and remain in full force. <br />IT I5 FURTHEK AGREED (I) "f hat if the said mortgagor shall tail to pay such taxes or Procure such insurancnne,}}the <br />~'f~ fg~gee may pay such taxes anti procure such insurance; and the sum so advanced, with interest atmdXlmlJ3?1/a~i~lC <br />~)~rFiif,~Il`'Ee repaid by said mortgagor, and this mortgage shall stand as security for the same- (2) Thak a failure to pay any <br />-of said money° either Principal or interest. when the same becomes due, or a failure to comply with any of the foregoing <br />agreements, shall cause the whole sum of money herein secured to become due and collectible at once at the option of the <br />mortgagee. . _~/ <br />Signed this .,,x._'~ ~- day oC t ,_ ~ , r<~ / 19 tg2 ~ _ <br />~ -"' ~ L a <br />Tn presence of ...____. .~, ..~... .......__. <br />,, .eitfi P.~ Aflelps , <br />..... <br />car a wuu~rs ~ ,., t „ -~ ~` <br />~r~~~+s-~s~t-lfw-... _ ._ _ _ __ _ :,.. Kon a Y.. ~fi~tos`~~.~._,p~-~. __ ._. ... <br />--- <br />...................... <br />STATE OF .............:.. . ........... . Gotutty of .... Ha <br />,: <br />The foregoing instrtunent was acknowledged before me . s , ~. ~..? . , . %~` "~ --...........1982.,. . <br />,by Keith•R Fhelps and.Kannie K. Fhelps, husband and wife. <br />, . Jft~V zEiGN 5. ° ttV ltd / ~ <br />'~ G~~ERw! fdD i AkfAi. ~ ; (.. ~ ~ ~ <br />~~~ ~. <br />~S_=A1'EOf nEaf?n,~trJS ~'~ Signature of Person'P~£ing Acknowledgment <br />sssu. zt?.:aa ~;, ........ {'1ntaY`y "~t7b'1'ic ..................... . <br />"'"'°" Title <br />? STATE GF ..._..... ..-..__,._. .........__. .. _... _. .°; Entered on numcriuai index and filed for record <br />ss, ~ <br />C.,exraty ..___.....- .__....... _.. ; in the Register of Deeds Gffica u[ said Counts' the <br />..... _. ..._.__..._rlay of___.__.. .._._... .._. _..-. 19.-_. _. _, at .._._.-._........_..a'efoek. and..-.. ..._. _. _.-.minutes -. _._ _.114.,; <br />sod ercordrve is Eax,k_.-. ... _.__.. of.. .. _.. ___at Pan's.-. _. _._.___ __.._.. <br />'~ _.... _ .. _ _._-. Reg- of IJeeds <br />