<br />$2°=u~.ia697
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<br />TtifSTR~rST DEED, made this 19t1T day of F_,rI;RiTA~;_- ,1982 ,
<br />be and betv~aen:
<br />A PARTNER _ , whetherone or more, herein-
<br />aftercalled "Truster" whose mailing address is 810 EAST OKLAHOMA GRAND ISLAND NEBRASKA
<br />and
<br />as `°Trustee"whose' mailing
<br />address is P 0 BOX 428 GRAND ISLAND NEBRASKA 68802 and
<br />_ as "Benefciaryt' whose mailing address is
<br />KQ b GQfi~'~STQGT~ ItL~tL; @RAKI} ISItAKD; t~BRASKA b88Q1 ,
<br />WI7NESSETH: That 7rusfor, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) ano other valuable consideration receipt
<br />whereof is hereby acknowledged, grants, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the
<br />following described property, situated in HAIL County, Nebraska:
<br />The intention being to convey hereby in absolute title in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and
<br />dower, togetherwfth ail buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and all of the
<br />foregoing, together withsald property are herein referred to as the "Property."
<br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING performance of each agreement and covenant of Trustor herein contained
<br />and the payment: of the principal sum of Eight thousand eight gl~~ ~$ S, 33u, 24 },
<br />8s evidenced by a promissory note bears ~'~ en da a apt die ra s o in~res~f~hereon which may hereafter be paid
<br />aradvartced under the terms of this Trust Deed; both principal sum and interest thereon being payable according
<br />to teems set forth fn said:promissory note, reference to which is hereby made, at the office of the Beneficiary or at
<br />suoh other place as the holder may designate in writing, the final payment of principal and interest, if not sooner
<br />paid, shatibe due and payable on the 19th day of FEBRUARY r 1g 94
<br />Trustor and Beneficiary covenant and agree as follows:
<br />L Wureery o1.iU4, Trustpr.ia lawfully aBiz&Y of iha PropeHY; ;t naspootl right arW
<br />iiwtul Salo«(!y 4o setlHrW tpnvey iM proDat/y; the 7ropBrty is :fee and ciaHr cf ail
<br />ilMi and anCYmbf8nCB9eYCepL.liana. ndW O2 feCOCd: and Trustor will warrant. antl
<br />delend trq ntue fo.ihe. Property unf0 the TruStBB and its sutYessbrsantl aestgrrs
<br />lereVer._ against !na cIHImS df ei{:parsons. TruatOr,.dt its BxDBnae, will mafntain dnd
<br />pieiefve the Ilan ef.IhFSTYU9t Deed ss a lkn upon the Trust Property subject only fo
<br />encwnbrancea:esiattnge8 exf. the data hareot,.wiffceuse. this Truss Dees, antl eacn
<br />arttegdmvnLOr supplsntantthereto, to be flied and racorde# asa mortgepe o1 the
<br />Tlult Properly In SUghmannar antl in such pf8ca, end wnl.take sutra ptner attbn as
<br />to the op+ni#n. of Truetea may tw regWree oY any pre5ani ar tut are law ir. ostler !o
<br />perfect, metntam antl-protiec't the lien of (his'e Nei Dead, as fire Same mHy be Isom
<br />Itrrle Ea time amendedor suPplemenieQ.
<br />2. MYnlmt a Priwclyv.;anp.{rrNreat Truator shah punctuairy DaY tnB prindpal ot.
<br />arM'Int•reat on told prpciiSepry note,fnetuding any a#vances itrereto as pmvidaC
<br />ne[iir on the Catee sUd al the ptaba and In thB Rtannar provided mere+n antl wHi
<br />punctually .erl brm a{(igreement0. gonfllSionAaa:i prwlswns Ot any other security
<br />inetrtrmem p even i o cop.,wction wfttrthle iraoSaetion,
<br />$. M1'ee•ntibn er,e Mpnt•pnrer OE: PlYpa(Sy, TfU9t0! WIII nOt'tOmmit any waste
<br />uppn IM Prepsrty aMl wli; at aU. limea. maintain ChB. Game in good order ano
<br />COndrtlcn anC w~'~I make, from lima tp i{me., ell rBpalrs, renewals, repfecements,
<br />adtll[fon5 and im;;ro.amwnta wMtH are reesonabty raquiied to prevent waste,
<br />mpNbm•nt, u d b r, of aaia. properly. Nosuhding or impr.OVgernent now or
<br />tW tier erxlrA a ~a Property shah ba aneretl, e/itoved tlemotisned
<br />wltnout tY prior w:l!len ccnsant Of i3er,atlgfaty.
<br />a. Derweee b -ragarry, i n ..50 sr any dslnega to, a destruction oF, ma twl lamps.
<br />{myravy-lame or y._•so: ~al uroperty Constituln~r,wnq Bart of the Trust PropBrtY, whether
<br />v ~ trv nwi ~.a ar a trSretOr, at !ra Wle fast and
<br />expanse sw s F P"'i ~e pale, re JlapB a.W rebuiftl lnB aamB as nearly a5
<br />'rvxCle tot .c d.:~n inlnadla;aiy pybx to sLGhdemaga at p4etruttl6nMwltn
<br />such c anpan a - ~s Trestgr may tleam apprdprYate provided such
<br />changes and a 1 :rtt1lo oral reef aria lEy cascara ;ha: value Bad utiliry n! sacra
<br />„arf1 n~a 'r.^n.. r.al~fy !.roan That axistkrg immedlatePY prior tv
<br />au.:n damap. d.. foal! peanfifilad Ip reimbu'SBmanr !'pm the
<br />' t t L' M prMagd3 racelYed try Trustee, but Orti'10
<br />the .~^~n ~, .un~ Sad n,iB•.t!ss provision.
<br />5. Core •N irU•IU n.gcea:WS. n win Cp a`t tnintls n0tassarY tv
<br />'~"ry / t .. v , .., _ :Bpaz under tom >•Pwe O' me al B40 0l
<br />{larmrura .. <.... .c.,..
<br />. . ^l ~,
<br />respective parties. Ali insurance policies' maintained pur9uant [c this Tru31 Deed
<br />Snail name Trustee and Berreliciary es insureds, a5 !heir respechve interests may
<br />appear, and provlae coat mare shall ba no cancellation or modification without
<br />fhteen days prior written nohfiGGOn to trustee and BBnaficiary. In the event any
<br />poncy herBUnder is not renewed on Or before fifteen tlays prior tq it9 explra(ion
<br />data, Truslae Or Beneficiary may prooure such insurance and the cost tnereut5nell
<br />ba aatled to the loan secured by this Trust Deed and shall bear Interest atthe
<br />greeter Of LhB insaraSt rHte 9pecillBC tRafBfn Jr the hlgha5l" InterB31 rele aUlhOtiYBd
<br />by the Idw SOf me $teta Of NaixaSka. Tm3tor snail deiiverio Banef:tiary thB oYlgin8i
<br />pO11CIH3 OI In9WanCe antl rpn,BWBI3 IhereDf Or nlamp CD¢I9a Of.SUth pDilCfes antl
<br />rymawais ihereol. Fanute to famish Insurance by Trustor, or renewab as required
<br />nerburwer shaft, of the option of Beneliciery, Constitute a deFauit. Ai)un arned
<br />premiums are ner9lly assipnHa Io Trustee as additional security and a sale antl
<br />cgnveyance of the Property by the Trustee shall) operate 10 tpnvey to the Durchaser
<br />fns Tfustp(s interest In and Ib 911 poficie8 of Inaurance upon IhB Ttust Property.
<br />T. Taxat end Attetimmb. T(uSSOi coact pay all texas. and Specldi assessments
<br />18viea or assessed against or due upon me Prcperty. before delingpency. and will
<br />deliver Iq Beneficiary copixs of receipts snowing. Daymenl of such faxes and
<br />sjreCYHI aSSBSamenl9. If Baneficlery ahe119b recURSi. TNSIOr agrBBa tool lhefH pfiall
<br />.1e adde0 t0 Saco perivtlit payment required to be made herauntler an a
<br />mata0 by Trustee. lc be sufficient to anabl0 Trusl:W< to pay, of least 3e Says.
<br />bMbrO tlellnquency, an taxes, a Bnt9 v Dthe+ pubGC charges apainsl th0
<br />Tryst Pmpeliy, the Nate SeGUfBd. ray "t1S T(u94 DaBd, Or upon dCCOUfI Uf Intl dab". Or
<br />[na lien Cf m15 Tnist Deed, tOgeMer with premiums 4or in5utanCe required fo Oe
<br />prevWed und0r iF.is Trust Deed and n tnteresl seal! be pa Yabie ie Truster an
<br />Upv^ _
<br />additional su Oney'as sary to make~rup any ,denci0nty in'me
<br />amqums sec-scary to anabte Trustee to pay any rat ine foregoing rfems.
<br />6. 4dtltiMnei L!•m. Trustor 5n ii make ail pay e t O -rtete3l and principal ano
<br />pdymRnts bf any other charges, legs, and expen9es LontreClRd t0 Oa Daid to any
<br />existing tree h0 cars Or pcior benellt{arias undbr any prior Trus4 OReC, Martgega c
<br />o:het security ayreamenL OetorR tr'e daf0 may are dehnquent antl l0 pay any other
<br />claim wnitn 19Cpardl.aa - `a aBCUnty grenlad hBxein.
<br />9 ProfaetlOn at BwNiiWry's Sacuyfty. Snoulu Truslur tai! :O .^+ake any pOYmenr,
<br />fait to do an} adf as :lateen prpvidad, or it any action or p*o::aedtnp is comrnanteC
<br />taco atedalfy aftapts Ben !f a } s t. esl Sn the PrU ray i ding, but ncl
<br />~^.tad fe. amt. eHi domain, aptvane} a ngamDnla oy praeRadtnps . onlrn; a
<br />tvn4r'vpl .p dateOent, titan RB.`cf'c hux w T(U.Stam b~' w'nflO,t OPf:gat(4n tc^.n so,
<br />eras; W4thput nDktta tq of da!r!and upKUx Tnistpr, amt without r.~::tastnp Trutlta trcm
<br /><raalgetipn harca,xfur. nay mxva or do crag xama, r aav.
<br />r - Case.
<br />iestd ^+?mp -ia0,r..:.a ,,; .1::::e. 'p ..r i:,:.. r ;v.. :..,dp ,eat Ol
<br />.ztlv,_. F.n B 'v !hfl
<br />_ei-. uatme « a:x' ,... . tux*>~S:an13
<br />.. ~ _ _..~ aC.,,..:.
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