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P~~xz'c~,~z~ <br />This yfPxtgage is entered into between ~ ~ ft. SY?F~K and DIr~1E :t1. SPECK. Htnsbasid <br />2tt'ld itiifc~ ~_~ ~-, (herein "Mortgagor"] and <br />TAE. U4'Ez?L:r2dD I~AfiIQNAI,_ BANK OF (8ir5ND ISLa~NDyGrand Island, NebraSka_~hereln•`Mortgagpe"). <br />'blortgagoris-indebted to Mortgagee in the principal sum of ~ ~~, ~~ • ~ , evidenced by Mortgagor's note <br />dated _Felart~rv ll, 1982 (herein "Mote"} providing far payments of principal-and interest, witlrthe balance of the <br />indebtedness; if not sdoner paFd, due and payable on Februar~r 20 1987., <br />Tosgcurethe paymentof-the Note, with interest as provided therein, the payment of all other sums, with interest,. <br />.advanced by. Mortgagee th" protect the security of this Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants"and agreements of <br />the Pt3ortgagor contained herein, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the following 'described <br />property located`!n Ha7.l County, Nebraska: <br />Lot One (1), Block One (1), Jenkinson Sui,.livision, <br />Hall Cbt~n~y, Nebraska. <br />Together with. al4 buildings, improvements, fixtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements, rights, privileges and <br />appurtenances located thereon or in anywi,e pertaining thereto, and the rents. issues and profits, reversions and remainders <br />thereof; including, but not limited io, heating and cooling equipment and such personal property that is attached to he <br />impr4vemen45 so as to constitute a fixture; ail of which, including replacements and additions thereto, is hereby deckared <br />to be a..partof t}reteal estate secured by the lien of this Mortgage and ail of the fomgaing being referred to herein asthe <br />.~~rty„ <br />btortgagor4urthercanvenants a»dagrees, with Aortgagee, as follows: <br />1. Payment. '1'o pay` the indebtedness and the u~tereit thereon as provided in this Mortgage and the Note. <br />2. Title. Mortgagor is the owner of the Property, Kati the right and authority to mortgage the Property, and <br />warrants- that the lien created hereby is a first and prior lken on the Property, except as may otherwise be set forth herein. <br />i~'Ptte Property is subject to a:~•fortgage wherein Egtaitable 13ui lding & IfJilri_t1SSOC7:atlOn <br />DoctxnE,nt Na. $1-005675 <br />is "thae.':Martgagee, receded ~-~--- . -_.._-_-____af the MortKage kiecords of __..__H~.11_. County, <br />Nebraska, whireh.hlortgage isa lien prior to the Iien created hereby. <br />,~ Other prior liens or encumbrances: --_ ___.. ____ ---___ ._ __ _ _ _._ _ __ _------ <br />3, Taxas; Assessments. To pay when duenflaa:ies, special assessments and. ail other charges against the Property <br />and, upon written demand-tzy Mortgagee, toadd to the payments required under the Note ,enured hereby, such amount as <br />apay' bc• sufficient to enable the.Mortgagee to pay such taxes, assessments ar other charges as they became due_ <br />~ lnsucance. To:keep the improvements now or hereafter located an the real estate described herein insurtid <br />-agan+st .damage by fire: and such other hazards as.lvlortgagee..inay require, inamaunis and:with eompaailes acceptable. to the <br />Mortgagee, and with :toss payatale to the Mortgagee. In case of Inns under such policies the Mortgagee is authorized to <br />..:adjust. collect andcompnonvse,.in:its disereteon, allctaims ihereunderat it4 sole option,. authorizpdweiherapply the <br />proeY~eds to the restoration of the Property or upon the lndehtedness secured hereby, but payments hernuoder shall can- <br />ttnue until the sumssecured t,reby are pa}d infuit: <br />- -~ r c,.o •rs...x n.,a lncurance_ '~otwsthstanding auythhrg contatned,in paragraphs 3 and ~ hereof to the <br />,,. ..a...,,. ,... .,r__ M <br />coatrari~, Mortgagor shall pry to the A4artgagee at the Lime of paying the rlont0tvinstallments of principal.and interest, <br />one iwcifiir u` tie .~a. r ..,,._.. sseser~enG, hz z d -nburat,c~~ pmmiutns. and ~~raund rents of any) which may attain a <br />priont>' over thu i4loctgage, all as reasonably eslimatt~l %rom time to time by :hp :yiprigagee. The amounts sa paid shaft ire <br />Ptetd by rite :dort~ee without interest snd +pp4ie , :o *_hr pa; rrat~c of the trems 'in tpspeCt to wnicnsuah aamaunU xe:r <br />deposited. -tTC sums paid to Mortgagee beret ader arF pie dot es is 7inoral security for the. indebtedness secured by khia <br />!rlar.gtie. Mortgagocshali pap to Mortgagee thr arnnu;ai o am drC ,c nog -hc tween the actual lases, assessments, insurance <br />kre=niu.r_ attr' g:c=unc3 rents one` tea iieposiu i~rsearrier ~,cit-hir. i(1 days~afterdemand is ru~da upon iv3ortgagar nrquesCing <br />pae-me,-~t tieereof. <br />n. f4rpasr, _~F;urtenance and C;x. :~•er ~. c r•pai r. rt~~t2re. ar. rebui4d sny buildings ac improvements now ar <br />hrncl'ta. i,., .3e Prut.t•rtc: to kc-r•p chc 1'rc;• ) ,t-i+~: e _ ,ci±;:an ,ndtepa~r, withoLttwa5te, and fret- framrnechanic`s or <br />girth, r tk•rus .t i+ rpr•.v4;i .uta>rd:a .~ tc floe ~t-.c hcac~o:, r.~s b~ make, sufKer or pprurit any nuisance to exist, nor to dimin- <br />,r;h tar,, rtss cvie ;t :hr frt e ty. n~...,y~ uEt" ;~.t oat;;_si~art ccr ar,•t, sznal to rorxpiy with ail rraluirernents of law with <br />- rv {, ' ko 1, fh,..V~~Yi. <br />