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__... _. <br />If , <br />+SYY~EC@N@ REAL. ESTATE MQR':4A6E With Tax Clause `,~;~ '~ <br />Ha4fman and Felton 8 Wo14. Waflon, Ne. 68461 <br />~~~ ALL ~ BY THESE P~i'.FiSu~: ~~ ".'' <br />THAT Z or 'rf/E, ~ s:~ Z ~ l) l} ~ ~ ~ e~ 'I ~' <br />.~(~ me ~ a ~~ ~~s~. f1e ~ suY, <br />of ~ ~, , ~ County and State of 1 l ~ `'O ~" ~{ G~ ~- ~ , in cousideration o f the sum of , <br />i ') ~ (. ~'~ DOI LABS <br />hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONI~EY unto ~~- q C ~ ~~e.}~-r Y ~1'CC~ V C. <br />~of ~C'4~~ G5 County, and State of ~ e ~'fGSket <br />i si#uated in ~ r~ 1 '4 County, and State of (1, z '~Y ~t ~~. ~-'-; <br />I ~~- Ls7 <br />~ n <br />l" r_ h <br />~C{~-4`` '-'tit C-. -.a- 1 <br />~~ OC-.?~ i L` <br />(mortgagee), <br />the fallowing described premises <br />to=quit: <br />I J ~ .~-~. -~ r,~ ~-, <br />f <br />EE6 <br />-t <br />1 <br />{ <br />j <br />f <br />f The intention being to convey hereby an absolute title in fee simple including cll the rights of homestead and dower. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, zcith all the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto <br />the said mortgagee or mortgagees and to his, her or oheir heirs and assigns, forever, prozided always, and these pres- <br />~nts are upon the express condition that if the said mostgagor or rnartgagors, his, her or their heirs, executors, admix- <br />?istrators or assigns shall pay or cause to be paid to the said mortgagee or mortgagees and to his, her or their heirs, ex- <br />,~ ~acutors, administrators ar assigns, the sum of <br />Dollars, payable as foItows, to-wit: <br />-~ i C/pie-e ~.~£~-•r,.~t1'r~ !mac--ems-~ ~~~G~-..~L~-r..uty%G~, .,t.-~-'2.P ~i.r~=3~:-•. <br />i <br />'toith interest thereon at 1 ~ per cent per annum, payable ~,t1~rr}Yi ~"Jannualdy, according to the tenor and effect of <br />the promissory note with in#eres# coupons attached of said .Mortgagors, bearing even date with these pres- <br />~ents, and. shalt. pay all taxes and any interest on, ar maturing installments of principal, due on any prior mortgage and <br />~assessmexts levied upon said real estate and aI6 other taxes, levies aazd assessratents levied +tpon this aazortgage or the <br />'note. wDyich this mortgaga is givex to secure, before the wane becomes delinquent and keep the buildings vn said <br />(premises insured for the sum $ ,loss, if any, pag~alrle to such first mortgagees or this mortgagee, orvoth, <br />~#hen these presents be void otherwise: tp be and remain in full force. <br />IT ZS Fi1RTHER AGREED (r) That if the said mortgagor shall fail to pay such taxes and such interest on, <br />for maturing instaltaxanas of prantipat, due on any prioa- mortgage aaad procure such insurance, then skis mortyagee aaeay <br />pay sreeh taxes and such interest ox, or maturing installments of principal, due on sz+ch prior nznrtgage and procure <br />'-szzch ia+suTance; and the sum so advanced with interest at nine per cent skald be paid by said mortgagor, and this ronort- <br />`rn,~ s!aa_ll v#g>vl ac security for the same. (?) That a failure to pay any of said money, either principal or interest on <br />this or any prior mortgage, when the same becomes due or a failure to comply with any of the foregoing agreements, <br />shall cause the whale suns of money herein secured !o betonze due and collectable at once at the option of the nzort- <br />i ZT IS FGRTHER ,~'~IlMatp~ ~,~ pending foreclosure of this mortgage arzd viler decree and <br />spending Bray thereox or ap, refru#t'm4tif"ptt+di+M~tale ~f prarmzses mortgaged, naay pay suth taxes mad anatuazng <br />+atterest or maturing irutadijW; tb4Y' tgages, procure such assurance and such. sums sltall be <br />added #o tlu amar.n! due o ~8"~'""earz n of sale iy floe court ordered taken out of proceeds of .rule; <br />or if rader:rraed during stay, appeal. or sale, such a»urutrts shat! be caUectrd the saase as tho+ryA it were a cart ct ssuh <br />detx-ec. <br />Signed .this: r",5 day of r~-<r~vc'.~c"f.---_e~ tq ~''~ <br />In Fresenee of •~ ~- <br /> <br />-. 's ~. <br />~'~ {. ~ - <br />. ;~. . _ <br />~`*. k-: <br />