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t <br />RELEASE 4F MORT~AI~a~ ~~~„ ~ U (} ~ ~ a <br />In consideration of full payment and crompliance with the conditions of a mortgage <br />made by John W. Murdoch and Janet L, Murdoch, each in his and her awn right and <br />as spcwse of each other, <br />to THE EQUITABLE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIAT_rON OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, on the <br />following described property, to-xvit: Lot Fifty-Nine (59) in Le Heights Fourth <br />Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />which said mortgage bears date 23rd day of May 1980 ,and <br />is recorded in ~ of mortgages on Page _ _ _ _ _ <br />Document No. 80-002373 <br />of the rernrds of Hall County, Nebraska, said Association hereby acknowledges full satis£aMion of and releases the <br />same. <br />In witness whereof the said THE EQUITABLE BUILDING AND LOAM ASSOCL~TION OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, has caused this instrument to be signed by its President and atfested by its <br />Secretary this 22nd day of February .h.D., 19 g2. <br />The Equitable Building end Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska <br />,,, ,; <br />t. <br />~` <br />--» <br />~., -~ <br />fly' ---. _~- ~_. _ '"'"~". x ~-!-z <br />"~ Presidertt~~-~ R. E. I~inman <br />~~ .-y <br />~-- i <br />Secretary James W. Olson <br />STATE+OF NEBRASKA <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br />On this 22nd day of February A.D., 19 $2 ,before me, a Notary Public <br />duly commissioned. and quali#ied Eor and residing in said crou.:ty, personally came K. E. Kinman and <br />James Nl. Olson <br />to me known to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the above release as President and Secretary <br />of said Association.., and acknowledged the said instrument to be their voluntacyv act :aid deed and the voluntary <br />aM and. did, of the said THE EQUITABLE BUILDIiv G ANll I,O.4N .4SSOCItiTION OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />~_ „ NEBRASKA.. J .. , __-'~ <br />i <br />'iviiness my hand and notarial seal the da • and year last <br />3 ,, <br />y rybove written. <br />~ ~ ~~ <br />~~ ~~,,~~ <br />~. `" ,ate ~ f'".~" ' .--- ~ S ~r~i.% <br />w~ ~ ; • i/`7 'Votazy PubLc .~""' <br />_ 1 /~ ~ ~ f ~ , ~. ~~_ <br />YIy commission expi:e5"-:'-. 4.,.y~,::•5..~~,ra..~.. _ __..,' <br />