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', ; 905-@-Gprpargilon &urvtvorship W~rrsn4y Dned ~A~ U ~ Q ~ (~~ Huffman an+l Fel?on 8 Wu1F. Wal£nn, Ne. &8461 <br /> <br />', S.1tYOW l12L }9~EN BY TBFSE P~EBENTB, That PEAVEY COMPANY ` <br />~' <br />c <br />a corporation arganized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of MINNESOTA <br />ineonsiderationof ONE HUNDRED FOUR THOUSAND, AND NOJ100 ($104,000.00) DOLLARS <br />received from ~-rantee, does Brant, bargain, sell, coorey and confirm unto <br />i <br />WILLIAM A. BAKER and JUDITH J. BAKER, Husband and t•?ife <br />i <br />as joint tenants with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in commas, the fallowing described real property in ~ <br />Hall County, Nebraska <br />!~ <br />i <br />9 <br />3 - <br />LOT FIFTY-NINE (59) IN LE HEIGHTS FOURTH SUBDIVISION, IN HALL ~ L <br />COUN'T'Y, NEBRASIL4. <br />b;EBRASKA DOCUMENTARY. ~ ~ ~!' <br />STAMP TAX ~ r <br />~~ i <br />$ 6Y <br />To have and to hold the above described premises to;*ether with ail tenements, hereditaments and appur- <br />tenan~es thereto belonging unto the grantees and to their assigrs, or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of ~ <br />them farerer. ~ <br />And grantor for itelf and zts successors floes herebp- cacepant a tth ,he grantees and with their assigns and <br />with the. heirs and assigns of the sur~itrora£ them t}sat grazztor is iawfnlly seised of said prerises, that they are j <br />free tram encumbrance except easements and restrictions of record <br />i - ~ ROTARY pUBUC-tAaiiL:54TA ~ t6Lr: "t-/`'-Y-`~-~ ~"~ .... <br />1 4' ... . s. L--- <br />HfC1PlEf1N Ct313N1Y ~• ; : , __: ,,~.,: ~ •. . <br />Ids f'acsr.:sxicua r.~yires Juw13. iH86 <br />`. 'w`rv`+w'nnv+~~`+v'~rv~' notary Publtc, hennep-i_n County,.Minnesota <br />~ that graptar has gaol right and Latcful authorit.v to eon~r~' the 5azne; and that =raptor wxrsatlts and trill defend 1 <br />the title to said premises against the iatcftsl claims at s31 persons whamsoe;ver. ~ <br />1L is the intenti+a of zsll parties: hereto that IS the +~cent of the death of either of the ,~,rantees, the entire <br />fee simple tine to the real e_,tate shall vrst iu the survivor[; ~:antec. i <br />It witness w~hereoY', grazatar has hrreunto paused its corlx+rate real i~o be affixed and these ~pre,5ents signed j <br />I ]xr- its Yresidcpt. 1 <br />- i <br />,. _S t ~ <br />r Da;ed February 15, 19 S2. ~. s -' <br />i PEAVE COMPANY sz - ! ' <br />/ .:x <br />G orge K- Gosko `~..' <br />s s x~ i• <br />MINNESOTA ~ <br />~ STAPEOFCountyof ...dENNL-PIN....... <br />.,.. r <br />1 <br />The foregoing instrument was aclmowledged before me - on February 15 , r lg~ ~? <br />~ Oeor e K Gosko ?resident Peavey_Comp~ny...,..._ <br />~~ x :<, ,.: Q itt:ei f ~, ,, c o. ._.:._ <br />a ... , .. , Mnnesota• , , , rpo the carporation. <br />...... <br />........ co raison, on behalf of , <br />f nt~nnnntvwv/vw~vnnnnrmnntinE. <br />Atf1TA HpR768APi <br />7 sTAT~: aT~~....... _ .... <br />f ~wa. } <br />{.riuzxi:v ........ .... .................. <br />3 ~ , <br />i Eixttered cut etumerial index and filed far rccorFl in the itYgister c:f Deeds t7fficu of sairi Coupty the <br />t ....-._.__clagof._ ..-.. ., 19. .. -.,at........ <br />~ ..a'elo+oSc and.. _ _ ptiuutex _ ~., i <br />xaazl rz~eords~3 itr klzy+ak........ .. _ . ..... ....... _ ..n:r F.~tA=e... .. <br />_ ... _ .ta,cc of i)rvdc <br />its, ; z+•;nub- <br />