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~2- GGG66~ <br />DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />This deed, made this 29th day of June , 19 81 , <br />between John A. Wolf, Trustee; First Savings Company, Grand Island, <br />Nebraska, Beneficiary; and Duaine L. Nelson and Cheryl L. Nelsan. <br />__h'usband and Wife. ~ <br />Trustor(s) . <br />Whereas, Trustor(s), for valuable consideration and in order to <br />secure to Beneficiary the payment of said valuable consideration, did <br />execute a Trust deed, which was filed on 7-1-8i , <br />recorded in the office of the clerk of the county of Ha11 , <br />and identified as document number 81-C0344fl <br />convey to Trustee, his suecessors or assigns, a certain parcel of real <br />estate described in the said deed as follows, to-wit: <br />Part of Block One Hundred Fifty (150) in Union Pacific Railway <br />Company's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County <br />Nebraska, More Particularly described as follows: Beginning at a <br />Point on the Easterly Line of Said Block One Hundred Fifty (150) <br />Also being a Point on the Westerly Line of Mine Street, Said <br />Point Being Thirty Seven and Two Tenths (3i.2} Feet Southerly From <br />the Northeasterly Corner of Said Block; Thence Westerly Parallel <br />to the Northerly Line of Said Block, Also Being the Southerly <br />Line of Yund Street, A Distance of Ninety Eight and One Tenth <br />(98.1) Feet to the Southerly Line of Said Block; Thence Easterly <br />Along Said Southerly Line of the Block a Distance of One Hundred <br />Twelve and Seven Tenths (112.7) Feet to the Easterly Line of Said <br />Block; Thence Northerly Along Said Easterly Line of the Block <br />a Distance of Fifty Five and Three Tenths (55.3) Feet to the Place <br />of Beginning. <br />and the said sum of money has been fully paid to Beneficiary, and <br />Beneficiary has requested that the estate conveyed by the said deed <br />of trust to Trustee in the said property hexeinbefore mentioned and <br />described be now released to said Trustar(s). <br />Therefore, Che undersigned, Trustee, does hereby release, con- <br />vey and quit claim unto said Trustor(s) aI1 right, title, interest, <br />claim and demand whatsoever which he had acquired in and through <br />the above-described deed of trust, together with all appurtenances <br />and privileges thereunto belonging or appertaining. <br />;4vv'~ <br />JOHN A. WOLF, TRUSTEE <br />r <br />1r <br />M.. SUBSC~It1BED and sworn to before me this -_~ Y day of <br />c .1 .'~i~r;~rf,.~' , 19 yam, <br />~ _ ---~ <br />•~ <br />F---~------~---- ---~;_r~ ~; <br />SFKFRgf k$}tnpr- Sinn M tlebrnabe `~ ~ ~~ '7 ~~ ~~ ~'~ <br />atr~n~ x nr.aNas~For -- Notary blic <br />. i" i~anr Exp. A„~. 1`~. <br />