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82_. vuosb$ <br />DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />This deed, made this 29th day of June , 1981 , <br />between John A. Wolf, Trustee; First Savings Company, Grand Island, <br />blebraska, Beneficiary; and Duaine L. Nelson and Cheryl N icon <br />Husband and Wife '~' <br />Trustor(s) . '' <br />Whereas, Trustor(s), for valuable consideration and in order to <br />secure to Beneficiary the payment of said valuable consideration, did <br />execute a Trust deed, which was filed on 7-1-81 ~ <br />recorded in the office of the clerk of the county of Ha <br />and identified as document number 81-003439 ~ <br />convey to Trustee, his successors or assigns, a certain parcel of real <br />estate described in the said deed as follows, to-wit: <br />The Northerly Sixty Four Feet (54') of Lot Four <br />(4), Block Twenty-Seven (27), Original Town, <br />Now City of Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska. <br />and the said sum of money has been fully paid to Beneficiary, and <br />Beneficiary has requested that the estate conveyed by the said deed <br />of tryst to Trustee in the said property hereinbefore mentioned and <br />described be now released to said Trustor{s). <br />Therefore, the undersigned, Trustee, does hereby release, con- <br />vey and quit claim unto said Trustor(s) ail right, title, interest, <br />claim and. demand whatsoever which he had acquired in and through <br />the above-described deed of trust, together with all appurtenances <br />and privileges thereunto belonging or appertaining. <br />,,' <br />~~ 9 <br />_..__--- <br />t_ <br />n f <br />JOHN A. WOLF, TP.USTEE <br />~ 7~~'• <br />_„ SUBB;QRIBED and sworn to before me this ,~,1 _ day of <br />--- a ~~~.~w L ,~ ,, ; <br />~~;.. ~yvavEaa~b~t aaK MAHFSTEOT ~_.~ Notar Public. , <br />~=% t•._ <br />