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` ^ S3-ttEl~lB. E3TA?E MOIi'MRt'?E--iW:~s "F'ex ~Iesas~l ^r~ r,t=,,,a• ,nr.z s, v-,z- ia~~s~, z a ^>~~,.:.~et.r <br />Gi~ ~'°~ Cf lJ ~ cj <br />IfNO(i~' t1L.L AfEN 13Y THESE FrKES1:R'TS'~ That GEORGE STEFHEN BEYERSDORF, <br />A Sa.ngle Man, <br />of Hall Conen#y, and State of Nebraska in corzsideratan of tl:e ,sum ofN <br />Thirty-Eight Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($38,600.00)---------- DOL.L~17iS;t <br />in hand paid, do herefiy SELL..and CO11'/EY strata KATHERINE E. BEYERSDORF <br />of Hajj Countyl, State of Nebraska the fot[vetMng described premises sitztatedf <br />in Hall County, and Str_te of Nebraska , ra-zLtit~ j <br />1 <br />1 ' <br />I <br />Lot Seventeen (17), in Buhrntan Subdivision, ~' <br />An Addition to the City of Gran'? Island, j <br />Hall County, Nebraska, <br />subject to a prior Mortgage in favor of <br />Commercial Federal Savings and Loan <br />Association as recorded as Document <br />#80-003802 and 80-003850 I <br /> <br />_.~ <br />The intention being to rnnz^ey 3rereby an absolute title in fee s%anple, including cdl the r%g)ats of hamestzad and flower. <br />TO H~f/E AND TO HOLD tke prernires above descr%bed, e¢nth alt the al>purtenanres theraunta belonging, <br />unto tdzc said anertgagee(sj and to lzis, her or then*r izeirs and assigns forever, prv<zdetl als~mvs, and these ,t-resents ma <br />upon the cypress condition that if the said nsartgugar!s), his her er their heirs, czm€utors, admirzistratars or assigns <br />shall page ar raztre to bs paid to the said rnortgagee(sj, hts, her ar their heirs, ezecutars, admin%strators ar assigns, the <br />principal Burn of ~ 38, 600.00 payable as follows, to ¢trit: on demand <br />!` <br />1 <br />with %merest according io th¢ tenor and effect cf the mortgagors written promissory rote bearing even date zoiih then: <br />'~ z prey=rats and shalt pay all fazes and assessments Levied upon said rcud estate, and alt ct}zee lazes, levies art nssessrncr s <br />~ levied upon this mortgage or the note -~.hich this mortgage is given iv secure, before the same becomes delinquent, and ~ <br />a bee ~ ?izo bnitdin s an said remises insured or the sure a <br />L g p f f w~ 3asg, if any, payable to the said <br />rn(giigec~"ff(1~177~c "~'~risg s'TS tb ,bo void, otFaer2vise to be and rerstcrin in full forte. <br />1 IT 'S ~^1.'K7`/3~IZ ~1uREE~? {x) That if the said mortgagor shall fail #a pay such tares or procure sue! in- <br />si~.trz~q pile sazd rtwrtyaarlae may-pay such tuxes and procure sulk insuraazce, and the szana so advanced, with inh'rast I <br />a? ~~~ per _ .~>>t :^c~ repaid S,^ said anortgagar, and this rzroartgt%7e shtr'1 stand as secztrity for the saazaa. <br />j {2j That a ~ +ifu tc pay any of said. money^, either pr%nripat or interest, the sant€ berazxes due, ur a ,failure to <br />roanply with any of cl:e foregoing agreements, shalt cause the whole sure of artertey hereirs secured to beteraze due and i <br />collectible at Dance at line optdon of the mortgagee. <br />4 Signed th%s ~ ~..-- day of ~-.Er'~.<., t_ t 3 <br />,+ <br />In presence of .TY.rat-_,~:lL.~:rll.t.z d=:t:€_ t1:s~tt-L <br />~ i7 ___..-- ........ <br />