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r <br />M~xTG~!i~E $~....~1 U Q ~ f <br />"fFiis Mortgage is entered into between Edward L. Sar;da and Clara R. Janda., <br />__ '~usba?td and lsrife T (herein "INbttgagot") and <br />-_r^^TnE PDIDITS BAi3iC fherein,"Mortgagee„) <br />Mortgagor is: indebted to Mortgagee in ttie principal sum of $ R S ~ pnp _ pp , evidehced by.Mortgagor's note <br />sated ~ 1 82^_ (herein. "NOtQ") providing for payments-af-principal and interest, with the,batanee gf the <br />indebtedness, if notsoonerpald,dueandpayableon_ 8/18/82. , <br />Tosecure the;payment of the Note, with interest as provided therein; the payment of all othersums, with interest, <br />advanced by Mortgagee-to ,pmtecL the security. of {his Mortgage, and the performance of the. covenants and'agreements of <br />the MMortgagor contained `herein; Mortgagor does hereby mortgage: and convey to Mortgagee the following described. <br />property nested in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />Lots 2, 2, 9, and 10, all in Block 9, in Packer'and Barr's <br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall Counts, idebraska <br />Together v¢ith ell buildings, improvements, fixtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements, rights, privileges-.and <br />appurtenances located'thereoa Orrin anywise pertaining thereto,. and the rents. issues and. profits.reversions,and remainders <br />thereof; including, bu{ not limited to, heating, and cooling equipment. and such personal. property .that is attached to'the <br />improvementsso as to;constitute a fixture; ail of which, including replacements and additions thereto, is hereby: declared <br />to be a park: of the real estate secured by the. lien of this Mortgage and atl of the. foregoing being referred to'herein as the <br />`•~oPe~Y,,. <br />Mortgagor further convenants and'agrees, with Mortgagee, as follows: <br />1: Payment. To pay the indebtedness and the interest theceon,as provided in LhisMortgage andthe Note.. <br />2; Title. Mortgagor is the rowner of the i'roperty; has the right and authority to mortgage the Property, and... <br />evaaants that-the lien. created hereby is a first and prior lienpn the Property, except as may otherwise be set: forth herein. <br />^ The Property issubject to a Mortgage wherein _.__ _ _.. <br />is the Mortgagee, recorried at Book _ ,Page _.___.. ____. of the Mortgage Records of . -County, <br />Nebraska, wiyich Mortgage is a lien: prior to the lien created hereby. <br />^ Qtiter;pribrliensbrencumbrancesc____---___,---------.----~_------------.~_ <br />3. Taxes, .4ssesements. 'I'o pay when due att taxes. speciat assessments and all other charges against the Property <br />and,.upon writren demand be^Morrgsgee, to add to the payments .requited under the Note secured'-hereby, such amount az <br />may be sufficient to enable the Mortgagee to pad sorb taxes, assessments or other charges as they ;become due, <br />4--Insurance. Tokeep the improve~nenis now ~r Viereafter Ioca{ed on. the-rest estate desexibedherem insured - <br />against drmage by fire and such other hazards as .Nortgagco may require, inamountiand with companies acceptable to the. <br />Mortgagee, and with loss payable to the 45ongagee. ?n caceoi lose under such policies the }lortgagee is authorised to:. <br />adjust, cuUecL and compromise, in its. discre[Sou, all claims thereunder,at ifs sale option, aath fluxed toei the[appJy~the <br />proceeds to the rcSLoration o£ the Property rr upon the indebtedness secured hereby,but payments hereundershallrcon- <br />time until the sums securedi:erebti' are paid in fu!f. <br />v. u ~ eatvw ~T i ales uid iiuuiaLa.e, ::ui.'r iih,~aii'v ~u- "`t.,rngd'n ~ _ _ ^d ~, ;+~.~f to fhw <br />~ a. -u.~.~~ w,. acngaaya;-~ ~ a., <br />.contrary, Mortgagor ehal[ pay to the'tiortgagee at the lime of paying the month)y instailments4f principal and interest, <br />one-twelfth of ttee yeazly taxers, assessments, hazard insurance premiums, and ground..rents (tf atryj whit:tt~n;ay attain. a <br />priority over this Mortgage, aH x-s maconably estimated from ume to time by the ~iartgagee. The amounts so paidshall be <br />held by the Mortgagee with cwt interest and app:ied to the payment of the items in, respect G4 which such apnounfs WCre . <br />-deposited: 'I~e sams paid to Mortgagee hereunder arr. pledged es additional security for the indebtednesssecurnd byYhis_ <br />Mortgage. hkrrtgagor shall pa}' to Mortzagee the amount of any deficiency between the actual taxes, assessments, insurarce <br />premiums. and ground rents and fire dctx,sits hereunder within 10 days .after demand is made upon Mortgagoe requesting <br />e`T+Ytacnt. ihereof. <br />6. Bepau~, laintenance xnd line, ;b pro;npti} r,pair, reswrr oz rehuitd, ar~}° bufidin~gs ar [mprovementsnow or <br />fi~rex£tcr as the "rnpr--.rty; to keep the °roperty tr: rood cc~nditior. and repair, without waste, andfree Pmrn mechanic's or <br />afherliens ne7t ctprna~,l; <utxordlnaud Sc. She Geri her.~o€:. nut to wake. ,uCfea or pernzittury riuia;tnce to exist, oar to dimir!- <br />iah sir Errzpair ire vatur r.C th_ E'topa~rty~ by soy act or om~s,iP;;to act. and: to comet}' with s1t requirements of law wrkh <br />respw-S ,a tb:_ Props:[~~. <br />