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<br />This Mortgage is entemd-into between _-_~~~_~^R{f)RIiY an~ NI~iG1' J. hl[JRRY, Husband <br />alid Wife - - --- --- <br />__ (herein "Mortgagor"} and <br />1g]E_dVE~2t.9ND; htATIOlitAL SA,h3If GF Gk?ANi) ISI,FSND____,- C'rrand Island, NE -v_(herein "Mortgagee"}. <br />Mortgagor is indebted to Mortgagee in the principal sum of ~ 6~ ~• ~ _ ,evidenced by Mor4gagor's ndte <br />dated F~~_lg- x-982 (herein "Note") providing for payments of principal and interest, with the balance of the <br />indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on`_~~~aty 19, 1992 , <br />T'osecure thepayment of the dote, with interest as provided therein, the payment of alt other sums, whit interest, <br />advatnced 6y Mortgagee to protect the security of this i4lortgage, and the performance of the covenants and. aereemenis of <br />the Mortgagor contained herein, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey in Mortgagee the follovving described <br />property located in Hall .--___ County, Nebraska. <br />See attached.. <br />Together with ail buildings, improvements, fixtures, streets, afleys, passageways, easements, eights, privileges and <br />appurtenances kocated therean or in anywise pPrtainkng themto, and the rents. issues and profifs, reversions and rnmaindets <br />thereof; including, out nut limited to, heating and cooling equipment and such personal property that is attachedto the <br />improvements so as to constitute a Fixture; alt of which, including replacements and additions themto, is hereby declared <br />to be a part of-the real estate secured by the lien of Mortgatx• and all of the foregoing being referred Gn herein as t$e <br /><.~party>, <br />Mortgagor further convenanus and agrees, wtth Mortgagee, as fallo[vs; <br />i.. Payment. To pay the indebtedness and the tnterrst thereon. as provided is this Mortgage and the Note. <br />2. Title. hiortgagoris the owner of the Property, ha, the right and authority to mortgage the Property, and <br />warrants that the lien created hereby is a first and prior lien on Lhv Property, except as may otherwise beset forth herein- <br />^ '['he Property is subject to a Mortgage w2terein __._._ __ _ _.__--._---_- <br />isthe Mortgagee, recorded at Book ----._-- .Page ut' rite i4lortgage Records of __ _--_---,_ County, <br />idebraska, which biorcgage is a lien prior to the lien created herekry. <br />''~Otherpriorliens.or.encumbrances.___..__. _._..__ .__.__.---___._____------ <br />3. Taxes, Assessments. To pay when due all taxes, special asseaemenus and all other charges against the Property <br />and, upon written demaird by Mortgagee, to add to the payments rc+quired under the dote secured hereby, such amount as <br /> sufficient to enablethe Mortgagee to pay such taxes, assessments or other charges as they become due. <br />- 9. insurance. To keep the improvements now or hereafter located on the real estate described herein insured <br />againstdatnage by ~tire and such other hazards as Mortgagr~c may n•quire, in amounts and faith companies acceptable to the <br />Mortgagee, and with loss .payable to the Mortgagee. In case of toes under such policies the Mortgagee is authorized to <br />adjust: collect and compromise, :nits discretion, all claims thereunder at its. sole opt'son, authorizedtoei[herapplythe <br />proczeds: Yo: the xestorauan of-the Property or upon the indebtedness secured hereby, but payments hereunder shall can- <br />time uhtil the sums,secured hereby are. paid in full. <br />5. ~ Fseaow For Taxes arad insurance- Notwithstanding. anything contained in paragraphs 3 and 4 hereof to the <br />contran, itivrtgagot shah pay to iiir viorigagee at toe time of paying the ;., rthty „-,stat.m<nt, of prt:ctpat and interest, <br />one-twelfth of the yearly taxes, assessnrenis, hazard insurance premiums, andcgrnund rents. (If any) which may attain a <br />priority aver this isiortgage, ail as reasonably estimatxdfrom tame to tune try. the'_.,origaget- Ttie amourts:;o.paid shall be <br />held by th.~ Mortgagee ca-itiiaut interest and applied to [he payment of the items in respect to which such amounts were <br />drpn+szed. ?'!te suxss paid, to Mortgagee hetvunder are g?edged tus additioaat security tar the indebtedness, secured by this <br />Aiortcagr- `,tortgagvr shah pay to Mortgagee the amount o£ any. deficiency between khe acttaal taxes, assessments, insurance <br />pre5nitcros anti graur,d'rentsand'the depccits,heremrder within i@ days after drxaand is made upon A3ortg'sgt:r requesting <br />i:ay.nent therms(.. <br />6. itepau, tf,rin Eenance-and Use. Toprampt9y repair, rer5tprr or rebuild any buildings or improvements now nr <br />ht.. t. att rr u^ Utr ?~`u,j.ert}, to kc •p Che Prapertg' in,goeri'4 rendition end repair, witbatx[ wavt ~, and free from •nechanic's or <br />r ::ins r.rt :•::pres~i K ;;xtcrdlytgatstii to titc Tian hereoTc natto make, stz?fer ttr permis an}• nuE>ance to atxis[. nor to dimin~ <br />st; ,>r =¢,nair r,- :a;sse of thv Property by env act er omi,4sian b7 act, anti ter enmplF w•3th aft n=quiremetrts of taw with <br />