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,.. <br />s <br />j Z03~/:--RELEISSS gF D[ORd'GAGS~-Cerpo:albe -. <br />.._..: _~.~_~__-__V_ ~__ ~ ____. ____..__. _ _____-~~LQ ~ E <br />_ _ _. __ _. <br />Mutfman grid ielten & Ysoit Walton. Poe &&451 <br />..____.._,._ _.._...--._._.._v,.-_-....~._-._.___..__,.-_.._~.._...-.,.-..._ <br />IN CONSIDERATION of the ¢ayment of the debt named tkerein, tke <br />OVERIAbID NATIONAL BANK OF GRL~I~ID ISLAI~ID kereby redeases the rreortgage made to <br />09F~ND NATIONAL BAt`1K OF G`7AND IsI,At`uisy HAPk~LD L. A1[]Iil?Y AND VANCY J. M[JRItY, <br />Husband atd LiTife <br />an the faddoxuing described rand estate, to-wit: <br />A tract of land, in Lot Five (6), Block Fourteen (14) of West Park Addition to the <br />City of GrandIsland, Ha11 County, Nebraska <br />of Section , in Townshi¢ .Range ~ ~7y~e j„{fy~ 1aq~ P. M-, Hall <br />Couwty, State. of Nebraska u~hieh is recorded %n 1KOII¢" " ~t ~ Xt+dt Estate Mortgages, ¢age <br />F of the records of sa%d Counry- <br />Iiti~ TE7'IbfO:VY WHEREOF, the sa%d Overland National Banff: of Grand Island has caused <br />these ¢reseats to be executed by %ts ¢residenr and %ts Cor¢orate Seal to be afj~ixed kereto this Nineteenth. <br />dayQE. Febivan; iq$2 <br />ddf%t~css: Overland National Bank of rand Island <br />. t "'---~ Execaztgve' <br />_. _ ___ ___ _- H .,I z 1 /'! .7.5.'2,-Prendent <br />-. .. _._.....--- . _.-_ :attest ~<...-a..-.~~-~t.`,,o~JF:£'~G-asisisr, Seeretarl <br />ST4TE C A7etu"s~ska...-......_....-_-.... <br />.._ On this-. <br />..19th .day of--- ---......_Feb...-.......---., 1952.. <br />`° 4 .Hall .-...-.-_-County ~ before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for <br />"-; t._: r <br />:~ 9 said Gonnty, penrsonslly came-..._R2y--G._-B.laS;k----. .. ....._---- -- -- ------EX~7.it7.~i~..Y~.~e-._.-, President of the <br />4 <br />~_ }'-:-_.-....~'t~7.aL1d..Y~~~taTaa7.--Bauk--o~_i"iz~nd.Island - ---- - -- - -- - ----- ----- --..._-......a Corporation <br />s f to aie petaonally known to 6e the President and identical person whose name is affixed to the above release and ; <br />acknowledged the eaaution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer, and the voluntary act and k <br />deed of said Corporation, and that its corporate seal was thereto affixed by its authority. <br />~,n.,t'j~~~ Gxq~gcl-Islandx - ..._.., in said County the day and year <br />Witness my . <br />last ai)ove written. VEGGY tAaRxEx 3~. <br />~ M camansston ea t ~l ~1~?i F a ^rve*c~ ^. -- ' - <br />y p•r~~~.-~.~59'~~S.=J ~--.(~.~'- -~---~~~~..~~---.:t-,?~-k:~.~dotaryPublic: <br />~` _ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />