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~2°"`I~UOGS <br />i~: <br />b1~ , met <br />S~ lo~s,~ Ni X3148 <br />Assgne~e~~ ®f tM~ort~a~e <br />L <br />GS# 287415 - i <br />For Vriue Re~:eived, Banco Mortgage Company, an Iowa corporation hereby sells, assigns <br />and transfers to CF?ICORP HOMEOWNER'S., INC. _ _~____ <br />670 Ptasan Center Ridge Drive _ ! _ <br />St. Louis Missouri 63141 <br />all its right, title and interest in and to a certain mortgage executed by Ralph C. P,orrnnan & Nancy <br />U •• ~0~ to Banco Mortgage Company, <br />and bearing date the 29th day of rebruary A. D. 19 81 ,and recorded in <br />the office of the Recorder of Hall County, State of Nebraska <br />in Book No -~ on Page `~ as Document No. 80-000918 <br />on the 29th day of R~r`~~' _ A. D. 19 81 <br />Signed the 30th day of_ November A. D. t9~_ <br />i" <br />SAAt,Cb MORTGAGES CO A ~ <br />By - ~ <br />w RogC'1" J. Hi e - Vicgiffresiden? <br />_/~ <br />STATE OF Minnesota <br />COUfVTY OF Iennepin _ ---^~ <br />On this 3.~h -day of NOV~ember A. D. 1~_, before me, the undersigned, a Notary <br />Publie in and for Hennepin County, personally appeared- Rooer J. Hiie ___._ <br />to me personalty known, who being duly sworn, did say that (hersired is the _]L1S~_Pre55dentof Bancn <br />fv(origage Company and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corparate seal of said <br />corporation and that said instrument was signed and sealed an behalf of said corporation by authority r~r <br />its Board of Directors, and the said RotFer J. Hiie e_acknowledged the execution <br />of said instrument to be the vaiuntary act and deed of said Banco Mortgage Company, by it voluntarily <br />done and executed. <br />+Nitness my hand and notarial seal the clay and year }Iasi/above/w'ritten. <br />igotarv Public ~r~!'for sal ~^unty, L+~ State <br />i! c <br />ILL: See attached form <br />D€$pfiRH 1 vC <br />~~~~." fJ07FnY al 5 i !..:!vM1 ~40 A <br />HENRlEF1N L.i?JN e Y <br />ti'Y ~ff* ~*+aaa.~ E,n,,,,rns Jar,. ,~, ig$7 ~. <br /> <br />