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P <br />$~°'vt~~65'7 <br />RELEASE OF ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND <br />AGREEMENT NAT TO SELL OR ENCUMBER REAL PROPERTY <br />This agreement, made and entered into this 19th day of February , 19$2._., by and <br />betweehOrval R. Baker "borrower", in that certain Assignment of Rent and Agreement Not to Selfor Encumber <br />Real Propei4y dated June 13 , t9_Z~, party of the first part,. and American Charter Federal Savings <br />and Loan Association, "tender", in said agreement party of the second part. <br />WiTNESSETH: For and in consideration of the payment of the lean described in the said agreement by the party of the <br />firs4 part to the party of the second part, the receipt of which is acknowledged by the party of the second part that certain <br />assignment and agreement between the parties, dated Tune 13 tg 78 ,which is recorded'in Book <br />page , or Instrument No. ?8-003872 and covering the following described real estate situated in <br />Ha31 County, Nebraska, to-wit: <br />Lot fIS, Block ;~10, Packer & Barr's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska <br />be and the same hereby is terminated, satisfied and released, and the party of the second part has and bythese presence does <br />release to the party of the first part said assignment of rents and agreement not to salt or encumber rea! property and doss <br />release and relieve the parties of the first part from further duties and obligations under said assignment and agreement of <br />any of the terms thereof, <br />tt is understood and agreed that as of the 19th day of _ February , t9 82 ,said assignment of <br />rents and agreement not to sell ar encumber real property is terminated for all purposes. <br />1N WITNESS WHEREOF, lender has hereunder caused its corporate seal to be affixed in these. presence signed by its <br />_-V~r•a President. <br />Dated February 19_~_~, 19~_ <br />American Charter Federal Savings" an Associatio <br />p ~ .~• L/ <br />ey: _--.~c_:~1-F <br />~ ~~. <br />~. ~~~~~ <br />Attest: _- ~ <br />State of"Nebraslta <br />_ ~ss: <br />County of Gage. 3 <br />Beforeme a Notary Publ+c, qualified for said County, personally came W• 0. )3eif ler, Vice , <br />President of American Charter Federal Savings and Loan Association, a corporation, known to me to be the Vice <br />presidentand ideMicaf person who signed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his volun- <br />tary act:and deed as such-officerand the voluntary act and deed of said Corporation, and that its corporate seal is thereto af- <br />fixed by its authority. <br />WITNESS MY HAND AND NOTARIAL SEAL ON February 14 , 19_$2_. <br />~~ <br />~1 s '~ <br />fiBlf~,,... ~~_ <br />9pYR l mot:, <br />NittYaim.fi0. :2,!385 ~ Note P Iic ~ <br />1~, <br />WFy Commission Ex fires:- `~ <br />_ ;r ,a <br />L^ <br />ra.rri rs ~s <br />