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$,~~ <br />CORPORATION SPECIt'~L WARRANTY DEED <br />The Grantor, TURNER GRAIN CO., INC., a corporation organized <br />and existing under and by virtue of the laws or. the State of <br />Nebraska, in consideration of the cancellation and surrender of <br />a.ll existing stock owned by the Shareholders of Turner Grain Ca., <br />Inc., pursuant to the plan of liquidation adopted by the corpo- <br />ration, the aet of which is hereby acknowledged, does grant, <br />bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto TURNER GRAIN COASPANY, LTD., <br />a. Nebraska limited partnership, herein called the Grantee, subject <br />to liens and encumbrances of record, the following-described real <br />property in hail County, Nebraska: <br />The East Half (E'~) of Section Fourteen {14), <br />Township Twelve (12) North, Range Twelve (12} <br />West of the 6th P.A4., that lies South of the <br />Center of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy <br />Railroad Company's Right-of-way; excepting <br />those parts conveyed to the State of Nebraska <br />by Warranty Deed recorded in Book 77, at Page <br />642, in the Office of the Register of Deeds, <br />Hall County, Nebraska, and excepting a tract <br />of land more particularly described as <br />follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the East line of said <br />Section Fourteen {14), said point being <br />Thirty-Three {33.0) feet North of the <br />Southeast corner of said Section Fourteen <br />(14}, also being a point on the Northerly <br />Right-of-way line of Highway No. 2; thence <br />Westerly parallel to the South line of said <br />Section Fourteen {149 and along said Highway <br />Right-of-way line a distance of Five Hundred <br />Seventy-Five and One-Tenth (575.1) Feet; <br />thence deflecting right 90° 42' 30" and <br />running Northerly along said Right-of-way <br />line a distance of Ten and Four Tenths {10.4) <br />Feet tc a point 43.4 rr^eet North of the South <br />line of said Section Fourteen (14); thence <br />deflecting left 90° 00' and running 6esterly <br />along said Right-of-way line a distance of <br />Three Hundred Thirty-Five and Five Tenths <br />(335.5} Feet to a point 47.8 Feet North of <br />the South line of said Section Fourteen (14); <br />thence deflecting left 36° 41' and runr_ing <br />Southwesterly along said Right-of-way line, a <br />distance of Twenty-Five (25.0) Feet to a <br />point 33.1 Feet North of the South line of <br />said Section Fourteen (14); thence deflecting <br />right 36° 46' and running Westerly along said <br />Right-of-way line a distance of Two Hundred <br />Sixty-Five and Sixty-Four Hundredths (265.64) <br />Feet, to a point 36.59 Feet North of the <br />South line of said Section Fourteen {14); <br />thence deflecting right 89° O1' and running <br />Northerly, a distance of T'rrree Hundred <br />Ninety-Five and One Hundredth {395.01) Feet; <br />thence deflecting right 94° 00' 30" and <br />running Southeasterly a distance of Two <br />Hundred Eighty-Eig'rt and Eighty-Five <br />Hundredths (288.85) Feet; thence deflecting <br />left 56° 26' and running Northeasterly, a <br />distance of Two Hundred Thirty-One and <br />Eighty-One Hundredths {231.81) Feet; thence <br />deflecting right 20° 53` 40" and running <br />Northeasterly, a distance of Two Hundred <br />Ninety Eight and Sixty-Three Hundredths <br />(298.63) Feet; thence deflecting lent 38° 36` <br />and running Northeasterly, a distance of <br />Ninety Two and Three Hundredths (92.03) Feet; <br />thenc:~: deflecting .le=t 19° 11' ?©" and <br />_1_ <br />