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r <br />G <br />$32-°~u t~ 0 ~ 4 <br />CORPORATION SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED <br />TPze Grantor, TURNER GRAIN CO., INC., a corporation organized <br />and existing under and by virtue of the Laws of the State of <br />lebraska, in consideration of the cancellation and surrender of <br />all existing stock owned by the Shareholders of Turner Grain Co., <br />Ine., pursuant to the plat. of liquidation adopted br the corpo- <br />ration, the act of which is hereby acknowledged, does grant, <br />laargain, sell, convey and confirm unto TURNER GRAIN COMPANY, <br />:LTD., a Nebraska limited partnership, herein called the Grantee, <br />subject to liens and encumbrances of record, the foilowing- <br />described real property in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />That part of the Northwest Quarter {NW33) of <br />Section Nineteen {19), Township Twelve (12) <br />North, Range Eleven (11) West of the bth P.Di. <br />in Fall County, Nebraska, which lies north of <br />the right-of-way and depot grounds of the <br />Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company, <br />excepting those parts thereof conveyed to the <br />Village of Cairo, Ha11 County, Nebraska, by <br />warranty deeds recorded in Book 71 at Pages <br />342 and 518 respectively, and by quit claim <br />deed recorded in Book 115 at Page 145, and <br />excepting that part thereof conveyed to Sue <br />P4add°^ by warrar.t;~ deed recorded in Book 75 <br />at Page 291, and excepting that part conveyed <br />to the State of Nebraska by warranty deed <br />recorded in Book 82 at Page 59B of the deed <br />records of Hall County, Nebraska, and less <br />approximately 6.498 acres, more or less, <br />deeded to the Cairo Athletic Association, all <br />in Ha12 County, Nebraska, and excepting that <br />part conveyed to Hall County by warranty deed <br />recorded in Book 159 at Fage 584 of the deed <br />records of Hall County, Nebraska; being a <br />total of i~.58 acres, more ar less. <br />TU HAVE AND TO HULD the above-described premises together <br />with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto <br />belonging unto the Grantee and to Grantee's 'reirs and assigns <br />forever. <br />And the Grazitor, for itself and its successors anci assigns, <br />does hereby covenant with the Grantee and with Grantee's heirs <br />and assigns that Grantor is lawfully seized of said premisesp <br />that Grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the <br />same; and that Grantor warrants and will defend the titlety said <br />premises against the lawful claims of all persans whomsoever. <br />IN WITNESS WkEREUF, Grantor has hereunto caused these <br />presents to be signed by its President. <br />Dated this ir'~~ day of February, 1982. <br />NEBRASKA DOCUSvIENTARY <br />STAN'PTAX TURP3ER GRAIN CO. , INC. <br />r ,~ <br />~ / BY ,,i'_+ d ~ it ~l ~.1 ... '7 <br />-$~~Z~IBY .,T,qT£~~~~ iiarrv I. Turner, si ent <br />STATE OF N BRASKA ) ~7T'~Cry~.~ <br />L ) ss: <br />couNTY~ L7F ~r1LL ) <br />Before me, a Notary Fublic qualified in said County, per- <br />sonally cart>e .harry I. Turner, President of Turner Grain Co., <br />Inc. , a corporative, knawn to one to be the President azid ic-i.;.nr_ic:al <br />