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221-A--M~CMANtC'S i.ii=td ~"'~"` 1-.~~JV~`t i, <br />Lien thted by: ... - ... <br />--------}•-• -6LZUi°....~,.d.&f-t..?`rr,~G". ~f.~J1?v.i.i°.-1.~,.,_~9•:P-..---. Against: - <br />Addrssr ~Y~~--rh/.-- ~Pl~k...l'::fi~~' ~~'-. .--...-... ................. <br />ra ~,n ~.a s in Jr~st ~ i F . L.f~d-Y,3 <br />NuFiman and Felton & Wnff, lti2itoa, Ne E846? <br />Dr, Cr. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />----- ------- <br />t, ;. ~ <br /> <br />f <br />---- <br />- <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />-- --- <br />--------------- ------a <br /> <br />1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />--------------------------------------------- <br /> <br />--------------- <br /> <br /> <br />------- ------- <br />------1 <br /> <br /> <br />---- <br />-- <br />~ ~_ <br />~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------~!- ---------- - <br />- - <br />-------------------- <br />------------------~ <br />,-------------- <br />------ <br /> <br />------ <br />---------- <br /> <br />~---------- <br />r--------- <br />- <br />---------- ---- <br />a <br />, <br />--- -- i <br />------ <br />----------- <br />~------------------ ------------------------- ------------------- <br />-------------- E------ l--------- ~ --------- <br /> <br />i <br /> <br />t I <br />i ---------- - <br />-------------- ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ---- - -•------ ------- <br /> <br />--------------- ~! <br />-- - <br />- °' ;~ <br />------------- <br />-- - <br />I <br />~ <br /> <br />~ <br />_______________ ~ <br />~ <br />~~ <br />_ <br />i _____-_- ___ _ <br />--------------------------------------------------------I <br />___,~ <br />_________ <br />~ _____ F._________ ,_ <br />_______________ ______~ ___________________-_________-________-____-_ <br />i______________-_____ ~______ .____-._____ <br /> ______________ <br />,~____________- I <br />State ot....-._.~C~t.1~t1'Ls.~..... <br />ss. <br />------------- -- ---- -~1T-1'-- ~auxty <br />A~ti' •-----_...~el_4.~s?:LS.iy .~-°---~:1.4~-~-'tr~'s'. -'-"'l~tyS:u>~'t1~~.k:~..__!it'..4..:~f~~Ccf1.1?,.tL~~YtC.[!f~'~~_~.-, beixg ftrst <br />duty surorn, ox kis oath says that the foregoixg dtemired account of work. 1¢bor, skiil ...........................__-_.....-.__--___.._----._-- <br />materials, axd im7p`rovemexts u true axd correct that same ~t'rre Mane and performed ¢nd furnished by the uxdersigned <br />for the said-..._ L&etL.ya2.~r .~r.Y? fi't`.--....... ~{ S ..~.~,.,>.:.t<:uc.3'r<F4_.. - ..___. . <br />under a= ...-._ ~. -. ~ t ~n~ , . roxtratt r ._ _. _. - -- --- <br />-, -- <br />forthe' .:~l~lf.~~~.ff..:2+' -.LS::k!~t(:lx L:Lcl ,..~~_- _.xf~-a l~,t•f..~e.c.}t~~'£r;" cd~e'z.s.f~ck*,~..17~:tt.K~eb~- <br />.trll..~hf-tl-~' t-ZS.~?r.~).. K~'~~..~..k~~~ft~>a. .... -.. - - - ---------- <br />~.. ;~~ _. <br />on thr. following lot, piece or parcel of land, zz... -......jL.r ~'..C:f.- /t!5?-y.::~}4L.-kSf .~kK+lr.e..~~!. ..K'~..-.~t^.~-~~i_~~-..---- <br />-_.rzt<~:.ts:.-.....o_-{ -~a-fz-t4~zuts:~ ..c~i.utit ~~F....__?-lry..-.1.f.- `~ __. 1~?,,>.:. Tr~<3~~. ....__..Y~rz~,~~..~us.......-, <br />---'---...-G-.-...:-..-._ . .. .- .la..-4.'Ll.-... ..-f _.~.:_!.. .- ..e~..`.-a.t~G4.'~^~.tlkd.ll.:a<~..Ylfd~ -.. _ _t.l.-.-....CLir.• :...... ....... .........°-°-°--° <br />.;l <br />That at the time said contract uas made and labor axd materials furnished end delivered thereuxder_.....-___-._.__..._.. <br />-.--..._ a - - was the owner of said premises <br />i <br />,~j.....~~~-~1~1 L ~~~sf iG;.o.S ~~?~.- ~ klt~i i ~nr ~ tr„r~ t~ <br />-----_..~./ 12w >YY~ft~-tom `~j~~e«.~+ a<ca>-~_ ~ ~~a~ c rtt~~~ :~L+c Eiiihetlt, .i.c~:S:_-------- ----- <br />.~:k~r2r..~e).i: f~ ..ems. ff-4C .G~.~'~~t:. ~-_. J~~.?-.:. R.e~t ,~ - -. <br />That t data of the fFrst,item furnished and delivered xwas.- .. ._ .... ..... ..... ....-_...---...-.......---.. axd the <br />date of the tart item avas.__....LL~'-~-.=";.L`'-:'-_;~~~+'--~--- -_._._....._.._--......_...___..._....._....-°-.......--------°-°------ <br />Ajjtant further states that said labor was performed ox, and materials were furnished for, delivered at, and tusd ix <br />said buildi/rg or oremises ox and betweex ehe dates specifred. <br />Thta~-t' the fifes chgrged therefor are Farr and reasoxable, and ttutt there is nose due on said account the sum of <br /> Y1~r?.[E'i,:~ ~~!. ~~S.Lr L~~;~;f~€3.L'S-. `!' 121Jt1'TL,~rsi C:k-L~-~-~-. ... ._-Dollars, that sails <br />--•• ..............................°----.... -°-----.-• alien ox ahe said premises for the full amount of <br />.-- <br />said account, to~trrit: The sum of ,$ --.. ?a3~.:.-~r-Z-...... together urith sntersst thereon ¢t the legal rate, <br />from the.--._._,~.~-----._day of-..__.j",e.~~.xL...v' -.-_____.. ...-, t4--~--_^~.'; and further affront says xat. <br />~' f"3 r <br />Q~iW rgTJJ1 -sure ~i iUDys4 .._ ......... .........._.. __-._. -. .. .- .. _ - '.. ~ ...... -.-.. <br />t!ltNASTEUT Subscribed in my presenfe and sworn to before me thu-..L..:~~.._ r ..-.__-._..._ .............. <br />rr~;rm-;P:. ~~ F <br />--- 1.~;:~:~~: - tq <br />day of - - - -•--._. .,;~ <br />-- --, <br />,T <br />/ _ , <br />x::°,..Cr ~. ~C4:C... /~i -'-'--k.full :?l~'.trs~f-... .. <br />tSee reverse sale for ixrstrurteons) Notary °ublic. <br />STATE. QE---.._---__..._._ _ .............. <br />GxiattY ._....._ .....:........_.__-._._._.... <br />..-...__ .._-._...eiay mot... ................._. <br />acid r~cnxdexl i». $ook..._,.__...-.._-. <br />F~,'ntereti on icerrnericr>1 index and &trd tnr record <br />~- in the Fie~ister of f7eed~ C;7flics: of snid C:oruity ihs <br />19 .._.._.-, at. ..-_._ ..-,.._.. _o'ctock and._ _.._ rivnaten ... __SS., <br /> <br />- fte~. of Lk~.~3a <br />By.... I}rputy <br />