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No~. 1Q1, May 72 <br />E'RCJFvT: DFF-281-2(104) <br />gfpfTCf_AfMDEED-STATE ~MB°~ ~1~1~}~~~ <br />A ~'F.: T R.~i d: T: 14 <br />KNOW ALl MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />Tf1AT.°-°------•David_0.-•Cao_lfdge-.-„_.-.__.,.._-...-.....__ ................................1?lREC1'OR-STATE ENGt.NF.ER <br />in fke name v( the Statr of ,Ye$raska and ror the Department of Ronds of said State of Nebraska, under the <br />.provisions of Section ,?4-13<'fi R. R.~. o? Nebraska, 1943 and (or and in consideratiorz of the sum of--""~' <br />~ 1.00--.r e_rr..._:..._wi <br />---One ,Do3.lar_and•_noj100--and-. other,_vaZuable--consideration----- $-,_----) Q <br />~s__:.__-__.__~-------------------------------- -- ------- Doc,: Rs <br />in leand maid, does hereb.- grant, bar,Gada., sell, convey, remise, release aad forever quitclaim unto-.__ .................._-_. <br />..-- - -----Third...City-. Chr3 tiatt-.Church- ----° -°--...._........._--••--- -- -------°---°-- <br />hereinaf6er knoum as the Grantee, whether one or more, the following described real property situated <br />In _ Hall Count.• and .>'tute of a'ebraska aad subject to any anal all existiagrestrictions and~oreasements: <br />A tract of land located in Lots 8 and 9, Block 1, Dickey Third Addition to <br />the City of Grand Island, Hail County, Nebraska, described as follows: <br />Beginning ai the Southwest Corner of said Lot 8; thence northerly a distance <br />of 74..00 feet along tike West Line of said Lots 8 and 9; thence northeasterly <br />deflecting 045 degrees, 20 minutes right, a distance of 126.53 feet; thence easterly <br />deflecting 045 degrees, 20 minutes right, a distance of 110.04 feet along the North <br />Line of said Lot 9; thence southerly deflecting 089 degrees, 20 minutes right, a <br />distance of 164.00 feet along the East Line of said Lots 8 and 9; thence westerly <br />deflecting 040 degrees, 40 minutes right, a distance of 200.00 feet along the <br />South Line of said Lot 4 to the point of beginning r_oRLaininffi 28,;48.02 stiuare <br />feet, more or less. <br /> <br />~~~ STAMP TAM7(ENTARY. <br />$ $Y <br />s <br />I <br />~~~ f <br />~p K1iiKK:~:,~ I <br />xawa ai-. ~*: <br />z <br />To hays aced to bald said real Proprrtr, hereby knuu:n to includr. rc-ai estate togeth r ut ~'~l~ tc~raetrtents <br />haredifa-arenta and apiiartenances flaer~unty be[ongin*, unto said Grnatee and to krsr her rr'~'ietr'h.eit,. ~uce~csass, <br />andas.s4gns f.7{G^vef, . <br />3 <br />E <br />Italy e:reruted thas...`~ .-...-day oj- _ .. - 14..~c~., 5;; ~I. <br />~ _''t 1 r <br />s ~ ~„~,~-^~`~ - <br />>' <br />~ : tr• ~ : ~_ v; <br />"-` _ ~ _ '. <br />: _ - .._ _ <br />__. _ . _ _ ,~,r~ <br />{,~YPNh, nr vi fhs SCm re v( N7 Maetaa r„r . ~. _ ~. <br />I <br />r <br />