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8~° (~OQ~35 <br />RE.:•1L ES'['A't'F. 41tsRTt.At:E -- Nehraskat i;tzrband and Wife <br />KNE)46' ALL iv1EiN I3Y THF.'tiE F'RF:SFNTS: 't'hat wwell J. _Tuma &c G~end~, _G:_T_uma._.____ ,hereinafter <br />~' eafle€t mortgagor, of --.---__-. -__..-:ia].I-- -__ County and State of Nehcaska, to aansideration <br />of the aum aft"lira..T2tctnsanci.Sgsar~r{vndr*~d "I*nat~ 2tTiEt3lat.AltS ir, hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain. <br />' ~.4mmint Mi n;3nrcN3i <br />sell, and Canvey unto Dial Finance ('ompanv nfi' .. ----__.` _ 9~11~_ a^Tebras3ca hereinafter called mortgagee, <br />c?t _.__.____i1a1.3_ _._ _._ ___._- County. ~tata• of Nebraska the fi>iiowing described read esta[r situated <br />in _..__~_Ra1.i._-.-.___ _.-V_ County, and State of Nebraska, to-roro~it: <br />I.ctt riS'ty Sevea (j7}~ In Ylest Heights Addition to the City of Grand Is2and* <br />llal.l County, ~tebraska <br />together with all the tenements, hercjdiisment, rind appuneaances to the same helanging, and all the estate, title, <br />dower, right ofhomestead. claims and demands :a•haC oc ro°er „f t he;aid \tortt;at;or, u1 or to said premises or arty part <br />thererif: nnd'4lorfgagor does herehv covenant thaat ;aid :~lorzt;agar t: lawfully seirxd of said premises; that said <br />promises are free tram ail liens and encumbrances rzrept ms otherwise noted heeein, and that YSortgagor will <br />wanTant and defend the title to ;aid zarerntsss against the cfamts and demands of all persons whomsoever. <br />'£O H:11rF. AND TO HOLD unto the ;aid mortgagee, practded ahvacs. and these presents are open the express <br />cYtltditian that if the said mortgages shalt pay in full u, said mortgagee a promt~sory note dated *P:f+~rtsar'~-9C~- <br />i9 __~.^~_. far ~ -~~u:x`151,_. payable to ~nstalmenr; according va the terms thereof, the final instalment of <br />which is due on - ~ai9,~r,nrv__~,,_- ___ 19 L'~Ci- _ rro},:ch tnrludes mteresi at the rate of 2!~ per month on <br />that. part of the: unpad principal balance not m rsce.~s of 3LtHH). 1' ~' % per month or: that part ofthe principal balance <br />m eexeess of at,e)tH7 axnd Wert in = ~:a`E~" of a;~ jltl{l. and ? ~ `; ;x•r mont.h on am remainder o#" such unpaid principal <br />f~tlancct. ~Ynd ,~ha11 naro .±l taxc`w rnd a_;se.. rten;-; levied upean said real rstate, kx~t'oee the same hecames delinquent, <br />then these prca~tnts to txy void. uthetwcse t~ hct and samatn m foil farcrr. <br />TP is FL'-R"I'HER AGREED that a latiu:~ is pa3 any of ~xttd money, ett.her principal or interest. when the same <br />hecoane due, or a fatlurc zo cornpi v tiro ith anc rd'thr tixc ~omg ac>reement~ steal l cause t he whrl>le sum of money herein <br />setvrc~J zv become due and raileeathie ::-nt once at the "piton r,f the man~gagee <br />iVET`I1CE'I'(? CE)NSUMER: 1. Ian nut vign this paper Itefare you rend it. 2. Yau are entitled to a copy of <br />thi~~ paper. :i. l'ou may prepay the tanpaid balance at ,.tiny tune without penalty and may Ire entitled to <br />ra-ceime a refund r3f unearned rhargrs in al~cordancr with law. <br />Sakna~i this _ _ 1Fi_. fi;,t}~ r,l _...eYsr.`SS$r¢_ _ ~lD. t})_~_ <br /> <br />t=Csl?'; t?F' Nebraska ./~.../ <br /> <br />_.- <br />~~G~-f;.x'-_,r'.~G?~~'*_~_- <br /> <br /> <br />C3a tlti~ _ _.__1Fi _ _ iliac of -:,' !4 <br />~elaucnz'y--- 1.D., lc3_~_, before me, the undersigned, a Notary <br />IIr113i1C, doily a)ntmds:"tcrnnri rtn{f tlttaidte-c, t4'aC rind rc ildl n;; In ~a1d i)UntL', pt.•.rsArlall ~' r'atnL' F62S1IE.~1.~,_a~_~73S3E.-.Fi4.~ <br />_ ^ <br />e.iw,nc3a..xa~~3lTii._-_ to tatr k,uarn to <br />l~- the ;clenticat tu•rso^ 5 Lvhnve name _`a affixt~d to the foregatng <br />tn_,trument as rnortgagor_;~_ _ :utd acknnwta~iged the same to bc:_-_. _-' '~FMEMCllO~ARf=fir <br />._ to t x aGt and aced KgniL~N K HN1, <br />tVttnc>ws mro hence and ti Stan tl ?esi tfit e uaro an roe:ir le><t anuro•e •.rotnten tMrconm.ep, <br />st.t <br />M <br />'vIy Con mission e~lur,> the .,~~ _ <br />of . _.1~~t.uls..:'_._ tlav ~ ~ i "- <br />t:~ ~~ <br />LL1~,~s -_ .1 } Y~ <br />- - - <br />- ____ ~_ <br />__ . <br />..= . _. _....cs.. ___ - ~ <br />~ ti terry f'vl lie <br />-_. -.... _._- <br />r ST.4'1'E tJ~F' _ . _ - _ -- .. _ <br />titi <br />:Y <br />__.--_--__--________ Gounty <br />L'nter€~ is Nunterical index and filed fer record :n the c,tI-ice of the Register sf Deeds of said county. the <br />.. _-..----._--. day of _._-- -_____ - _ 19 at _ _----___- u'cirark and --_---- ..________~_ <br />nZinatt~s _ -- ----- l3._ acrd nuf_v recordeel m Book _. <br />___ __ °f _ ---- -- <br />itilort};ages page __ __._ __ __ ---_- ----_.-__ _---.._----- <br />fte.c,;'.er o; [)tads <br />~:.~~~ <br />_...._ ..-_ _.. - _. )eputs <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />