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~,ELE,ASE t'JF 11AC~~TGr4GE 82 -°- €~ ~t U 6 ~ <br />In cansiderntion of full payment and compliance with the conditions of a mortgage <br />made by Jack L, fladenfeldt and Karen K. Hadenfeldt, each in his and her chart <br />right and as spcxzse of each other, <br />Yo TH1E EQUITABLE BUILDING AND L0:3N ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, on the <br />followisag described property, to-wit: A Tract of Land Comprising a Part of the Northwest <br />Quarter (NWa) of Section Thirty-Six (36), Tamship <br />Twelve (12) North, Range Twelve (12) West of the <br />6th P,M., Hall County, Nebraska, i<4bre Particularly <br />Described fn Previously Recorded Mortgage, Document <br />No. 76•-002283. <br />which said: mortgage bears date 30th day of April 19 75 ,and <br />is recorded in 3ffiidlt of mortgages orr Page - - - - - - <br />Document No. 76-002283 <br />of the records of Hall County, Nebraska, said Association hereby acknowledges hrll satisfaction of and releases the <br />Irt witness whereof the said THE EQUITABLE BUILDING AND LOAM ASSOCIATION OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, NE$RASKA, has caused this instrument to be signed by its President and attested by ifs <br />Secretary this 18th day of February A,D., 1962 <br />.-The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska <br />.. lSy '' .~ ~'-_-z _z~r_-cam- <br />President R, E. K ~ --~_-_ <br />. <br />,. , <br />.. - - ~/ <br />Att -- - ~. ~3 ___ _- - ----~--- ----= 1 <br />/ Secretary James W. Olsen <br />STATE OF NEBRASK.9 <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br />On this 18th day of February A.D., I9 82, before me, z Notary Public <br />duly coowaissioned and qualified for and residing in said cowrty, personally carne R, z.. Kintndn and <br />James W. Olson <br />to me baaox~u tar he the. idepGcat persons whose names are affixed to the above release as President and Secretary <br />of -said Association and admawledged the said instrument to be their volunpssy act :md deed and fhe voluntary <br />aef and Seed of tlye said TkIFc EQUITABL$ I3UILDLwC AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />NEBRASSA. _, <br />~ti'itna: s nzy hand eitd notazial. seal the day :rod year lasx?above written. <br />~~tiibrtMa(a r if <br />:_.Y. - <br />_ ~ <br />~ r <br />qty <-;razesnission e~rues _ _.< .,, <br />