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d <br />L <br />~~ <br />~~~~:~ <br />y ~~ ~. ! <br />IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HALL COUN ; ~ ~,,~s <br />~~~~~~~ <br />THSRD CITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH, } Docket 72 gage g7 <br />A Nebraska Corporation, Owner,) j <br />Plaintiff, } <br />) <br />v. ) ~ <br />O R D E R <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />.DEPARTMENT OF ROARS, ) +~ <br />! Befendant. ) <br />Pursuant to a written Stipulation he ret_ofore entered into <br />by and between the parties the court does hereby order, adjudge <br />and decree as foilawsc <br />I. <br />Judgment is entered for the plaintiff and against the <br />defendant in fire amount of Thirt1• 'Phou~and -::•~+ no,/100 D:.~llars <br />(530,000.00). That said sum together with the transfer of <br />land referred to in paragraph II below, shall constitute the <br />full and just compensation due and owing the plaintiff by <br />reason of the condemnation proceeding brouyi-+t by the defendant <br />against the plaintiff before the County Judge of Hall Cour:ty, <br />Nebraska. <br />II. <br />That defendant shall transfer to plaintiff by quit claim <br />deed, free and clear of all special assessments of record, <br />Lot 8 and 9, Block 1, Dickey's subdivision, an addition to the <br />City. of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, said lots having. <br />an area of 28,78 square feet. <br />III. <br />That the plat and description for Tract, 18 owned by the <br />plaintiff, filed in the condemnation action brought by the ' <br />defendant before the County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, <br />Civil Docket 3, Page 22, Casa No. 120, and in this appeal, are 1 <br />hereby s-~;perseded and replaced by the plat a;id descript~.on <br />attached heretfl, marked Exhibit A and Exhibit B respectively, <br />i <br />i <br />and. made a part hLreof by this reference. <br />I'~t . <br />'£Ya<at a copy t~f tha artac~hec3 {,?:.%zt a~;d ~^€ ~::r~.p~;~~~r~ t~_~ zl<z~,+ <br />L;i ,:Pz~. ~~3tra v tt.;'r:~: ti4` C~~e1I f: urt,r. c^i~,:'<..~:.i, r{.i.< :e} ,.. .. <br />