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PU}tcxr,st r?Qtdt3Y ~~>;~.>; iss'k~f~•r~ rv~r>>c~r~.,n~a:, g ,"" i! (10 ~ 1'~ <br />«~ <br />R. JENC#IS [dQkRIS and PATI2ICIA :'1. t~7QRi2IS', husband and wife, each in <br />his anti her own name and right and as spoi:tsc~ of each other, l~ICrtgagors, in <br />oorsa.deration of EI~IITY `ihQUSAND DQLLAkS ($80,000.00) received from Mortgagees, <br />mortgage to GEQRGE 64ILLIAMSQN and MARY WIt,LTAl75ON, husband and wife, as <br />joint, tenants and not as tenants in common, Martyayees, the following des- <br />cribed real estate situated in Ball County, Nebraska: <br />The East Qne Third (1/3} and the East Twenty-Two (22) feet of the <br />Iti~est Forty-Four (44) Feet of the Southerly Qne Elalf (1/2) of I,ot <br />Six (6), and the tie'est One Third (1/3) of Lot Seven (7), and the <br />center Qne Third (1/3) of Lot Seven (7), all in >31ock fifty-Four <br />(54), Qriginal Town, Grand Island, [Iall County, Nebraska, as <br />surveyed, platted and recorded. <br />'.this Purchase Money Real Estate Mortya~~e is given to secure the <br />payment of the principal sum of Eigl'itp Thousand Dollars ($80,000.00) and <br /> from January 4, 1982, at twelve (12} ptrcent per arnu:n, the <br /> and interest I~ayable in monthly installments of $1,779.56 per <br />month on the first day of each month commencing February 1, 1982, and on <br />the first day of each month thereafter for 59 consecutive months, repayment <br />of the. principal and interest being amortized over a 5-year or 60-month <br />;.xx:riod, as provided in a Promissory Note dated January 4, 1982, for which <br />this Mortgage is given as security. <br />The Promissory Note provides that time is of the essence of the <br />Promissory idote, and if :~lakcrs fail for a period of more than sixty (60) <br />days to pay any monthly installment payment when due, the holder cf the <br />i~romissory Note is given the option to declare the Note immediately due <br />and payable without notice or c:emand. Upon default of any monthly install- <br />.nent of principal and interest when due, the unpaid monthly installment of <br />principal bears interest at the highest legal rate until paid. <br />.MOrt-yagors agree to pay all taxes and assessments upon the real <br />estate and all other taxes, levies and assessments levied upon this r'iortgage <br />and the Promissory Note which this ",ortgaye is given to secure before <br />pa}~ment is delinquent. If C~IOrtgagors fail to pay the taxes and assessments <br />r~efore delinquent, i~iortyagees may pay the taxes and assessments or. other <br />liens a:ld are yiven a lien secured by this :~;ortcJage for the amounts advanced <br />with interest at the highest legal rate. <br />tortgagors agree to insure the iml~rovernGnts on the real estate against <br />loss Jay casualty including fire, windstorm or insurable hazards, in an <br />arr~uunt nat less than trio. unpaid balance of principal due on the eaote for <br />which this Mortyaye is given as security, Mor.tyagors are to furnish <br />:Mortgagees with a certificate of insurance evidencing the insurance is in <br />force until the Note for wlsich this :~9ortgage is given as security is paid <br />in full. If Mortgagors fail to purchase the insurance, :aortgagees may <br />purchase the insurance and pay the premiums and are yiven a lien secured <br />by this Mortgage for the amounts advanced with interest at the highest <br />legal rate for premiums paid for the insurance. <br />If Mortgagors default for a period or" more than sixty (60) days in <br />payment of any, monthly installment of principal and interest, or fail to <br />perform any of the other agreements in this "'iortgage, Mortgagees, at <br />~,ortgagees' election, may declare the entire debt secured by this Mortgage <br />:due and payable at once, and foreclose this ~MOrtgage for the satisfactior, <br />caf the total amount due. <br />Dated - 3~v ~, <br />t f>ec ~F, i~~'d <br />att. Denny. N rr~,s} ~~ (Patricia A. t orris ____ <br />.lif3iJs gf' ; ?'QUIV`I'Y QF . <br />?~ r ~'- <br />"~ 7.~~nc~ ?n:~t:ur.3ent was aekrowl ~~jc>. ici:or i ~ Ltii~ ,~r~esy , <br />.> <br />~ ,~ ' ~ Nor ~.~ and Patra.~ a a c1 dc;ri ~ .; h~ ~ ,<xrad and c. fe, each <br />., <br />._,<~' ,sF>r ocxn nacre and ,i ,~ 1~ <br />right ar~d ~~~ ,.~~ r~.f ; 1: iJ bus, vrtctayo2's_ <br />