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A ~ Z.2 -Revised 1978 Nuttman and Felton 8 Walf, Walton, Na fi&461 <br />YrY6~'aiifl~ ~J~iL~ <br />~°"° UU~L71~ <br />John W. Murdoch and Janet L. Murdoch, husband and wife ,Grantor, whether one or more, <br />in consideration of One Hundred Forty-Three Thousand One Hundred Fifty and No/I00 Dollars <br />($143,150:00) „.,,,,.,.„ ,.,,,,.,,,o,,,,,,,,, ,,,e receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, conveys to <br />Peavey Company, a Minnesota corporation, Grantee, <br />the following described real estate (as defined in Neb. Rev Stat. ®76-201) in or near Grand <br />Island, hall County, Nebraska: <br />Lots 58 and 59 in Le Heights Fourth Subdivision, Hall County, <br />Nebraska. ~rEG <br />P~~ <br />-~K~~~~~~~~ <br />Grantor covenants (joicrtiy and severally, if more than one) with the Graniee :.sat Grar, <br />( 1} is lawfully seised of such real estate and that it is free from encumbrances <br />tor. <br />{ 2) has legal power and lawful authority to convey the same; <br />(8) warrants and will defend the title to the real estate against the lawfui claims of all persons. <br />:."' Executed: Y- ~~~'~~~'y '~ , l8 82. <br />_. ~, <br />.................... .........,........................ ~ 1N... ~~°~........................... <br />~J hn ~. Murdoch <br />Janet L. Murdoch <br />Stateaf Minnesota <br />Coon of Hennepin„ <br />ty ................ <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on ..F~Z?!tuh.~t.r...~~~...1982,,,,,,., <br />by , John,W;, Murdogh,an~.,~~fl~t..l...MU~:t~4&h...bashand.and..a~ife... T <br />.... .. / f. ..... <br />/////////rr <br />~N~otary~P~1!.:.Count nesot~a <br />/="'"~ ELLIOT D FALLER $ <br />_--t1 ~ tJ4ZAfiY PfJdL `~ES07A 2 <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ~y, HENNE~IN COU,~7TY •x <br />.............. ~,1..•*' My Commiss~nn Fnl-..cs MnY 23. 14"4 <br />County of ......o ............. ., <br />F'fled for record and entered in Numerical Index on .............................................. <br />at ..... o'olack .....M., and recorded in Deed Record ......................... Page ...........,...... <br />By :.................................................................. <br />County or Deputy Counz•: C>er€s <br />Regix:er vi Deeds or Deputy lte~aster c~: Deeds <br /> <br />NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY <br />STAh1P TAX <br />$~Y ~' <br />