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ST'A'l°E C}!F A?I:BTZAS1iA, County e?f ................._......................_.._.....: <br />1!`ilE:d for recnrd on ................................. 19 ........ st ............................ o'clack ...,.............,...... ltfi'. <br />and recorded in the Deed Record ................................. Page ............................. O rj s ~ ~ o ~ ~ '~ <br />~. C~ G <br />Register of Lkeds 17eputy Register of Deeds <br />S~JRVI'VC~RSHIP ~IUAI~RANTY ff3E~D <br />Alvie L. Johnson and Nellie M. Johnson, individually, jointly, as husband and wife', <br />and each in their own individual right, <br />herein Balled the grantor whether one or more, <br />in consideration of Farty-eight Thousand and C10/lOd ----------------°-------------Dollars <br />received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto Lynn C. Lautenschlager <br />aad Judith A. Lautenschlager, Husband and wife <br />as joint tenants tivith right of survivorship, and not as tenants in common, the following described real <br />property in ...........H~11 ............................................ County, Nebraska: <br />The East t7ne-Half (E~) of the Southwest Quarter (SWk} of Section Twenty-Nine (29), <br />Township Nine (9) North, }tange Nine (9) West of the 6th P.1't. <br />i NEBRASKA DaGUMENTARY: _ <br />~TA~fiP T~iX <br />~F~ ~ t zeR? <br />~ - <br />~ ~`~ ~= <br />STATEMENT ATTACHED <br />To have and to hold the above described premises tngether with all tenements, heseditsments <br />and ap purtenances i.hereto belonging unto the grantees and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns <br />of the surt2ior of them forever: <br />Snd granter does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their assigns and «dth the heirs <br />and assigns of the survivor of them that grantor is la~.vfully seised of said premises; that they axe free frnm <br />enoumbranee subject to any restrictions or easeseents of record <br />that grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the sawo; and that gra~itor warraut5 and wi^ <br />defend the title to said premises against the lawful cleans of afi persons whotusoever. <br />It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the death of Either of the grantees, <br />the entire s"ee title to t}sis real property v}tall year in tl~e surviving grantee. <br />Dated February I~ 19 72 ,~~ ! _._ / . <br />~-~~ /.- <br />. ~. ,,. <br />._,~....~. r...... <br />ST3TE Qh .......Alel2~asZcd ................................. Cnuitty of ................~ ~!~~........ /._...........: <br />Belore mm a notary public qualified for said county, pezaoaally cameAlvie L. Johnson and <br />;de11?.e M 3ohnson, `husband and wife, <br />i,` <br />~ ;- <br />pcw~~ii, s~ k~'ip Fet;~e idPntiea9 person or persons echo signed the iAStrun;ent and ac~9cuosvledged <br />tbr,escs iti~~r. i'~e~±~~>t to be l:is, her er their voluntary act asri deed. <br />,' / .....», ].9..72.......... <br />~, t>~ t.{~~~::_,y F~n.,d, and natarra.? seal on _~~)JFA~XX ~! ~' <br />. ~.' ......... ... ........ ....-..... ~..-.... ryF Ut.i C)' 1'tA hl12: <br />.. , i~ili eon cnsssion rxpirrs i!*1~~~'~ ..,.'„°74f,'}~.. ~. ~.'..., 19 ~~.._.. <br />i~;.~>rix . ~ .. ~.;xrt3re,~ >,*~ F:;tr ,4 . ,aric,at ["awn a vrota ,. 7,:r..w>}~. ~r„.. <br />