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$2~~~~~~ <br />? 69+fj--1$$AL ESTATE A10RT©AC3ff-iYflPti TaxClsuse Tha Hallman Ctentrst SupDiF Fianaa. Ltneoia, 2,epr: j <br />.. ~~ i d].f.l~'YY t'RY.ei.a di'SraLr ~S li1.CJa76~ C.Yi1A7rLLtli3 <br />}~ TN~1~' Richard C. Howell and Melissa L. Hoi~*ell, husband and wife, ~ <br />and each in their own right, (tJrtartgagor s) ' <br />r <br />4 <br />of Hall County, and State of Nebraska in consideratdon of tkesuln'of <br />i <br />F <br />Forty-four Thousand and no/1Q0 - - - - -($44,000.00) - - - - - -DOLLARS <br />a ~ in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto Richard D. Howell or Jean C. Howell: <br /> <br />or the survivor, (A~7ortgagee`sj <br />of Stanton County, and State of Nebraska the foltozving described premises <br />s4 uated In Hall Countys and State of Nebraska to-uritc. " <br />Lot Twenty-two {22) in Meadow Lane Subdivision, i.n Hall <br />County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />The intention being fo convey hereby an absolute bile in fee simple iruluding all tlsa rayhes of ixamastead and do~kar. ; <br />TO H4YE ~?r"D TO HOLD daze premises abo;~e tdescribed, e:•itlt all thz apD:x>tessantes thereunto belonging <br />unto the said mortgagee S and to their lzeirs and assigns, forever, provided alzoays; and tszese presents are u¢on i <br />the e:rpress condition that if the aforesaid rnartgagors, their heirs, exetroztors, administrators yr assigns skald <br />pay or cause to be paid to the said sn~rrtgageeS , the it heirs, erenetors, administrators or assigns, the sum of <br />Forty-four Thousand and no/100 - - - - - - - - - -Dollars, payahte as follows, to zvit: <br />$lyfyfi.2$ Dotdars oro the 15th day of October ~q $1 and <br />$t,.t+6.28 Datlars on the 15th day of each month thereaftt~ for,, <br />17~ consecutive months. and the final paymeryt of !. <br />$445,.29 Dai[ars nn the 15th day of September , zg yb <br />-which includes interest <br />~IOGIi-FY,dCtherean. at n ine per cent par annu.n; payable 7~tofd¢2Ca11 according to the tenor anai_ e1]¢ct ` <br />of a certair. pros::issory rxote of said Richard C. Howell and Melissa L. Howell <br />bearing even date aerith these pry°sents, and sha11 pa~~ all ta.rzs and assessments de.ned upvn said real estate, and a!1 other ;' <br />taxes, terries and assessments levied upon. tF~is mortgage or tlce Hate ;cdziclz this sncrtgage is given to sacure, before the I i, <br />same becomes delinquent; and keep the buildings on said pretnues insured far:the sum of ,~ t~4,000.00 i <br />doss, ii any, pei~~abte 1u tie said rnartacgee, then these ¢resents to be void, otherwise to be and remain in foil force. <br />IT 7S i•URTi~`E!i ;1GRF,bf3 (.~~ That if t{ae said rnarigagar shall fail to pay szuh taxes ur procure cork _ <br />insurance, titz• said mortga~zees-Fray pa} .suck taxes a?zd procure suck insurance; and the sure so advanced, lvitJ: interest <br />ad amine p~ cent sha3i re r^eid 3y said mortgagor, and this maorigage shall stand os secrurit_y for the same. (z% That <br />a failure to pay any of said money, zither priit,^spad- or interert zz:hen the sarue due, ur a failure to comply whiz <br />` any of tht foregoing agreements, skald cause the. whale sum of rrzaney %terair secured to bncasre due, ezid coldecidble <br />~: ci orcc at dhe. option of the mortgagee. <br />tiz~r;a:3 this i5th dag~ of September , ry gl <br />r <br />,• o .- ,,~ <br />a ~~ ~f/'~ <br />in rnrsentx~ of .. _... _ ` <br />,~. y„' - <br />~; „ ~ <br />