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<br />REAL ESTA'PE LIEN <br />WHEREAS Irma A. Anyan _ _ (hereinafter <br />usually referred to as "homeowner", whether one or more) has entered into a <br />text n written HOUSING REHABILITATION C,RANT AGRE1:^lT•.NT dated the_ ~c3 ~ aay <br />of ~d~4!~ 19~__ with the City of Crand Island, Nebraska, a municipal <br />corporation (hereinafter usually referred to as "City"), acting through its <br />Community Development Agency, for rehabilitation of a dwelling on premises <br />owned by Homeowner which are hereinafter described, and for the granting by <br />City to Homeowner of Federal funds in the amotmt of Fourteen Thousand Seven <br />wundrPaiY Fer y_Five and 00/100 --- Dollars ($14,745.00 - ---- ) to lac applied <br />in payment of the cost of such rehabilitation, and <br />t;T13EREAS, Homeowner in such AGREEMENT has, among other things, agreed (a) <br />to repay such amount or, as the case may be, a part thereof to City in certain <br />circumstances described in the AGREEMENT, and (i;) to execute and deliver to <br />City an instrument in recordable form granting to City a iien on the premises <br />to secure such repayment, <br />NOW, THF,REFORE, in consideration of such AGREEMENT with City, Zama A. <br />._~yan does taereby grant to CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />NEBRASKA, a Municipal Corporation, its successors and assigns, a Lien upon the <br />foLloving described real estate situated in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />West Two-Thirds (2I3) of Lot Five (5) <br />Block Tweaty-Eight (28) Original Town <br />an addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />Nehraska, according to the record plat <br />thereof , <br />to secure repayment to the City of nand Island, Nebraska, its successors and <br />assigns, of the amount of the grant hereinabove referred to or, as the case may <br />be, a part thereof in acecrdanct with the teens and conditions set forth in <br />the IfOUSING REHABILITATION GRA.'~IT AGREEMENfi to which rer`.erence is made herein- <br />above.. <br />"19ze lien herein granted shall run with the premises for a period of three <br />years from this date, and shall also bind the successors and assigns and, except <br />as provided in such AGREI:;MENC, the personal representatives, heirs, devisees, and <br />legatees of Homeowner. <br />Dated this ~____ day of ~°~i ~~f,s~ v, 19~_. <br /> <br />sTA r ~ of ri`.~.~€~.~.~.-~~, ,~` ) <br />(, c Si 311 t ,•j C. i ~.^~ ) <br />i?n this,x --~z.cZ~ day of ~,<._~,,.-gin ~-~~, 19 -~'-' before me, the undersigned, <br />,~ co Lna siea~cl apd acting in and for sudh county, personai~y appear~.d ~_.~,",,,1 <br />-- ~;~°---* -. ts: ^;e _o be _ idpntical_ persons who`5e siexa- <br />(saes a e a'ffi~:e3 to the forego~ng instrument, and. they acknowledged the execution <br />u= tiuu, ins[a-t~;23e:a t6 'oa ihc,. ;:olu::~sry aC_ (S) and da@d (9 ). <br />In wi.tne:;s whereof, I have hereunto set aiy official hand and sea? the daft .t <br />last.. a, eve. written. i~ <br />f ; ,- ~ s -: <br />~.._ -.. <br />yEy co±issioax ~s;cpires: „3i:' <br />C#sRi7w~'R~. ~' <br />aM Camay. a~. o~. xL era <br />