MO4RTGAGE ~ G ""°° U ~.} ~ c~
<br />~~~-~~__~~^^ MORTCAQ;E LOAN NO. _L __ 24 L021_~
<br />IfNOW ALL PIEN BY TfitiSE PRESFNTS~ That Davld W. HO]ITKIU7,5t and Patricia L. HOISiK~117.St, each in
<br />his and her own ric}ht and as spouse of each other,
<br />Mortgagor, whrthcr orte or rnoro, in consideration of the sum of
<br />Forty Thousand and No 100 ---------- _~s_____.,____Y.____._..____ ~~~
<br />------L-- ------ ---_~" --- - ____ __ _-------- -------- ---~.~_
<br />Loaned to said martgagm by 7Yse Iignitabk Ituihting artd I-r>an As,~ciation of (:rand Island, Nebraska. Mortgagce, upon 400 shams o(stodc of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate `7a. L 24x021 , do hereby grant, rnnvey and trtortgage unW the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />ttescn'6ed rtal'~ estate, sttuted in Ball County, Nebraska
<br />The South Half 431/2} of Lot Sight (8) and the DIorth Thirty-Seven (37) Feet of Lot Nine (9)
<br />all in Block Two (2}, Bel Air Addition to the City of Gram. Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska.
<br />together with aII tM tctrz, ~.nts, hereditamettts and sppunenances thaxeunta htiongrng, mdudiitg altachtd floor mvorirtgs,. a]j window seruos,
<br />window shades, b[inda, slarm windows, awnings, heating, air conditiuning, and plumbing and water cquipnxnt and accessories [hereto, pumps, stoves,
<br />refrigerators, acrd other >ixirrees and rquiprrttnt now as irereafttr attacherS ra or used in canner:iion with said real estate.
<br />Aad whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and riots trertby agtet first tht mortgagor shall and will pay all tastes and assessments It:vitd or
<br />assessed upon said premises and upon [his mortgage and the itund securrd thtn:by before the same shall become dtlirtquent; to ftrt®ish approved
<br />itnurance upon the buifdirtgs on saxi preririses situaterl• in the sum of $ 40, 000.00 payable tv said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOC[ATTON the puflcrts for said irtsurantx: and rrt>t [v txsauttii nr permit any waste va or sbaui said premises:
<br />In case of default in the perfortnancc of any of the terms and candurans of thrs rrnsrtgage or the :,vnd secured hereby, the mortgagee shall,
<br />on derrraml, be rntitled to imrrttdiate txrsstssivn of the rru>rtgaged premiers and rice trttsrtragor hrreby assigns, irartsl'ers and sets veer to the
<br />mortgagee art tht rents, revenues and inwrae to Ixr derirtd from the trwrtgagtd prem>ses during such tu:te as the rrrisrtgagr indebtt:dnessshall remain
<br />unpaid: mtd the mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agem yr agents it nay desur for the purptrse of tepairitig said premises and renting
<br />the same and collecting the rents, revtntres and income, and it nray pay nut of said irrcurrce ail cxptases of repairing said premises and netxxsary
<br />otunmissiotrs and expenses ittcarred in mating anti rrtarrag}ng tht sarxet and of collecting rer:tale tlxernfrom; iht balsnix teatavting, if any, to lx
<br />applied toward the disc:Ftatge of said rmaaigagt imirbtetlness; three rights of the rrnertgager may be exrrciaed at any tiarrt fluxing the existentt of such
<br />tkfauh, inespert.ive of any tempe>:ery waiver of the s:une.
<br />These Presents, hvwevtt, are upon iht Coreditit>n, "f~irat d the n;ud trfortgagur stall rrpay vud loan. an or before the maturity of said shares by
<br />payzoent; pay rrtoathly to said ASSfXIAITON of the stets sptciiied rn flee iivnd secured htreby as mierest sad pnocipa3 vas said roan, on or before
<br />ittt Twrntieth day at ea>:•.h and every nxsnth„mtd setts loan rs fatly pard; pay all taxes and assevrixnrs leased against said premises and on this Mortgage
<br />and the Bon$ xr.-ruet! thereby, before dttinqurrrc-Y; turmsh approved mwranix a}wn tht builtisngs ihtxean in the stun of 3 40, 000 , 00 payable
<br />[o said ASSLX'IATtON; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon drrrun$ sit rrwrtty by i[ pasd foe such taxes, assrssmenis and irrsurartu with interest as
<br />the ntarti..ntxrrr kgyd tale itxtreva front date of payn>.;rrt atI of whrch Mortgagor hereby egrets ro pay; ptrmit na waste<rn said premises; keep and a>mpiy
<br />with ail the agrcemtnts anti cxmdiriotis of iht lk>nd tot $ 40~ 000 Q0 ibis $ay green by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and comply
<br />with allthe rertuirtmtnts of tirr Cr>nsinu.tion anti t3y-taws at said ASSOCIATTON; then these prestnls shall become null and void, otherwise they
<br />shall artrairt in full fortx acrd may be fvrrclosxd st the option of the said ASSOCtA'fi43N after failure for three months to make any of said
<br />payrneau or be three. nrt>nitas is arrwrs is reeking card rrwnihty paymerus, or to krtp and comply with the agreeir~nis aril wn$itians of said Mond;
<br />sad Mortgagor agrxs to hasx a rccriw appointed forthwith in suety fvrectosure prt>r;eedings.
<br />! if there is any clrartgC in owt>rrshtp of ttu rtal cstaxe martgagad hrrtin, by .salt ar otherwise, thin fire entire retnataing uidebtedrress htreby
<br />seiarrcd shad, at the option of The Equitabk Suildurg and Iran Association vi' Grand 1 sand, Nthraska, btcorne inirnrdiate7y due acid payable wdthout
<br />furtbtr rrotite, and the. arrxsunt remaiairsg due under said bond, and any other bond for any additional advant:es msde trnereuader, shall, from the
<br />date of exerrise of said optitur, bear iatrsesY si the traaximuai iegat rate, acrd this mortgage tray then be farrclosed to satisfy the arnaunt due on said
<br />tiutid,and any oilier lrortd for additiouaf ~advancra., togtilitr with aU sums paid by° said The fyuiiab[e Beading and Lawn. Assoeia[ioa of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska for asuraasce, tastes and assesussutts, and a$stxactirig extension clrargrx, with vttertsi thereon, from dart of payment at ttrt maximum
<br />r~-
<br />As provided-'in the Butui sectrtedtrtreby, white t:iis awr[gagt rririains is eft'ect ttie nwragagtt may htreafter advamce additional stxnu to the
<br />rtulten pf said Boad, their assigns or sr>c~sso:s in intutst, which sums straEt be within tht srctxeity of this mortgage the sarztt as the ftmds originally
<br />sttaitesl ttteteby, tht wtat amouar of principal dtbi not tv r;xw^zd at any tintt the vrigi:iat amvtmr of this maeigage.
<br />_ [3atori..,,thra; loth day,>f ~'ebruarY A.ty.,lv82
<br />•~~ ~ GAG' /I,;AF ,~---`.
<br />i rr - ~_
<br />stL`r1C23. I,.. Hta - i rat:_......_--`---~
<br />57ATi: OF NIiBRASJGA,
<br />C+6Uh"S'1i OF t;>xt t. ~ ~ ~''~ 16th day of February t4 g2 . be(oae ase,
<br />the undtrsigrred, s Nataxy I'utslic m and. for said County. per.x>n:rJ,iy came
<br />Jaui.d ~. Hol€ttgtaist oral Patricia L. Holafitt~taist, assn iti riffs ar'~d her akrrt right :uxi as s~ use
<br />of t353~i t3t]l~rr whoa aZt persaaally"knvwn w
<br />roc ta4xt 4t3e ~Catiz;s3 person 5 wheat suexar 5 +3.L'k: sffix€d to tint atwvt tnsrrutiamrasiuetagagurS and t:]1ty c:vtrally
<br />the said iastrsxrrxnt to bt itte:ir vrxuntary act and $r+ru.
<br />'tSTTNt^.:iC a±4, Irate3 srnf ?.crtatiai 5ra# rttr e#ate xfcartuxt. °!'-- „., .-..-• .• ',.
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<br />M7+Ce,mroiasrr>ne~~ -` '~ - - ,;- _ .~.
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<br />~.x~rra rr ~' ^ - __. ti.atacY ferr7sa. `
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