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r°-- <br />i <br />r:xTt_r~st~N F,i;i~t-t nit ~~rr ~~^..` 11~tt159~ <br />t:, consideration at the extE~nsii)n of the tiinc of h:,ymont of tht~ nrittirtal promissory rote <br />`.ic~r Cirtafter GeSC ribe:i, the undersignc<f• Pld2d $QUdrl ,._,4, _Ge,P!@Yal Pdrtnershi~._-_ <br />hc: elty cr,wi•n;int anti o<~ree to pay zo i}~[: First <br />,.a;:cnai E~iar:lc o~Grand island, (,r'and Island, Pii•hratit<.t, ur nrcler, the j7rinCihal Sum Of <br />Four Hundred Ten Thousand and NO/100------------------------------------°------_-°---_-- <br />430,000.00 ~ together •,arttt :;itcrest tl,cri•o+~ az Eighteen ~;cr- gent per <br />_.___._. .,_____._T_._-- ~ -- <br />,,nnum from the date hereof, sur.h sum io he payable nn M_ayT2-,-T~$~---_ Interest <br />stall t;c payable at maturity on _ May 12, 1982_ <br />lrL urir~inal principal note in file amount ol_~~~ ~utldl-_ C~_T~n.~11Qt~S_1.C1_~.~d NQLaO------ <br />t~__41Q,0.04~.00-____.._.-_____-_~ ~~'as executr_d and delivered by <br />-----~~----~~-~----~-- _ _ to Trre First Natioral <br />:r;e undersigned unt;er the date of _~u~~r~. 197_ _ <br />:lank of ;,rand Island, Grand Island, Nebraska, anc; Cue and payable on tha 3rd _ <br />day of ?odetlter with interc5t at _!EieV~n 11 er <br />cent per arv~um ar,d secured by Rro~~o`Pd~adtc ~tortri;utc tt> T1ie -First National Bank oP Grand <br />I°Jand, Crar.d Island, Nebraska, KRS~l31fStXi as Document #79-003519, & Ext.#79-00$169 & <br />- ---------- ---- <br />ir: the !~'.vrtga<}e Records of Hall ___ _._ _ _„__- _ C:rx:nty-Ne-Eras d _,~ -&irBT=`N~364 <br />Tlae undersigned agrees to pay such extended balance of principal of four Hundred Ten <br />Thousand and NO/100----------------------------------- (5 410,000:U(J-- j , together <br />+rth interest thereon at Ei hteen 18 per cant ;~cr annum, such principal and <br />---g- ---~_ _Z _ --- --- <br />uttrrest to be payable in l,,wfu1 money of the Unit,~tl St:rtc: of America at The Fir'sl Nat- <br />;c,nz+i r3anu of Gran) Island, Grand Island, Ncbraskn. <br />:x.11 of rite covenants and :agreements in suc.n original ante and the i:eal Esiate Alortctage a- <br />ixrlc described, other than F.ereinbefore modified, shall he and remain unchancred and in <br />fu'.I force and effect during such extended period. t f :icfault be matte in payment of any <br />f.rincil:~al sum, the entire } st:m with into est tl:ercon shall become immediately <br />due and payable at the election of th~c loaa itokric, ihr~reuf, <br />!n further consideration cf such extension of time of irayr,ent of such indebtedness, I hEre- <br />!,y ratify and confirm such r„ortya"e ~ crtorcierl .:s Dgc._ ;~79-003519• &Ext.#79-008169, <br />#S_f1=(16517 &#51-00564-------_in S2c,,1 ~s;alc. °.lur t:'acrc rc;_~rds of Hdll - <br />_ -- ---- <br />t:ovnty, as the first morlca c lien a on <br />t'te rea+ property descri;~eci therein, anti the whole ..; the lithe tltercto as now owned by me. <br />he undersigned executes this Extension .Ac~rcemerit with reference to and on the Faith and <br />trcdit of their property, ',vh,ich ;hey nuw own or h.:vt• an interest in or hereafter may ao- <br />y~,rirc; the express intention being to charge anei to ~Untinue to charge any and ail of such <br />f,roscrty v,•ithl the pay,nent of the indebtedness, the tt~tyment of which is herein extended. <br />1!: W1ThE5S 1h'}{FREUF, rite ur;dersic~r,ec4 have her.•~.irt+, ~.<~t thrs hands this _~rd _. __ <br />c'•aY ,~f February, 1882 -- _-- _-- ' <br />PLAZA SQ RE, A NERAL P~TNERSHIP -- -- -~ `~f,%>-~~__ ~,. ~,, ~_:__ ,,` <br />;~ f' DON HUFSMANN <br />~~/", <br />R'E. STEPHENS ALVIN ALMS <br />;kTC OF Nebraska <br />s- -_ - <br />hly :Corr~llsston ~x,p~res~, f~'V.,'~,/~+'~"' ~>zi- ~ ',~~ <br />>, st 3~., ~~°t f1 ~ ~ Ntatar y Put;Lc. _ .. _-___~_ <br />Lega~. ~tEr!sQ'~i~Lots 5,6,.7 & 8 in 31ock 67 Original Town of Grand Island, <br />~`~~ -"` Hall County, Nebraska. <br />GC>UNTY OF <br />i he tpregoin instrument was acknowledge before me this r'f~-~ day of <br />19 f32 _ by R. E. Stephens ,_ Don_Huisinann an37~Tvin Alm <br />e `r„i- ~r of ~~ c~;,ara_ A General Partnership _ ____ <br />