1 ~2Y~ SSCOND HEAL £B7A1'IE a1FORT4At3E-Wlih 'i'7ue"Glaa~t
<br />'sac ftnttman osaarat surrtr :;,,,,,a: z;„~oaa, v.u,. ;
<br />r
<br />THtfTiorGVE, B'~i1IT0 R. C45ARFC i~;7P. :)FE2>IA r. ~1aS~RES, Husband and 't7iie
<br />of Ha 1 ~- County and State of Nebraska , %n rons%dc+r'at%on of the sum of
<br />~~*~E "i$~,G atiri ~_VE HUNDRED AND NC%OC ($1,50C.CO}----•-------------- DOLLARS
<br />in nand paid, do hereby SELL and CDNFIEY-. scnta D~A-L1 PEA•LiY AND T2dSURANGE 1NG. , DBA
<br />I,
<br />_~_-LYT-tiSUnANC;;::.".ND i+I'FI~AN~.E (nsortgayeeJ,~,
<br />of ?i~a.ll Count}•, artd State of Nebraska ,the fcllv:cri~eg descr%b~~d pr¢»aises'
<br />sittuated iu e11 ~ otrnty, and State of Nebraska to-aril:.
<br />,~ >rtcst calf '?~)"~Lat Three (3) A11 of Lot Pour (Q)
<br />and Part of Vacated St-reel of fllock Eight (8),
<br />john"~ Lambert 9ddition, xrard Island, Hall Gauniy,
<br />Nebraska
<br />The intention being. to consrey hereby. an absodutz tine in fee sim¢fe inched%ng all the rights of homestead and dower. ll
<br />TO HALE AtVD TO HOLD the premises above described, zerifh al! tlae a¢purtenanczs thereunto belonging unto
<br />the said mortgagee ar mortgagees and. to his, leer ur their heirs and assigns, farex~er, pro^~aded always, and these ¢res-
<br />ents;are upon-the express condition that if the said mortgagor or mortgagors, ltis, her ar the%r heirs, axecutars, admix-
<br />%strators or assigns shall ¢ay or cattle to bs paid to the said mortgagee or mortgagees and to ku, her or their heirs, ex-''
<br />ectitorts, adntimstratars ar assiyns, the corn of `%"tE iHvUSAND r IVE $UNDRED AND NC/CENTS
<br />1 ~1 , S,IIII • 0'~"i IJoIlars, payable as follows, to-xt~itr
<br />Fp.Y'~1k:N^, CF`° ~b2.29" EAv`~, START?NG 'ARCH 5TH, 782 AND CN EACH
<br />r"Qt rCtiT ~'u ?~iCAiTH TH~REAPTER, PQR ?~ '~?CivTHS, UNTIL ^?iE: BALANCE
<br />_.J P A.,I ~ I is ~- ~, L .
<br />-"iritk incerzst !hereon a°!' cent er annum, a abi¢ ^:cathl ~ accord%n to the tenor and a ec1 0
<br />~ 2 2. ~7r p p 3' y ?~': 9 ff f
<br />i the ~` ra~'~`a~roinis;~r} note zuith intrresi coupons aftuchzd of sr:d 37ortgagors, bearing. e;ran data ;frith tlkse pros-
<br />wts, and s aft pa_,- al' ;axes and any interest ort, or matur%ng %nstadlrnents of pr%recipad, due on any prior anortgaye anu
<br />cssesctu~nts 1 zYad ua,.:n said rend rsiate and alt other taxes, te2ries and assessments leviad u¢en iltis rraortgtage or. the
<br />~ note witaih Utis ntnatfaga is given to secure, before the carne becomes deliptguenG and veep tha buildings an said
<br />( ¢remises insxred rcr fiat, sttwc.$3`1,CC`C ,toss, if any, payable to such first nwrtgagees ar !!t%s nwrtyayet~; nr both,
<br />then these j~resents ae 2~Uid, otkerivise to.ve and remain in full force.
<br />T T I S r U: is i FCC :OGRE&I~ (r j 7~hat -if the said rnurtgagor shad! loll tv pay such taxes end stttlt interest out,
<br />or rrw,'u 7n srwtzl r nt of Gr«na due on tm : Liar marE a e an.3 ocure surly insurance, then this mortra ee,nta
<br />1 y ¢~, ~ p 9 g Pr J 9 ~Y
<br />1 pav sacra ra c u yet r Ja n.er o» ar tnaturiztg installments of prr Gu due ort such prtpr murtgarye and groeur~z
<br />' ~ s.kh tirtanr raz ~eaa r`~ suao .u i.avanred 2cr%tk s`ntsrest at nirte,par wear shat. ~e.pa%d 6y said vnvrtgagur,and t3auinort-
<br />~ gage sla~tc s cold a vit} r as°^aru~. {'a) That. a jattur f:~ ; r.n ~t said money, either prituipat or %nterest on
<br />' ih,; or anv .~rtur orortp r, r, rant; c,-saw brcomcs dua,or a Jtt%t~ .>ni, ti Yi%th-any of tk foregoing agreements.
<br />~ sttatt cause tF- a~a~.~ 3¢cn: >j rn,..ey herein secured to 6ecorne cane c..u-' _u.~<.aolu at onto at ~.te uptidir ~f life musi-
<br />£ c~ez.
<br />1: lS l7rL'iTER ~t N .'D Tkat said nigrtgag~e, pending fo> cro;urt- of this rnartyaga and after decrse and
<br />}~cni(svg stay tkx'revr. or ,xppcat ans>r*Jrorrc aad pendingale of pYes>lisas >irartgaysd, many ptcy sucPa taxes and matting
<br />! infer€st or maturinr~ inst<z!lratts rrt~tttpal, on ¢r%ar rnortya;;. rroc~er. _-ee?a dttsu.rttnca anti surfs scans, shall be
<br />} added to the amtTUrt' tt:ic' ern ie,rtr and agora- ranfrrrnataon gf s;u~ l~t~ tJ:e c art or,:<red takan out of prveecds of saps,:
<br />a or. of r•aerrfi 4 durert < cti: <.F, aua xr soh seek amoants sluaia~b oA <r+tt ':: satrcr as ihougl, it ct:ere a part of srtth
<br />l rr ,rc.
<br />j Siyncc t6zs _ tNZ3 of l • 'q ~'f`.a:-..
<br />i ----~ ~: :., ~f
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