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~~-°a~~ <br />The TruMa£or requests that a cof~y of any notice of default and of any nCt9ce at sale Hereunder be mailed to him <br />aftheaddfress hereint>eforo setforth. <br />iM WiTtVESS 4Yt°IEREOF, theTrustor hasexecuted this Trust Deed the day and year first above written. <br />i,ENE ~~~,,.,WARN~ ^~ <br />AtAR E. WA}?,N'tLE <br />STATE t3f= fdE$RASKA ) <br />SS: <br />GOl1NTY'OF iiALL ) <br />Before me, a Notary Public, qualified for said County, personally came EiJGEiuE E. AND 'MARY E. WARNi~ <br />khown to me to be the identical persons} who signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution <br />!hereof to be His, her, or their voluntary act and deed and if executed on behalf of a corporation, that the <br />executiott.thereof was the signer's voluntary act and deed as such officer and the voluntary act and deed of said <br />corporation and that the seal affixed thereto is its corporate seal and w.~^ thereto affixed by the authority of its <br />Hoard"of Directors. ~7 <br />WITNESS my hand and Nt --~ day of ~~~~~ , t9 0 2 <br />tlftiElUN. tWOTi1f1UF. <br />SfA4E t7F ><IEBRA~fA r = - <br />C~w.ti 6w Notary Public <br />My commission expires: ~ ~` 3l~b <br />REC~UEST FQR RECOMVEYANCE <br />To Trustees <br />Tho-undersigned is the holder ofthe note or notes secured by this Deed of Trust. Said note or notes, together <br />with:: ail other indetrtedness secured. by this Deed of Trust, have been paid in full. You are hereby directed to <br />cancePsaid noteor notes and this Deed of Trust, which are delivered hereby, and 4o reconvey, without warranty, <br />all the estate now held by you unde- this. Deed of Trust to the person or persons fegaliy entitled: thereto. <br />Date:: <br />-..--(Space &8/ow ThLS Line Reserved For Lenderand Recorder) <br />