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TRt1ST DEED $2°~)~t~5~3~ <br />THiS TRUST DEED, made this 3r~ day of FEBRUARY , t9 Z32 , <br />be`and between; <br />(~~ ~$`f1GENi: E S51P1~NilG APSD i+IARY F 4jGRNICF,,a 1:i1iSRAi3tl GTTT~ LiTF~ (1FF,6'('jj ()T~7R AT`T~ <br />7=4CH IN HIS Atti'D HER OWT3 RIGHT ,whether one or more, heretn- <br />after palled "TrustoP"whose mailing address is RR 1 WOOD RIVER NE 6888 <br />_ and <br />tg) J'OTTT3 r'1 WOTiF ATTORr3EY AT T AMY, <br />_ as "Trustee" whose mailing <br />adt'~~g~R~T ' PO BOXCO28ANY,~GRANDLISLAi1D~ NE8802 and <br />(C),, R <br />as "Beneficiary" whose mailing address is <br />PO B0~ lj GRAND ISLATSD, NE 68802 <br />WITNESSETH: That Trustor, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration receipt <br />whereof is hereby acknowledged, grants, conveys, sails and warrants to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the <br />fbtiowing described property, situated in HALL County, Nebraska: <br />THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST ~Uiu2TER (W~SE4) OF SECTION TWELVE (12) <br />TOWi3SHIP NINE (9) NORTH, RANGE TWELVE (12} W~,ST OF TFi'r; 6TH, HALL <br />CO.. T3E <br />I <br />l~ <br />The: intention being to convey hereby in absolute title in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and <br />dower, together with ail buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and alt of the <br />foregoing, togetherwith said property are herein referred to as the "Property." <br />FOR THE Pt1RPOSE OF SECIJRiNG performance of each a~reement and covenant of Trustor herein contained <br />and the payment of the principal sum of Oi3ir ?1TJNDRED FGR THREFD~~~TJD~~, --k ~ ~ r...x->s~;;-x;>=~xz x~x~: <br />as avidenced'by a promissory note bearing ev n a e h'e ~ 1 ~~ePIA~h'n id~~Y~r~y hereafter b® paid <br />or advanced under the terms of this Trust Deed; both principal sum and interest thereon being payable according <br />to termsset forth in said promissory note, reference to which is hereby made; at the office of the Beneficiary or at <br />such other place as the holder may designate in writing, the final-payment of principal and interest, if not sooner <br />paid; shaft be due and payable on the 3rd day of FEBRUARY , 19 84 <br />Trustor and Beneficiary covenant and agree as follows: <br />t.:Wenanly of 71tN. True;or.lsaar+rw(y seized ot.tne Property: ii nasgood right and <br />bWtil:authtyrdy tb.set! and conrey:6tyProperty; Ina Proparry ie free er+d clear of 917 <br />tgnc aIM encumbranpea accept liens:rww, at record; and Trustor wutwuran[ and <br />Wimtl..tha tltW tothe PrPPerty until The Trupi6e and its succasso+saM assigns <br />aonlwsr:aqa Wt ine clalma of all. persona. Trustor, al its ezpenaQ will malnieinanO <br />prMerre the lien o1 this Truat:Deea as a Ilan upon the Trust Property subject only to <br />LnCYrllhrala:ea ex{Stmp 8a Of the gate hctco{, will CSUSe this Trust Deed, and eecn <br />amer!Pment or supplement itytefo, Lobe Nleo arM recordetl as a mortgage of [ne <br />TrpatPmMrtY in sucry mehner arW InsuPR place+andwHl take aucnoiher ac11on88 <br />in the opinion of Trustee may be. required oY any Present or future law in Omar to <br />pulact ma!ntUn anOPWlact the lien o{ this Trn51 Deetl, es the same may be item <br />lirt~.tdtlhyarnergad a suPPlemanenP. <br />2 M)ITMI of Pr4rciptll Mtl IMUaat. Trusfor shall pYrwtuaily pay the prlnWpa( ol, <br />IuM:intHgt on, said ptomissary[gte.InOtutling. any 8dvancee lneralo aaproNd8O <br />herein on ine dates antl at :he place and inlhe manner INOVitled InerBin and will <br />punt{w1N Pen^+m all aYreemenis, cormitlona andgrovisions of any Diner security <br />irt>irurnent given In co.~nectlon w:trythis iraneaCibn. <br />3. PraaarraLOrt anC Maln4tlaaaa af: BrapKly. Trustor will not commit arty. wa8te <br />upon tM Pmpany ar,d vin. nt. all t1m99, malntatn Irra'tarr+a to pgod brder ano <br />cOndrtron aIW wO1 make, from time to Ilene, ell. repairs, reeewals, replacements, <br />addirlrr..s arc imPrgvernehts wNOna[a reasonably requirrb to p+avant waste, <br />impalrmen:, or detOrlOCaiibn of saltl: properly. NO bufbing a imprgvemant rqw or <br />Hera¢Ite+ a acted. upoo. the ProDagY melt tie,. alyred,. rarnovad a tlemdiahed <br />witnout f ne proT written sonsept o3 Banaflciery_ <br />•. Damage to r'r4ixrtY. in cacao{. any Carryga te, u. tivotru.::,r::,t, A Cu.{'w'::+i1s. <br />!morowmert> a parspnal Wopa'iy Cwufiluting part of the Truai PrppertY. wnethar <br />ucH la>y is ~OrNed bY_ iltSYtdn<e Or Oiharw{ae, TNatpr, at Ili sole 005! and <br />axpenx, will promptly re8ior0. tapatr, replace and raDuitd tntl sanre as nearly as <br />praLncatze IU Its condition immedtalelyPriQ(SO S3OhdiYtutge ortltlStn+G(ion w with <br />ucn changes end allaretin,ng as Truster may deem eppropnflte provided SuOH <br />changes a allererlons dd not material;y IesYeex the value antl utility Pf 8ucn <br />bv'ridinga, ImprovnmenM and p6rsonallty /tom chat exislnrg imrnedietaly prior Io <br />sucn Damage Jr ~tlsnv,tlon. TlYSIO[ ahatt be ontitlad to relmbursomem nom the <br />Tm>lae io the extent o' try natimYranga proCeeda rKeived by Trustse. l>ut only to <br />fHP e'lanl pt!tra actual sumexpenthd under this prov{s16n. <br />$. I.aponta Tnblor. wt Tr WiOr 4 a LUfPOfdlbn, It will dO ePd !nlrtgs necessary 16 <br />xre---errs .~s - etc,..i-;ta~,ta,+fphxsa.W WlvnegRa untler ttre Wws at lhastatao? <br />t.e m...-Jr~ral Uf~~r <br />B. Ir ~Sior. al ty expanse, wFli mamta:n wllH un approved DY <br />klar.n~rla I wiM respect t0 Iha trrrp+OvBmen's and persona{ prupnrty, <br />-r~Ntd I G M1. ei!-/ agaih0.41Oa4 by iha, ilghlntAq, tWnada, and UNe' per+,S <br />__ ~_,~ ry - _~ ~+d~J cow.age endorse. .,,, t, in. si smovnl eOUa! to <br />Y~v-irrr, „nrapiecnme^t ai a nsa*+wf, r7 I surx•roa <br />a~3 ~3+if, aeSh ampa>It d3 U .LalOmdY'.-k Uartle];,Y nwnMn <br />.Pe eat a> Ben !,'a,y nak eq,t,m o! <br />Nrmr is r'' .. ~r ry vvlin AUGH. ±IHe+ "af~v ems 1& as gafyt+r,.iYy rr <br />. ,. eaten r.~e u tree xwac.ur~ t,. >nt.o ^s:e of xa rnlerna, at .nk <br />respective partbs. alt Insurance policies rtralntalned pursuant to this Trust Oeatl <br />snail name TrusIee antl BBnefiCiary as ?nsurads, as matt respective interests may <br />appear, an6 provide Nei there snail be no cancallatlon or moditicalion witrrouf <br />ftttebn Days prior written notlliCallon to Trustee end Benefipiary. In tneevent any <br />policy hereurWer is not renewed on or Oeiofe. fliteen tlays D[lor to its expiration <br />date, Trusiea or 8anatfeierymay procure such insurance antl the cost SHereof snail <br />Oe addtld [o the loan scoured Ay tnis Trust Ceetl antl snail bear interest at the <br />greater at try interest rate apepified (herein or Iha higne5t interest late autnoraed <br />OY [ne caws Ot ine Stela o1N8Draska, Trustor shell Celiver to Beneticfary the original <br />pOlkkes of insurance antl renewals thareo! or momo copies of sucn pol~ciesaluf <br />renewals !hereof. Failure to lulnisn irtsurance by Trustor, or renewals as req::~ w <br />hereuntlar shall, at Yro option at Benelfciary, constitute a dntau!!. Ah unearned <br />premiums era hlmbp assigned to T!vstea as additionA? secur{ty dnd a sale antl <br />Comreyance of Lne Property oy Ina Truslse shall operate to donv'ey t6 the purchaser <br />Ina Trustor's Inta[est inarM to all policies o{ lnSUraI1OO upon the Trust Property. <br />7. Taiaa and Afsaaarrynlt. Trustor shall DaY ell to%es antl special dS5aa5manta <br />levied Or essessetl against a due upon the Property trelore OOlinquancy, and wilt <br />deliver to Beneficiary wpys of reCeipls snowing payment o1.3uCh la%es acrd <br />spacialassese~manta ItBenetlc'iary shell aorequeat; Trustor apiees that ihero shay <br />be atldeo to eacH periodic payment required to Oe maOe n vntler a vnY <br />estimated by Trustee !o De sutriciant to enable Trustor to pay, at leas[ 3C days <br />before da9inquenCy, x11 !axes. assessmenSS Or olHe: pusftc c:+arpas. against Ina <br />Try4t Property, Lna Nota saqurad by :Ris Trust Deed, ar upon account of Ne tlabt er <br />the lien of this Trust Dead, together wltH Premiums .o insurance requirtld 1p pe <br />provided ulxter this Trust Dead artC no mterest shalir bo pByaDic to Trustor in <br />respect innreof_ Upon demand by Trvs[ae, Trvslor shat! 6eiiver t0 Trusice sucn <br />4.lw: _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. I,rw <br />amounts necessary to enable Trustee to pay arty of Ina foregoing i,ems'~ <br />& 4Otl11iMyi lMns. Trustor sndll make all payments of InCer'esl end pdncipai and <br />payments O/ flrry ether Cnargtls, tees, and expenses conireCtetl SP be paid to any <br />exi8tinglyn no{ders Or prior banetfciariaS vntlbr any prig TNSt Deatl. Mortgage or <br />other security agreement. before the dais may are tlelinquont and to Day any other <br />claim wnlCh jegpardlaa: the seEUfity granteC Herein. <br />9. IhoteetWn. o{ Benaik4ry's SacurNy. Snou)d Trustor fail lO mane any payment, <br />fan to do any act as herein prov!datl, ur at any action or procestllrig Is commancad <br />--wnich. male[lally 8ftecta Beneflciery'S Interest in tna Property, inclutling, but nor. <br />LimiCed 10,. eminent domain, in4olvanCY, arrangenrenta or procaadings invotvtny a <br />benkrypt p' deCadettt. than $nnaficiary O' Trualatl but w'.tnO++t ODhgation to dO aU <br />drrd witnpul R{itiCa to Or tlcmanq Upon ter./3:or, e.1O witnput relOasing Trustor Hvm <br />any dbligaliOn hernundrx, may maRn Or dP Ilw se may' pay, Purchase, <br />Ontea[ Or cOmpruvrime any anry!TDCYnt'k LHarga Pr Im~U`._which m IRB 1ud48,ntlni O{ <br />either d'JPaars t alteOi Said Property- fn n any DUwRr5 ma <br />99nff:.:Mary N Trustee meY incur any llahtttYrarid R:x PenC wnataver amount.>, <br />nciva!+xp ^rrsCU•~«.-v.n;s of ra nabie attarnnv'n , IHrS a +.. W <br />a+scrmro ras - asay t ,al -. .. ~° Ia+r lu <br />rnsuranca . c pay to d pac y: r ~,. o rim r_ <br />;np ... ... Iyildn s ' ~n E .. '.'~.n <br />n _... ~. ants Ar n _ Pasr' ~ . <br />,. Ti.riHrk d r a. ~.v yr. a,. lhu, +w.~ , _v <br />