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<br />NoT acE OF coNTRACT aF sA: E ~,~ ,®,~ ~ (y p 5 $ b <br />Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a contract of <br />sale dated February ~~ 1982, A. W. HEDGECOCK has agreed <br />to sail to GALEN D. HURST and STEPHANIE A. HURST, husband <br />and wifey joint tenants with right of survivorship, the <br />following described real estate under contract, with the <br />final payment due on February 15, 1987: <br />The property commonly known as 9~4 South Pleasant <br />CTiew Drive, being Lot Nine (9), Block One (1), <br />Pleasant View Subdivision to Grand Tsland, Hall <br />County, Nebraska. <br />Signed this J.~J day of February, 1982. <br />A, W„ Hedgecock, Seller <br />/ ~~: <br />Galen D. Hurst, Buyer <br />~ Stephanie A. Hurst, Buyer <br />L <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA.) <br />(ss: <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />Before me, a Notary Public qualified in said County <br />personally came A. W. Hedgecock, known to me to be the <br />identical person who signed the foregoing instrument and <br />acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act <br />and deed. ~~'--~~'' <br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seal on~~~---=`-~ <br />1982. -~~-.~ ~(~ <br />i'w _ <br />Notary Pull <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />(ss: w~-~rirr-~.rN.r..r <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) tl4NIPf G• <br />Ib ~a ~. ~G 441f~i <br />Before me, a Notary Public qualified in said County <br />personally came Galen D, Hurst and Stephanie A, Hurst, <br />husband and wife, known to me to be the identical persons <br />who signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the <br />execution thereof to be their voluntary act d deed. <br />W%tness my hand and Natariai Seal on; r" ~,~. <br />7982. ~% .:du <br />Notes "'Public ~ <br />,The undersigned, Ruth E. Hed~cock, hereby acknowledges <br />that she has read. the foregoing Notice of Contract of Sale <br />and she hereby ccansen,.,,LtL..,s to the same and to the conveyance of <br />tllC LCaI G$tat° +_her'-a~ys <br />Dated this ~ day of February,. 1982. <br />.~ <br />~ Ruth E., He3ge <br />'- Signed and acknowledged in my pre by Ruth E. <br />!4•~~Sra' e~gecock this ~ day o~ Lary ~. ~, _. <br />Notary Pub ~~ LL _. <br />