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~Tssr:.wwaatarrr 6?~Eii~<Dots@W G~xMY Ferw,) C]G -EJ U ~J 6~ L~~.____.__ ~•~~~_o ~_ oR sY,.i a. ar~wa .,,,wt+.+mmca»..»~ i I% <br />it ~~~~~ ~~' ~~ --°tr' <br />1~.i1~OW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT`S, That Ronald .;. Shukis atrl Diana 8hukis, <br />fctx°~t~erly' kncwm as Diana Raftery, husband atx3 wife <br />in'cditaideratioataf fifty thousand ($50,000} <br />in -fiend paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto <br />Halltin Property Management Corporation, a California corporation <br />the following described real estate, situate in the Connty of 13x7.1 and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />DOLLARS <br />Ic:st Sixteen {lfi) arr3 the Easterly 8 feet of Lot Fifteen (15) in Block One (1) in <br />13e7. Air Addition to the City of Grand Islam, as surveyed, Platted and <br />recorded iss Hall County, Nebraska. <br />together with alt the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the estate, title, <br />dower, right of homestead, claim or densand wltatsoevcr of the said ' ~ <br />ROnaid il . b1'ilin5 arL DiaTia <br />Stit]kis of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof; <br />i <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said ~.I <br />Property Management Corgo~ation <br />l <br />and to its heirs and assigns forever, and t,>e the said ' gpnald J. <br />Shuki and Diana Shukis for us and our ',I <br />heirs, executors, and administrators, do covenant with said 13akk1rl Property, banagement Corporation I <br />and with its heirs and assigns, <br />that +,~ are lawfully seized of said premises, that they are free from encumbrance except for <br />easements acrd restrictiar~s of reo3rd, axzl a first Mortgage to the Pntdential Insurance ' <br />Cuiipany of %-*~*°1ca in the principal star of 516,200.00 reco~ec. at Book 129 of I~lort- <br />gages., page 482 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hail County, Nebraska, <br />Mich mortgage grantee agrees to assume <br />that we have good right and lawful authority to sell <br />the same and that we will and our heirs, executors, and administrators shall warrant and defend <br />the same unto the said Hahn Property Management Corporation <br />aad its heirs and assigsss, forever, against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever <br />IN WITNESS 13rHF,REOF we have hereunto set our hands this 42.St n day of <br />A. D. 19 ~; <br />i, In: presence of <br />'' ~tB1zAAS aacun~a=tvT~Y <br />` STAMP TAX <br />s~nrent~~rrack~a ~E~ ~ ~ zu~{ <br />Dp <br />~.~ BY_., <br />~_ ~ ~.. __~G..~,..._..__ .--._._...-- <br />sA ~ 1: Q~ ~ ~ 11' <br />Oounty of. ! ~ __.___.. ~ ~ On tfus .~ ~' -~~'' _..... -._day of--. ~ ...j'i1.~ -._.---- ----°----- <br />~C. D. f9: _ _.-.. before me, a Notary Public In and for said County, persoAAl;y carne the. above nansed <br />L K ho~....~__..persanaily known. to me to be the edentrcal person~~r'"Yi..._whose name... ....,--°.. <br />.., <br />affixed to theabove instrument as grantor_ ........... . .and..... _, . _. ....-.......,. _........ _........- <br />~~ atksxcswfedgeci said instrun~?t to be _---..voluntary act and decd. <br />WITIVE.SS my hand, and Notarial Seat the date last aforesaid. <br />-' .` , _. <br />..__.t~ ~..,f„ . ~,r_-~i. ~-'-'L -- - z .. Ni~tary ~' ylic. <br />,19 v crarnanit~it~n ~srea on t~Pxe ` "" <br />-_ - p .~..., _ .day ~ -- A.t.r.!...- ._~. ,''.3 t~9.s:.~-.~. <br />fw1~' <br />