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<br />RE~~~SE ~~ ilIA4RTGA~E 82~ t~ 05 € £i <br />'. ! Ir. rnrisidernNon of ftt}l payment and curngtiance with the conditions of a martgage <br />- made by Thomas J. Casey and Marjarie P. Casey, each. in Pais and her own right <br />cvnd'as s~xuse of each ether, <br />to THE EQliIT1BLE Bi;ILDING A1vfD LOAN ASSOCIr1TION OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, on the <br />fo:[}at~ving described property, to-tvit: I,ot Nine (9) , in BIoCk TW2nty-Six (26} , in G).lbert'S` <br />Third Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br />wlticlt said martgase bears date 29th day of January I9 79 'and <br />is recorded in} of morttY.tges on Page _ _ _ _ _ <br />Document No. 79-000590 <br />of the records of Ball t'onnty, `iebraslca, said Association hereby acknowledges full satisfaction of and releases the <br />same.. <br />In witness whereof the said THE EQiITABLE Bt;ILD1NG AND LOAN ASSOCLATION OF <br />GRAND ISL,.4ND, NEBRASKA, has caused this instrument to he siy;ned by its President and attested by its <br />Secretary this 26tYi day of February A.U., 19 d2. <br />The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska <br />,, ~ 7~, <br />fay ,._. <br />_._y - r.. __.._. ----- ---- ----~-- _ <br />President R, E -dCiCaitan <br />. {, ~ ~~ <br />.._..../~'',.,~~"~ Secretary James in'. Olson <br />STATE ©F NEBRASK4 <br />ss. <br />GOUNTY OF HAIL <br />On this 16tta cL3y of February A.D., 29 82, before me, a Notary Public <br />ding Cotumissioned and qualified for and residing in said county, personally came R. E. lanmari and <br />James Gi. Dlson <br />to me known to be the ideratieal persons whose names are affixed to the above release as President and Secretary <br />of said Assxiation .,:rd acknowledged the. said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed and the voluntuy <br />act. and deed of the said THE EQt7IT_ABLE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCLATLON OF GRAND ISLAND; <br />:YEBRTyKA. <br />\4'itness,my lsand az,d notarial seal the day and 1~p~r-}fit ataove written. ,.., <br />,- ~° ~ <br />~~ <br />~' _ ~ <br />Notary Public <br />~'"--~~. ~-~ ~ '¢ iviv coruntrssiari ecpucx 'a._,,- ;.: F ,_ <br />Ott ~ tF ,.~ r ,. <br />