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<br />"'y This farm is used in cannee- <br />r~~rp~^+ tfan with nwrtKages' insured <br />M~~ 11Y1.11T~ andPr the one- to four-family. <br />provisions of the lYationsl <br />Housnk; Avt: <br />82-- i~C~05~'~` <br />THiS 1~OR'1'GAGE. madeand'execatedthis 12th day of February :A.D: <br />19 82 , by and between FdwF~Yd C, Brandt and 3ance E. Brandt,. xusband and Wife <br />~f the County of Hall ,and State of Nebraska, party of the first part, hereinafter called. <br />the Mortgagor, and Superior Mortgage, Tnc. , <br />acnrprnntionorganizedandexistingunderzhelawsof Nebraska <br />party of the second part: hereinaftercalled"the Mortgagee, <br />N: I'1'NESSETH: That the saidMorigagor, for and in consideration of the sum of TYtirty eight thousand' and - <br />No/100tha---_____________~___~_~~__ Dollars (~ 38, 000.00 1. Haiti by the Mort- <br />gagec- the receipt of tuhich is hereby acknowledged, has Granted arrd Sald and by. these presents .does Grant, &1r- <br />gain. Setl, Canvey and'. Confirm unto tfie Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the following-described <br />r~ilestate,situa[edintheCountyof Ball ~ ,and'State. <br />of Nebraska, to u~ira <br />Lot Fifty-Three (5.3), Potash Subdivision, FIall Cotmty, t3shraska <br />of [he Sixth Prihcipal'Meridian, containing inall acres according to Govern- <br />ment survey: <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with ail the appurtenances thereunto belonging and including <br />all heating; plumbing and lighting fixtures and equipment aaw ar hereafter attached to or used in connection +,vith said real estate <br />unto the Mortgagee, add: to its successors and assigns, forever. The Mortgagor represents to, and covenants with, [he Mottga- <br />gee, that the Morfgagoe has goad right to sell and convey said premises; that they are free from encumbrance; and hat the <br />Mortgagor'will warrant and defend he same against the lawful claims of alt persons whomsoever; and the saitlMortgagor here- <br />by re3inquishes all rights of homestead, and alimartial rights, either in aw or inequity, and all other contingent interests ofthe <br />Mottgagor in,and tv theaboye-described premises; the intention tieing o cvnvey hereby an absolute title,... iafee simple, includ- <br />iztgall rights;of homestead, and other rightsand fnlerests as aforesaid. <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS. andthese presents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions, to wit: <br />The Mortgagor agrees to pay tothe Mortgagee, or order, the principahsumof Thirty eight. thousand <br />and No/i00ths- ~~ Do;lars (5 38, OD0.00 >~ <br />with interestfrom date at the rate of Sixteen. and. Or}e-half per centum ( ],6:.50 %} perannum on <br />the unpaid balance unrifipaid-The said principa[ and interest shall tee payable at the-office of Superior Mortgage. Inc:..... <br />in brand. !eland i tFE or at such other pplace as the holder of <br />the"note may desigtzate iti writing, in monthly: installments of Five hundred twenty six and 36/100ths--- <br />---- ~ _Dallazs LS 526..3.6 }, commencing vn the :first day of <br />,pp°il , t982 ,and on the firstday of each month thereafter until the principal assd in- <br />ter~et are fuAy patd; except that the final payment of principal and interest, if nvt sooner paid, shall be due and <br />payahlc on the first dayof March, 2012 ; alt accordingto the terms of a certiairi,promis- <br />soty note cf evendate herewithexecuted by the said Mortgagor. <br />The blz;ngagor fn order more fulty to protect the security of this Mortgage; agrees: <br />I. 'That lk will tray the indebtedness,-as hereinbefore provided. 1'riv}lege is reserved to pay the debt in-whole, or in an <br />amount eyuai to one cr more monthly payments an ttte principal that are next due on the note, vn the first.. clay of any month <br />prier ur ma4rnty: Yroii~ed. however, That wrftien notice of an.intention toexerctse such privilege is given at least thirty,f30} <br />day 5. prior to prepayment. <br />?. l-hat. together u-ith.:~nd in additinn ta, the monihfy payments of principal and interest payable under the terms of the <br />note secured hereby, the Mvngagnr will pay to the Martgagec, on the first day. of each month ent! the sort! uvteis fully paid, the <br />f ullowipg ;um s: <br />(a}. An;uunt sufficient tri ptuvlde the hoYder hereof earth f-ands ia;pay Etre, next mortgage insurance prcmiutn ff this <br />:n~::nmcn::u~d the Hate secured hereby are insured, oe a monthly charge fen lieu of a m~rtpaq~ insurance pre- <br />- rrtiufii/ if ¢key ~r~ held by ihe.Secretary at"Housingand Urban Devefoprneni, as follows: <br />(3) tt ut+Q ,a tong as: said Hate of euen date: and the instrurnenr ate are reinsured eider ttic pra- <br />.~siuns of the.-iatianah tfousing Act,. an atnaunt, sulit;ient to accumulate in the hands of tl¢e ttofder zinc <br />Hay;octet:iiA-2taatt.whtcnmavnu.!rreaunsacuvvtr;se,araurtad STA'TE.(ff~:'ti~;F3ftA;;Fi.t~ <br />WUG9'at A3M !9.741 <br />