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z r <br />AFFl~AVBT Cif PU~L~CA~,TIC)N <br />TIIB STATE 6F' NEBRASKA ~ ~,G °° ~ ~ ~ ~ C <br />ss. <br />HALF, COL'a:'TY <br />harry Neil betag first duly sworn on his oath. deposes° and <br />Advertising i"tanager <br />says that he is the _.__._ __ _ _ _ of The Grand Isiattd' Aal(y <br />Independent, a newspaper printed and published at Grand Island, in Hall Coumy, <br />Nebraska, and of general circulation is Hall County, Nebraska, and'as such has' <br />charge of the records and flies of The Grand Island Daily Endependeat;-and'afGant' <br />kaaws of his own personal knowledge that said newspaper has a bona bde circulaflon' <br />of more than 560 copies of each issue, has been published at Grand Island, Nebraskap <br />for more than 52 weeks successively prior to Lhe first publication of=the annexed <br />~R ~} ~t{II~E~ tye~ pt3nted notice, and is a legal newspaper under xhe statutes of the State of Nebrasta~ <br />till OF~Oi1l iaT~TE that the annexed printed notice was published in said newspaper for 3 .........weeks, <br />the first publication being on. i:Oislay _._the..~'th <br />of. ~&T1ll.~..T^7 19x2 ,and subsequent publications being <br />on ?onday_. _. _ _ the <br />lath of__ January _ 19~~ <br />'L~th .day of_ January. _ I9~~.. <br />.day of_ 19_ _ <br />daY of_ ~ 19._ <br />day of_ __ 19.. .. <br />Subscribed in my presence an$~sworn W befotfe me~;t11i:~ -...,26tt1 <br />day of. January r :9,152 <br />My commission expires. t 1 e ~_ 18~ / /~^ <br />-~' Notary Public <br />~-i _ <br />Fees,Sa /, ~--G <br /> <br />n-uas <br />,~: <br />