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~ '08.8~Si7 Rrdt6~QRmHtF+ WARRA'VTY 4ERfY __. ~ "'.."„~ 10~~° ~ nnttman and iz~ton fl Wo~2. Wet2un tde. bH46I <br />KtiCJSY ALL Tri H4 TE3ESE ]'Y~ESE~lT'S, That <br />FRED L. SCAItBOROUGII, A Single Parson, Fn His own right <br />herein called the grantor whether one or mbre, <br />ineonstderationof FIF'T`Y-FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100 ($55,000.00) DOLLARS <br />received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm ante <br />IONE EDMISTEM and ANN ADDY„ Daughter of Ione Edtnistem <br />as yoint tenants with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in common, the following described real propertq in <br />Ha11 Counts, Nebraska <br />LOT TEN (10), ZN BLOCK TI?FEE(3), PLEASANT VTEW ADDITION <br />TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Ta have and to hold the abate described premises together with ali tenements, hereditaments and appur- ; <br />teusnces thereto belonging unto the grantees and to their assigtzs, or to the heirs cad assigns of the snrvivor of <br />I them forever. <br />!? And grantor does hereby covenant with the ,nr:rntees and kith their assigns and with the heirs and assigns <br />of the survivor of them that grantor is lawfullr seised of said prertisess; that they are free from encumbrance <br />except easements and restrictions of record <br />that ~rantar has good right attd lawful anthorit}• to can~•ec the game: and that grantor warrants and a•ilI defend <br />the title to said premises against the lnwfnl claims of atl persons whomsoever. <br />It is the intention of all parties hereto that in 2.he event of Lhe death of either oi' the ;,„routers, the entire <br />I fee simple title to the real estate shall vest in the xnrviving grantee. NEBRRSK4 L3UCU'41ENTARY <br />,.~-' r ~ , <br />Dated r'p/CrTtc~t'~..~,~ .> 19 ,t~ <br />_ _..: <br />f ~ r• <br />ir:1./~ r.-~ , --.. . ". tee".- tv'~ E."~ ~ '- j ~.:' ,r.~% <br />... <br />../. `Pied L'. ' Scar`bb'rotigl3 ..... .. . ..... ~Grti~4, ..... ~ .... ~........ , <br />........................................... -'~~. .....~ t~i,'~~.~r''~ <br />... s>f. , , . ~...... . <br />.. Nebraska .'"1" ,' ' <br />S3'r1TE GJF ... __._ ... } ~n thu e4'. day of. , ±i' ' S <'...:_f.. _ __._ _ rgi~ ;.., before <br />Hall ss. <br />.. _., ._.. _.-. __._.__County } rJie, the undersigned a ;VOtmv Public, duly commissioned and qualrofted jor ` <br />_ _ <br />ix said county, personalty caeca-._......._ ..._.._.... .......__. ...._..__ __ ._...._ <br />Fred ScarborouF,hs,A Single Person <br />~++--twarts.-c.n - ... ... <br />tttuon va+Grc <br />^1 ~ E4 ME 4~ t916 to sae ;znarcm to be the identical perso-n or persons whose nasaze %s or ranges arc <br />(SEAL} 9 al'bxed to the foregoing nnstrument and acknawtedged the execution thereof to lac <br />his, her or their voluntary art and deed. <br />` Ld~"fitness my hard and IVotar%ad Seat the day and }~aar last above usritien. <br />-~ , <br />- ~ 7i ;~^tC"'~. ~'^.' _.__Aratary Public ~ <br />._ _ _ <br />At G'~otrJSnkzs»n er ras the. L `- • ' <br />~'t3'l'E, CF ... _ ., .. .. ] . <br />2'cnutTr ..... .... ........... }ss. <br />l~ui~aetl oxJ za~unerigal index mnd filed for record iu t#ae 12egiater of Deoda G~ffier of said Coupty the <br />......... .. de.~ t+$ . .... . ..... . .......... 1.9......, at........... o'clock sud ........... raxinutea ...... ... , ~., <br />xn1 rRCare3a;: ;r Elf>t5k ....................of,,..... <br />ftepl, of Deeds <br />l3v ................. ... Deputy <br />