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.2~^1ad1-~N6E~GWISI+itC'~ k.lERt ~.+~"""' ~~ ~ 5 c)~ _-__ Huffman aad Felton & Wntf, Watton. He. 6rtdfil <br /> <br />..................Fehru~~X-. ~.~...-................... ...------..a " - <br />Lien claimed by; - ` .. • W 9°° y"" 1 <br />Vebra:ska, Fire Sbrinkler Cbzporation_------._ Agai»st :h~T:ion, D. Larson,.._Iuretta._L:._Larson <br />Address-_g.._? _~cox-161,3., Gran~3_ISlarx3t...='?E_.._.. than, R__-Dickson, t4acxni J. Erickson ~ <br />R9 --~~" ~ 58802 I1 r. Gr. <br /> <br />1;7,(21,f8I _____ ~ l:nvoce__~115~_£or__insta2lation-_o£ fire--- <br />___-°--- ------------ ------ -------°- ----°---- <br /> -_--- sgrinkler_ systezR_at_the_ ~ater~------------------- ------------- --°-- ---------- --------- <br /> <br /> <br />-------------- <br />-- - <br />-- <br />E---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />~ ----------- <br />------ <br />---------- <br />-------- <br />Stole of__27F.B.RASKA----._.__.._.~ <br />ss. <br />..._ -__FL~L.-----_........_... County: <br />,get=,~Sichael• C,-_ ~~ers;~P*~es,.-~7ebraska Fire Sx~rinkler Oorporation ..._, be<xg first <br />diay sworn, o» his oath says that the foregoing itr«.wised arcoxnt of work, labor, skitl..coil.4~._~]SS.~._~.:lation_of_---_.__- <br />materials, and improvements is true a»d correct: that same were done and performed and furnished by tht xnderrigned <br />for the said---'9d~7.S)A1..R,....~'.;~?~lx._~R.r~tta Lt_ Larson,._Dean..Rs..Eriekson & ni,_~rickson ......_.. <br />under ate. oral...., •--•--- contract.tgi..t13..F.~2I~~._~? Baker. Developm2nt._Cc <br />for the'.__installation- & oonstsnction,---.__. .. of a _.. fire. ~rinkler sxstem at the Fatery <br />on the following tot, piece ar parcel of Sand, vis:~....LQ~S..1.F2~~.~.4~.`~s.fie7ti...&_.$..F~.'.~5. SuU~li_vison_to <br />...__~tY °~_Grand__ISland,---Hall s3~unty!•-?VeYaraska. <br />That at the lino said contract was made and labor and materiak furnished and delivered therexnder.NJdC7,9XL_._.... <br />D. iarson -_ Ir~retta_ 3,,._Iarsor?r.._tA~?--R.'--Erickson _.&,.Naonti, ??xickson..zt~ Plhe ownersof Bard premises" <br />#fl?it~ 132. Jt_~?14er..a/b./_~__$~er._Deyelo-ylt..Co..was-.tfe,_~rontsactor and actin~__for_...-°•--° <br />the owners. <br />That the: date of the first item. f»rnrshed and delivered uvu.._..._10/2,~J~81 .... a»d thr <br />date of the last item zoos..--°..1Jf 21,/81.._•..•_„_-....._.__......_ ...................................°- . __..._.....__.__..,.... <br />t1 ffiant further states that. said Tabor was performed on, a»d materials mere fxr»ished far, delivered at, and used in <br />said bwtdrng or premises on and'. brtweex the dates specified. <br />That the prices charged therefor are fair a»d reaso»able, a»d thot there is now due o» said account the sum of <br />Seye~ Etundzed_..;~i.~ty _.&.._Y RL190---=-__- - °---_._-.- _- ~ :-.-7Jollars, that said° <br />~ ----..-..._ .._'-----__ .. ...... ......_---...._....._.._..........._._._........._..daims a !re» on the said prsmrses for the full amon++$ of <br />sold arcoK»t, to-wit: TFte sxru of $ .76_~-~Q!3--•------------------------------sagether with ixtarest therea» at the legal rate, <br />{rpm the___20th day of__-_NOVember ... ....._....___..._..___.-, ay._$L..., a»d further a~'ia»t says not. <br />/~`~~~~fca sprinkler-.Cor-poration <br />1 ~s president....°--°---------°---------------°-°-_..__ ........................................... <br />~ti MIM' - AMrct IYM~w --_.._..... ___..._.. <br />MT1116i~a1.+`~AMFiDilp Sxbscribe'+ the and s+.eorr! t _e ors mr this.-.--. l~ ... _..----.- <br />Mr ~. Ear. Arr 2i, l9lS da a .....- -•- -- - - --- --.. r .._._ <br />y f --.__...__ -- - --- - <br />U <br />c2 ~~~ .... _. .. .....::........- <br />•: (~ revrrs~ side Eor instructions) tart' Pxblu. , <br />51'A'1'J:; DF'... ~ ~ Entered oa nuraorical iadex~ aad fiiecl #or record <br />m' sn tLe RogivKer of Deeds Office of said County the <br />C.xmty .. _ ........ .... ... <br />....__.._...--.. ..dap a#._.:.,...:........~.T. ............._........, 29..._..__.., a*__............__..,.._...,..._o'CIOCY aad......._......_.........__.minntea .......__,-..-.....-i~4., <br />aad Mc-crdsd in $ov7c.__ _.- ..............._.._....ot................_....._._...........a£. ga~e._,_.._........_...,._,.,.. .. _....._ <br />_..._...-....._._...........-_._........__... _._._....____... _.._....Eteg. of Deeds <br />3 _. <br />