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Mt~RTG~,GE ~ °~~_ ~~ E~ Q ~ s ~.~ <br />TH15 lAff)£NTUAE, rattle thia_.__.__ ___ 11th --_....._. day of __.._.._ FebY'Uiit"y . - .._ .. 19'~.._.._., by and between <br />LLDYD E. ROMINE ADD PHYLLiS M. ROMINE, husband and wife <br />of NALf~- County, Nebraska:, as mortgagor ~_,___.~_.. and Hame federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island.a corporation <br />organized-an+dcitfstrhgund~r the laws of the Uni[ttt States of America with its principal office and place of 6usittess at Grand Island, NeCrraska,as <br />mortgsgee, <br />WiTNHRSETH: That said mortgagor_S._._____.,forandinconsiderationofthesumaf_TWENTY FIVE THON$ANDSIX ANDS <br />2511 DD•------------------------------------------ ______25,006:25 <br />the receipt of which is hereby ackeow.bdgeds do __.___...-__~_ by chew presents mortgage a.-K3 warrant until ~i d r,,ortgagm,.in su,xessors and assigns, <br />HALL ~ _ -,. _' - - .. - _ <br />forever, sit thefollowing de•scrihtd real estate, situated in the Coumy o£ ..______...~___.. --- <br />and'SeateotNetrraska,:o-wir. <br />LDT TEN (lD), AND THE WEST THIRTY FEET.{W30'} OF LOT ELEGCN (11}, IN BLOCK THREE <br />(3}', IN FARKHILL SUBDIVISION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. <br />Together with ail heating, air conditioning, lighting, end plumbing eGwpment and fixtures. including screens. awnings. storm windows srd <br />doors, andveindow shades or blinds, aced on oz m connection with said property. whether the same are now iacated on said property or hereafter <br />glared thoreou, <br />TO ffAVE'~AND T6:HOLD TEiF $Abft:, together with ail and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances chereunw be- <br />longing, ar is .enywiseapperteioing, forever, and wsrrnnt the title eo the same, Said margngor.s.._. hereby eovenant _. _... with veld <br />mor[gogeee t t tre-Y SP2 ac the del~very heraaf, the lawful owners of the premises oboes conveyed and dt yribed.. <br />-' and d . .seized of a good end CndeEeesibla estate ui ini;eritance therein, free and clear nC all encumbusncea, and chat __t.he __will <br />-.,= warrant and defend Che title tharato faruvar.agninst the claims sod demands of al,l persona whomsoever. <br />`` PROti'IDEDAY.WaY:S,aadthisinstrutuentisexecutedanddelivererltosecurethepaymentofthesuxnof.TWENTY FIVE THDUSAND <br />_ --- -- <br />___.._ i, <br />~-I-.i.~+I.lfl !~-1'~.D..:;aS... _^_- ._-_-...~ --...-.r _=-.. .. _.___- -„----DoLar.:{9 _2~-,QQf3T2r1 ._._._ <br />with interezt thereon, ,ngetteer wrth >uch.charges and sdvan~es as rase be due and payable to said mortgagee under the cerms and conditions <br />-^, of [ha.ptomisz :,'y-note g~#wan d>.ee herewith and serur~ed hereby, executod by said mortgagor _,$._. _. to said mortgagee. Payable as expressed <br />_ in said rote, and:`a secure rbe performance of all the terms and contiitsons cnntain:xl therein. The terrrrs of said note are hereby incorporated <br />he[ein by, thin refaeoce. <br />This theintentlon and agreement of the parties hereto that this mortgage shall also severe any £utnreadveaces made ta. said: mortgaggr S _, <br />6ysridmortgegee, and any and aII indebtedness in addition xo the amount shave sorted whick. said mortgagors, or any of them, may owe to <br />said. mortgagee.. however evidenced,. whether by rwte, book nccaunt ar otherwise.. This mortgage shall renutin L~ full force and. effect hetween <br />theparties hereto and that: heirs, persona3 representatives, suaessora and assigns, until ail amounts secu,•ed hereunder, including future <br />advances. aze paid in fu'u with interost. <br />Themortgagor _$,_._. hereby assign ___.. to said moztgagee aFl rent' and income arcing at soy and all times from said property and. <br />hereby authorize said rraertgagee nr its agent, nt its option, upon default, w cake charge of said property and. collect all rents andincome <br />therefrom. andapply the same ca the payment of intermit, principal., insurance premiums, tearer. assessments,. repairs or imp: ovemants <br />rrirxssary w koep said proparfy: m tepantsbie ~rouditiow onto other chnrges.ox payments provided fore herein cuux the note hereby secured: 'this <br />rent ass;gumept shall cohtiruein force until iha unpaid balance of said note is fully paid. The taking of p,ssession hereunder shall. in no manner <br />pre~enc or ratard:said rnongegee Cathecollec&ioa of said auras by foreclosure ar otherwise. <br />The failure o€ the awrtgagee toassezf any of its.riglr[shexeunderat any timoshall not 6e consrzued. as a waiverofits. right to=asserC. tf•.e <br />,oats a, _ '~cer tuna. insist upon and enforce sxrrct complinace with all the terms and provisions of said note and of the; mortgage. <br />* ar,. <br />1; .skid mortgagor ~ shalll cause to 6e paid w sold mortgagee the entire smaunt due it hereunder, aacd under the terms and p ovisians <br />` of said note hereby cured. includingfuture advances, and any extensions ar reoewats thereof in arxordance wit4 the terms ar d provisions <br />tF , twra,r, .,.,n it snit mort¢ai. s 5 ~_ shall wmply with aU she arovieiolas of said note and of this asanfege, th~aa thew. prestats shall be voit~3; <br />otherwise to main is fulifutce awleHect, and said mortgagoe shall beentitled to the possession of all of said property. sod may, at its aption, <br />rSerlux the whnir cf said rate and sit imlebEedpr~sxepnrsentied tireraby ta ba immedaately due amd payable, sod may forta:lase this mart{;agc~ <br />or wlre any ether [eRd ac;Soh to prntectCta right. Appraisemeatwaivtd- <br />Tars sorigsge shall t>c hinditrg upon and shall Hoare fa t w ~nefit nt Cho. t:eirs, executors, admmistratnrs, succx•ssors nod. assigrvvaf the <br />;eapoctivcprxties here[.r. <br />Iti ts1T!r FSS 4~''k`r.",12.F;E}F'. xaid ±~rrlgagur.s_... ha W~_nerauntiir sat the3 r... hand S..__. tM+day Rod }car tint nhm~c <br />xri; ups "."~ ,.,, <br />.. <br />~LTuyd _.~~a.,fine ___. _ ~,~~ fs.61. Romans <br />