M9PIART~Cs~~ E ~ ~-. cs (s C! 5 43
<br />THiS ?+ftlEtitTJRE, cords ttem.._._.____._....._- ~..~c~R_-.-_ day of.---F-~~?'t~~~-_ _....---_---. , t~ _.~?_, by and between
<br />Aosta~r~ J. 69edbvfy_and..Cang~~n_S~ ;~fedbuf~y hubbanc! and uz% e _i__ ___---_---__~
<br />of.-._ia'.3' ~ County, NeLvaska, as mottftagar ,-_~_, and Home federal Savingsand Loan Association of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organised and existing under the laws of the L`nited States of Ameriea with its principal office and place of business at Grand [stand., Nebraska, as
<br />mortgagee:
<br />Wl7'Nf.S.4'ETH: That saidmortgagor~_..^__,. fez and is consideration of the sum o€
<br />3`en Thousand S.i-x MundtcQd S~.xty-a.iz and 36/100 -- ------ ~~g~n_ Ti2.~b6G,3G'-. ).
<br />- .r,
<br />the receipt o-which u hereby acknow8edgnd, da____by these presents mortgage arrdwatTmteunto-etYd~r~pr'°Balu.es FacaKZOrs andassigns,
<br />forever, all the following described xrat estate, situated in the County of __ fla.~K. _ ---
<br />and State of Nebraska, to•wi1:
<br />tot F.eve {5} 32oe(z Ttdo {21 ,irt Capi~'.aQ Hei.c~htb Fofufth Su?~rlt:vib.i.orx, Bei.rig a Pant
<br />05 .the StUi o~ Seeti.on 2, Tocurvadu.p 11 Month, Range 10 CUeb.t o~$ -the 6th P.6{., Na.Ee
<br />Cow7.ty, Neb:~cabFut.
<br />Together with all heating, air conditioning, ?ightinRt, and plnmbirg equipment and fixturt~v, including screens. awnings, swim windows and
<br />doors, and window shades or blinds. usedoa ur in connection with said property, whether Ube same are now located on said property or hereafter
<br />placed thereon.
<br />T4 HA'VEANU Ti) HOLD 7'HE:SAME, tage[irer with all antra singv.lar Ghe canemenrs. hereditaments and appurtenances thezeunw be-
<br />longing, or in anywise eppastsining, forever. and •marrsnt the title to the same. i;aid morgagor _b._ herby covenant___ with said
<br />mortgagte that.._.,t he _tl.___...allQ.._____ at he e;ezivery hereof, the lawtui owner $_-..__ of the premises above conveyed and described.
<br />aad._ _. _. ~"-2__saised of a good and indefeascaie e-.tste of inheriGanre therein. free and cleaz of all encumbrances. and that _ th ~ f~_. wi1F
<br />~;: rent and de18>ad tscce brie thereto faravar against the ctasms and dotaemis of all persons whomsoever.
<br />PftU VZilEi) 0.LS6`AYS, and ibis instrument es ucxuted and delivered to secure the pevment of the sum of _ __.__ _.._ ..._ ...
<br />7~j~_Tncu~~nd-~~e._Htan~cS~xet~-~wsi_dQY2a~cti and 3brr1Q~_ ~aua~ls_.---11>,Iz&fi.3.6___._ _i.
<br />i.th intcrr. t :Yrevr, together with suchrharg.^a and avvarrros as may ba due and payable w said. mortgagex under the terms and condition,
<br />of tae pn5missa y :,ctE ct even date hezewi4b +nd secure<3 FasPby, czecuted by said martgagor,~__. t:o said mortgagee, paysble as expaYSSed
<br />in said smote, aad ~asae=.-.~~ tfie perforina~ of aU thc• to is and condiUOns canteiaieci therein. The terms of said seta are hereby incorporated.
<br />herein: by tires: reference..
<br />It is--the ittteatiua amd agreement of the parties irezeuJ that this moztgag'e shalt else secure any future advancns made w said moitigagor .b.. _.
<br />by saicf;murtgagee, and any and alt indebtedness in additaon w the amaant above stated whirl said rtortgsgors, ar say of them, may awe to
<br />said mortgagee, ha°,vaver evideared, whether by note. beak ecrount or otherwise 'I'bis raxurtgage sknafl remain in full force and effect between
<br />theya[ties hereto and their hens, personal. repteseaiativ2s, successors and assigns, until ell amounts secured hereunder. inrludin~•. fuurr
<br />advances. are paid in fu«' mottle rntareai.
<br />Themgrtgagar 4 _ hereby assib*a ._.-_ to said mottgagae a#1 rents and income ansieg at any and a13. times from said property and
<br />herabyeuthoriza said mortgagee oc ifs agent, nt its option, upon de€ault, w Cake charge of said property and callert alt rent_v and income
<br />tlrerrfttrm. and apg{y zhe same to the payment of rnGarest., principal, insuzantr premiums, texas, assessments, repairs or i-nprovement-.
<br />neeesaary.wke~ryesdpropartyin ieaaystahk m~itioa. nr wottaer charges orpaymanfs providadfor.heraiaor,irt thenotehereby sartuad.'1'he
<br />rsntassigamantshail zocrsinua is torte until the unpaid balance o? said rata is folly paid. The taking of poasess.on hereunder shall in no mamier
<br />prevent w^ retard sash mortgagee 'sxr the cailectiott of said sums by foreclosure or otherwise.
<br />'~ "7'he fellers of the a:octgs8e[+ to asvertat~v df'its-rghts hesedader at any three shalt not be raristrued ae a was"vet of Sts rf£;ht a as or. t',;
<br />snrye at any laterarirrrr, xnd 4o insist upon and enfor~~ ~..nst rompItanca with all the terms and provissiona of raid note and of tl .~ coo; tga;e.
<br />~$ (d..aard mart}j8gnr d shat} cause.w be paid to said mn:i.gagee Cho en4irE amount due it hereundesr, and under the terms and provisions
<br />of asttlrtoto hereffy seCred, ira:ludiNS future advanc~na, and any exteasrana or renewals 4henxaf in aurorztance wit.F the terms and provssions
<br />S
<br />,>;.~_nd end ~± nxi:i mi,rirsgos,_6-shalt comply with n14 the pmvisiorls of said note-acrd of this mortgage, tlxen tti++.xe Presents shall be: mod:
<br />~.rtr ~: w isa 4n ceco»»ia a `ui5 fierce aml affect; and ss~id mortgagee ghall be entitled w the paasassfon cri al5 of sand property, and cony, at to ,prior.
<br />ueclar: die whale of .e,:i note end. ail rapreaented tharatry to be immediately dua and ;payable, grid may tncedoae this martgagc
<br />.r moles. anw ucher ira > c~on..to proteccfta right. Appaiaeman4 waived.
<br />;-tw~ :-„rtgaR;Y _.._J irehiradirrg,upon arse(shall-cKiurev the benefit rrf;tha hers. exavWra, adcriini.~rtxaturs, aucresaars and ass-gas of ehr
<br />.p.c1 parr ms t:• f,,~
<br />`~ r:':f:E? t'd. r.....b_ 6a. vea. liareunto :sat ._ -~~?FL'`L.,:.._hand _4._-._the day end Sam' fret af,o4~<~
<br />i': ~',iT;.f~.3 `i, - tvtg4ypn
<br />H ~ a^. fg .. ,t ~ 4--C
<br />r' f ~'_E.%...t _. ___ _.__
<br />