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~t~(354E <br />Y7ARI7AIGTY DEES) <br />CF+IC INVESTMENTS, A Nebraska General Partnership, herein <br />csklled the Grantor, for and in consideration of tl-ie sum of ONE <br />KCINDF2ED FIFTY-FIVE THflUSANL AND NO/100 DtJLLARS t$155,000.00.} <br />received from Grantee{s), does grant bargain seihl convey and <br />L nose 3. erg cha and S{~~ron L. fteruc ~, husband &-wife:, as <br />C£D~{;~ S:rll y s, rt ah~ ~ au r~ t txnrc~i ~ fl x <br />iz~:'k'~in Leal~e~{s~, the real estate <br />ire Ha11 County, Nebraska: <br />Lot One {lj, Engelhaupt Subdivision, Grand <br />Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska; <br />TO RAVE AND TO HdLD the premises above-described, together <br />with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto <br />belonging, unto the saia Grantee{s} and to Grantee{'s}{s'j heirs <br />and assigns forever. And Grantor hereby covenants with the said <br />Grantee{sj and with Grantee{°s}{s'} heirs and assigns, that <br />Grantor is lawfully seized of saia premises, that they are free <br />from encumbrance and that Grantor, has good right and lawful <br />autharity to se11 the same; and Grantor hereby covenants to <br />warrant and defend the title to said premises against the lawful <br />claims of all persons whomsoever. And the said Grantor hereby <br />relinquishes all right, title, claim and interest in and. to the <br />above-described premises. <br />Signed this 11th day of February 1982. <br />STA7EAAE74T faiTrlCt;[L' <br />N g KA L'OCUMEtdTAf2Y § <br />STA'~"p TAX <br />B <br />C~rdC II: IESTMENTS , A Nebraska <br />Gene:.,~3'"P~artnersi~~ip ---~ <br />// ~ i // <br />~f// ~ <br />y , ,, <br />" amen L. Cannon, <br />General Partner <br />r°"" <br />BY <br />Ra ert J. 'heeler <br />General Partner <br />~~ ~~~~~ <br />t~xlliarn R. Camp~ael <br />General Partner <br />STATE OF NEBRASI{A ) <br />1 ss: <br />C[1LFAiTY OF, IiA3~L } <br />$Etc~re me,, a Notary Public qualified in said County, per- <br />sonaiiy came :5am~s ;:. Cannon, Robert :I. wheeler, and tailliam R. <br />Cau.pY~~ll., Genera? Partners of CwC investments, a Nebraska General <br />- Partr,erhshp, known to me to be the General Partners ana the <br />ideatica;. persons taho signed the foregoing agreement, and acknowl- <br />:, edged ti:~ exeaution thereof to be their voluntary act and deed as <br />such Ge:reral Partners and the voluntary act and deed of said <br />"._ ~~ari.nezs%t.p. <br />., _....~ <br />Witness my hand and Notarial 5ea1 on ~'' _ i_982. <br />,,~, :~e~-+: x~xF1AY_StaasafMWr~tks NQtaCV Pudgy IC <br />e ,. .. y>. »~, *cck2 <br />