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FcEAI ESTAT£ tdC9RTG4u€ -oe is zoa {Ray. s-r1) <br />s <br />id °s~r G ___~Is~a1tF.~' ..~.~.a._.hg.~___._._ j <br />_ Y 1 <br />Rodney R. Rathmsn {also known as Rodney Rathman) and Phyllis 1. Rathman (also known as <br />r j <br />~~ Phy113s Rathmaci),husband and wife _ j <br />nrtgegnrs, 1 <br />!~~ Nebraska <br />„f Ha11 ~o ., iy, _~ _ 1 : cocs.der3tic:, or <br />t r ~ <br />.. ~ nz advaner, ct tha prlnc Spat su.m rac+tec is the ..:. t.. h~r~..• ~: -..~1Gad, eceipt. ct n~hlch Es acknovrizdgzd, hereby <br />{ sa^t.¢.age 'uid convey to <br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a Corporation, <br />~ of Omaha, Douglas County. Nebraska, whose address <br />I <br />is Farm Credit Bu,Idrng Omaha N braska 68100, ; <br />Mn tgagee rsub'zct to tii, gas, and 'r+ z .1 ht me b,J r.1. ctt r than rorc~or ~xi trg easemnt.s of <br />rz.;c, d; rz zt-vaLSons 1:2 ~,r.I tad Stites -,.d 5t~.c, ..e., :: n. ,1:~. .h.s o,. the publ'c 1n ~... .:.,7:++a}s r, the-.1.eruln~r <br />de:;crlbed real estaee :.. Hall `o.,,,•~.~ Nebraska , <br />i ScC. TWP. RQ. <br />s <br />i NEB------------------ ---------- 18 11N 11 W6thP.M. ? <br />h~~ <br />rn ~ ~ <br />~ er'+ $ + <br />} 1J ~ ~ <br />zc $ ,u j <br />rd 6 ^ ~ ~ c <br />~ ~ ~ ,, <br />R a ~ t:.: . _ ~ ~ <br />~~ ~ j ~ '~ '•• Z ii ~ ~ C? <br />1 ti O ~ w <br />111 r i u~. \ ~ ~ <br />~ F`i-- o a - v^ <br />~~ .nv ^e i <br />.u t <br />j k <br />c eras Wing 160 _.~-~ - .. ! , ll ~ t ~t - n. r .n: <br />` ,nuw oNred or hzreat' e. .cG~: i. 1 r.. :. ~° ' <br />'•. dr appurtzr>at+ses ',:~. .,.. ^-r *. _: ..:r-.:.. ~ _ ..,.,,. ..__ _... ..,., ~,~E::, ^.:~,hts. ~~ne tenements, <br />h~redlt3.u8]7L3, t. a. n~,. vi rCm ::ald iu7l~lti end (1P <br />t <br />2 S <br />~. e O^taagor ~t +R C>E , ~ .~. _ .. + .,.. ~ li a.F .'T'!I12 T.s. <br />l i..~oaes. ..~ w. Svll_Qe.,, :,ppsrr it ;w i .eaf.,e: ! _i-seeded, <br />i or renewed t0 ,c. -gsders =-C~ .,n:.+1 „.:rtY is .o^.ated :._ <br />arty dzpa: r ., , au, ~_ i:.':~ ~ v <br />s <br />S".*i1s mortvaga t „+a,^ tr .. ~.e rip , r.:: .rrt ~., et e~ren ~?v<2 -.:., x .. :..~~.; , ,. ..: .. ... .:: tgagez, ir. <br />~ the princl ai .sum ^r THREE HUNDRED FORTY-SEVEN THOUSAND AND 1vO1IOO - - - - - - - - 7t,4.a; ,, <br />p?aYa'a.e r+1 r„h interHet . -. ro,~.a.,t, ~ -:.._ t ~.r.:; _. . _.. . ,. ;k. .:. ~ an ._., e .. a..<1 PY'~u.=' on t~._ ... ,~C ±.ay <br />aY December 1, 2010 :':t :.Y,gar E' .gal: _.. ,. ... ^•.i ant ;,, _.,. t,. .m SsurY rcte. <br />TCis :^nr: gagz Ss snblecL to U`?~ F., ,, ;1 ens c;t r•; t'aF:: Cn,.,:, ...d ..i _.,t.. .~.,ec:datar;y t4erzol' or suPP=amen tal <br />:tEratc. Phe proeeed5 0' the iavE se rzd hereby '•41 ii t' Saa- '~" rr> pwrroezs :>pec.flPd to the Mostgago.^s* 3pp?I- , <br />cation te'r said ii~an ..nd au..ha: ?~e~. Cy sa..!d Ac:. <br />~ ,TEZ1SflPtgagors, 2nd eaeL e.* ;.hei», r<zreby :varra.ct .h_t tYizy '::= tee .eners ~ z .rortg+zgcd real ^"npzrt7; Chat they <br />~..L deSend trie *-Sale rains,. claimants ~homsa?~+er, char a.~ _-oFFrty `,-ee frem s + .~n?umb^azces: t!:at <br />rrey x21 t ep al'. h csprov m 'y -Extures, ire ..: -. ~r ensr es ~laT ? d r -.cs ,,air t ~ t~ o` , <br />}j nss e. atn.d they wl~_ . _1i~4~x~~h ~ Frights at h.m...t_a_ i_. ,d ?r ~zs. `-nd .,ov_.,.'rt ~vrt agrae r _.~.. t-.~E .:ga~,ee~, <br />as .~?.:ovs: <br />ss"ly :hut they ~r11' pay w;*,zn a all £sxes. 12 ~s, o~~neuts, ..r sa:.z. ynseaas ^nhich may Le Lawr,,;.,y ,~,„z_.,_:..r,a _nss <br />t2:s Prcpzrtyhare±:; marugc3ed.~ <br />°l "~3ftC Lazy nit. :nsnsz &nd keep Inarirzd G¢r t~L.g., c' ~>rner lmpruvemasts non ar a- nhirn ^+-,~ h., NS.°r.e, ~e , <br /> grartisas to tba sat S-stac.Gion ut L:^.e ~:er ...:.r;ee, suc'.; :ns;;rxcc=_ p=1I ,Y shall Ge ~!;-:lor,;ad ~rt_r: s scr zage ~_..a-;u <br />-'h the lass'there to er to G° Payabtz ~ tyre rtr,ager. ,nf sums rzrr SVed :nay t:e .ised tv pa, for recua. :.rvst ,-::E <br />.,[ `h~6 d".t. ?F Sa Emproremznts; er, 1i :,u„ so ?s~+~: ed, may, .,.fan cf tn_ t.~', tragze, be _p,•L,c.:: i.. psyment o£ <br />' ., .:deb:<-Gaess, natcred t:-e'aattsa,l, .accred try 'tr;s _ .^et, <br />... ~-~. <br />-g'+ r _ rents, toes. ~ ahtrges now du.. o~ r ~ u:.-:.F, re ~.~ns eL =_.,ri :,..ese. Ferm9.t. -nau. ^ <br />s ~e ^ .: _ ~ ~Y na[ 'ro ne mor tg.p 3 S am sss, vrhl h Ge. ~; <br />',l 't v~1R8S1 7+7 C.`' I., +'yrj+".Srt' ,d.i' _: ... <br />'t ,. -~+1,..... .~;3aWe!3 'Jt '.a:e ..:S :.G4C a'.aCes v, :he ..... ]:. ..; CS. ~:i9 ana ~ .:es .i _t ..t 2rxy ~ti :S , -.. :.~ i. '. <br />.ter .,. ... <br />' "'`f;. .7 _ -. '?.k ac .. ~n VAILf ASI'."„ ^O4u..,. G,J, - - mot.. nP. ?fiCPEY}"a,'y iN Ke..N e'SC,Ii Jt P';f? <br />i. ~. .~-.ry .a,. r.^o `aa!'} atep t+' ~..~3. P_ _ _, zYt EIJ 8,.0.E _~1 enC,2: 6f 1: y8 <br />rv <br />_.- e1~.u: as LC, ~e i^.v`3'.Rsx?'ee ~¢'£t ._ '. t^.,., ,.^er,e, C" p iv1 i.9{j2 2- ,nrt•: ~.i ... _~ <br />_C.._ ~ ....~8d ~,~ .''narcgaF'ea `-.:. t7~:;' -.. ..~ <br />~. ._ ,.h, .. -:,~ "'~~ ,EFC4Tb-,c~ tc Ft ^yart4' ~ .. ;fr a C.J., <br />. ii e', <br />.... <br />.. ,., <br />.... <br />~ ... ,. <br />