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~~ <br />t <br /><_ <br />.,: <br />629fg~--SECgND~it'8A4 ~ffiTAYE t+I~RTPLaRGE-~-W3kh Tax CiaWS& The kiuttman Gencra2 ~v{rpfY kdonee. L rn3n, :7ebr. <br />~~~ow l~r r. m~rr ~~ a~ES~ PxE~EZ~~s: ~2 `~" v ~t ®5 4 <br />THAT .t or YYE, Dighton E. Wiley and Claraitie Wiley; husband and. wife and spouse of <br />each other <br />of FiEdIS., County and State of ~~7~, , in cvnsirleratton of the sum of <br />FIVE: 2H(~7SAE~ FIVE ALIDII}I~D AND tFJ/100TH5-°_--_--------($5,500.00)-°-COLLARS x <br />in 1=and paid, da hereby SELL and CO14 i~"E~' canto <br />Da fg malty' ~ Insurance, Inc..-, DBA 1~-Ly Insurance & Finance (mortgagee), <br />of ' County, and State of NE~RASICA ,the follaaeireg described premises <br />situated in fTA'rZ ~ Cpsrxtl~;~ rtxd-stitate of - - ~SRA.SKA to-2erit: ff , <br />I(7I' FWR (4) , SEI~,'S SC7BDIVT3'~fz3, HAEL (_UL1IaI'Y, I1EBRAS[CA l <br />A part of the SE9s of. the Stet, 5-32; T-11N; R-9 W of 6 P.M. <br />1 <br />The intentior= being to convey hereby ttn absolerte Title ire fze simple including alt The rights of homestead and dower. <br />TO HAVE .le'VD TO HOLI3 t/ae premascs above described, atith aft the appurtenances thereunto 6edonging unto 111 <br />the said mortgagee or mortgagees and to his, tees or their heirs and assigns, forever, praadded always, and these pres- <br />ents are open the express condition t{act if the said mortgagor cr mortgagees, leis, her or thou heirs, executers, admix- <br />istrators or assigns slsall pay nr cause to be paid to the said rrtortgagee or mortgagees and to leis, her or their heirs, es- <br />ecutors, administrators or assigns, the Burn of FIUE THOUSAPiD FIUE HJNDRED DOT,LARS <br />Dollars, payable as fellows, to-wit; . <br />Payments of $357,48 each, starting on March 15, 1982 and an <br />each-conceeutive,.month thereafter, for 18 months, until the <br />balance of $5,500''-00 plus accrued interest at the rate of I <br />i 19.7tf°h is paid in :full. l~ <br />~? <br />~.uith snt°r~st th r-or3 at j9,`j~as cent per annuns, payabdz monthly annually, according to tine tenor and effect of <br />the 3t aC:'kE~cnsissory note zoith in€erest coupons ttached of said Afortgagors, bearing Sven date acrith. these pres- <br />ents; and shelf fey aii tares and any interest on, or rnatsrring instaiirnents of principal„ drae on a.ny prior vnortgaye and. <br />~j'assessntents lc^aaisd upatr said real estate and elf otn,~r ta:c-es, Zea,"ies and assessments levied upon tines mortgage or the. <br />note which this nuartgega is given to secure, Before iht carne becomes deingusnt and .beep tke buildings on said <br />premises insured far tke sure $ 40, 000 , foxy it any, payable to state just ratortgayecs or this rrsortyayee, or bath, <br />then these presents be void, otker^.c!ice to be and r,rraair= in full force. <br />!! IT IS FtiRTHE1Z AGREED {r) That ij ties said mortgagor shall fail to pay seuh taxes and snaclt interest on, <br />os_matxring instatiments of prircipad, due on any prior rraortgu~ye ref procure such rr curanc., ?hen zlris mortgagee rrwy <br />1 paY such taxes arnd such tnterest on, or matur-=ng instaltrnants of principal, due vn s ch prwr rnvrlgage and procure <br />f ~sa:h inssr'ance`, and the curet so advanced zrrith interest ni nine, per cent skal! be paid by~ said rznortgayor, arnd rnor6 <br />gage shad stand as serurn3y for the same_ f~) That a failure to pay an}° of said rrre.ney, either prin<dpat or 4nterest on <br />f d•»:. -' a i ,1 .,: .., r -..,rt s inrr>noina aareements. <br />riau ar any. prier muriytsye, 2usreri xn sariie cu<.n.~~. ~ -, • <br />( shall muse lice zcrhalc sum of maneY herein secured to become duz and callr.tabac at r,rca c.t the option of tF.e rrwrt- <br />j yagae. <br />I lT IS FL`RTHER .4GR$ErJ That said rrwrtgagee, Persding foreelos:rre of this mvrtgage and afder decree and <br />j ;F-tndrng stay thereon ot! appeal thexafrom and ptasda"ng soda of premises rrsvr~yaftii, may pay' snub taxes grad maturing <br />~ intrrr..` ar »xtturing instattments of principal, ore prior martaory.°s, procurer sucl= ins7rrance and s7rrln suoass shaft Fie <br />;:tided tv tine arnouxt der:. on decree and upon confirmation of sale b}a thr c;tcrt crdrrcd taken out of pr>ceeds of sales <br />or if r.aasrnsd dvrFnr, stay; appeaf ar sole, sncta& an=ouattt shalt be e-alFr'rr d t=,~ same a.i thvugla it ac'ore n part of such <br />done..-. <br />~i.nad tty ~h ,_,cE February t~ 82 <br />3 ~ "(~ ~~ ~ <br />.. __, <br />S ,_ , . _. , <br />