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ii <br />r `~ 52.e\--.iFEAt. E$TATEMQRFGf1SvE.-t111fith TaxCiausai A+w.:8 <br />i <br />.^ <br />1:'... <br />Fiutfman and €elYOn & Noit, WaSinn, Ne. 684bi <br />tcrlvw z~3.-zi><>dr1 BY TxESI~ PRESENTS: That Kenneth W. Jones and Velva Haffman Janes ~T <br />Husb'aeld and Wife JJ <br />of ~ Ha 11. county, and state of Nebraska , in rnnaideration of the cum of <br />Ten Thousand and-NO/100----------------------------°---___-------------____-_- naLLARs <br />in barxl Paid. da hereby sELl.attd~ctaxvE~ unto The First National Bank of Grand Island, 3 Vii`. <br />Grapd Isla~ld, Nebras•kd ' <br />of Ha] ~~~'. State ~ Nebraska thetollowitigaescribedpremiseaaituated <br />in` Hall County, andState of Nebraska . to-wit:. <br />LOT FORTY THREE (43) AND THE SOUTHERLY NINE <br />(9) FEET OF LOT FORTY TWO (42) WEST HEIGHTS <br />SECONO ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Theintentioa being taconvey hereby an absolute titlo in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and dower. - <br />TO FIAVE A1VD TO BOLD the premises. above described., with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said <br />tnortgagee(s)and to his, her ar their heirs and assigns forever, provided always, and these presents- areupon theexprese-. <br />condition: that if the said mortgagor(s), his, her or their heir, executors, administrators or assigns shall- pay or cause to be { <br />paid tothe said-martgagee(a), his, her or their heirs, executors, admiaistratorsor assigns, the principal sum-.of $ 1 O, OOO , OO ~ .. <br />payable:astollows, to wit: <br />PRINCIPAL PLUS ACCRUED INTEREST AT RATE Of 15.50 <br />DUE AND PAYABLE FEBRUARY 10, 1983. <br />wi#h-intereataccording. to the tenor and effect. of fhe mortgagors written. promissory note bearing even.datewith thesepresents <br />and::shall paybll taxesartdassessments levied upon said real estate, and all. other taxes, levies and assessments leviedul'on this. <br />mortgage or the note which this mortgage is given to secure, before the same becomes delinquent; and keep she. buildings.. on.- <br />said: gtetniser, insured for the sum of $ 1 O,DOO.OO ,loss, if any, payable to the. said mortgagee, than these:Presenb <br />to be.:void, otherwise to be and remain in fuel force, <br />IT I5 FilRTHER AGREEB (I} That if the said mortgagor shall fail to pay such taxes ar procure such insurance, the i <br />~ saidmortgageemayPay ~chtaxesand procure .such insurance; and the sum so advanced, withinterestat 1 5.54, Per i <br />~ cei~t,. repaid; by said mortgagor, and this mortgage shall stand. as security far the .same.. (2) That n failure W: Pay any <br />~ of said money; either-principal or interest, when the name becomes due, ar a failure to. comply with any of the,foiegaing <br />' ~ agreements,.. slutti cause t10e. whole sum. of money herein secured to become due and collectible.. at once at the. option ofthe ~~; <br />~ rortgagee: - <br />S;gnedthis: 5th nay at February is .,, /~ <br />.. <br />In_preaence-af te~'""L=~~ .•~ L`..:::.__'75...---s... i <br />enn c~OneS <br />Ve1va Hoffman Jones <br />STATE OF......Yetlr..asks..:.........,Cotmty of ..Ha].1 ......................: j <br />{~ The Foregoing instrument.was at:lcnowledged before me .... Fek~ruaf;y, . 5 .......... . . . . . . . . :19$x; .. j <br />' ! ».~ <br />by ...K~!)neth.'~t,.J,ogQS. LY~aI,>~c/~ fman Jones, Husband and idife i <br />~~ ~ ~ NJ ~ `,~,H ,l v J ..... <br />1 <br />l * ; _ x ~ S~ta%~sr2 cf Person Takix;g :at':nTitlTwieubTtrxeni <br />~. a <br />My Comm~sslon Ex-~ Notar <br />f ~ y Public. <br />"rf ,~~ ~'`~ Title <br />- '~~ i ~~' <br />' 3TAT1?, Olq )} 8ntered oa numecicaf index and fxlcxl far record <br />j County .,„_.. . _ .._...., .. .._...._. J sa in the 22csjater of Ileeda Qf&ce'wf said (:muuty ttae ~ <br />.. _. <br />. s <br />_...... ._::d><y a£w .......: ......._,. .,......., 39-__...._, ai,......_........_........_»..dcloclc and.:_........... ........minutes ....._..,_.__.....M.. . <br />a~f racorried :in. BoCk.-,.~,._.... _..:._.._.. _.:..__._oL. __.._..._..._ ._,.....aC. q>atfa_.._.__... _._.___ ......._. <br />~~ .., ._....._ -..._......_. .__._-_ ........ ........_...Rog. of Ar~Edo , <br />~, By_.._,... _.. ...._...__.~ _......_. __ - _.. .......... Unputy <br />