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~-~- t~ ~ ~l 5 3 6 <br />¢UITCLAIM DEED <br />TIIu10THY J. WILLIAMS and DAWN SvILLIAhiS, husband and wife, <br />herein called the Grantors, in consideration of ONE DOLLAR AND <br />09.`HER VALt3ABLE CONSIDERATION received from Grantees, do hereby <br />quitclaim, grant, bargain, sell, Canvey and confirm unto RONALD <br />L, StSITH and SHARON K. Si+3ITH, herein called the Grantees, the <br />fallowing-described real property in Ha11 County, Nebraska: <br />The i3orth Ninety-One point Eight Feet <br />(91.5'} of Lat One (1}, 31ack Eight {8), <br />Wallich's Addition to the City of Grand <br />island, Hali County, Nebraska. <br />TO HAVE AND T4J HdLD the above-described premises together <br />with all tenements, hereditaments and appurt°nances thereto <br />belonging unto the Grantees and to Urantees' hairs and assigns <br />forever. <br />Dated ~ `.~ r ~ Q '~ ~- <br />NEB SRA KA DOCUiV1ENTARY 1 <br />STAP/!P TAX <br />,,,,~„ <br />_.. s __- <br />8Y <br />STATE OF TEXAS } .~T/jTEl.7Etyy~~~.~Cr`;~D <br />ss: <br />COUNTY OFCooke ) <br />--.8~fore mP, a Notary Public .tor said County, personally came <br />,~^*m~~Y J. Williams, known to me to be the identical person who <br />;,'-~s~gnec3.'`the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution <br />-~trier~of t~ be his voluntary act and deed. <br />&~itne~s. my hand and Notarial Seai or. January, 22 <br />~. 1982. <br />~~~ <br />-`,'• _- Sharon <br />........ ~, ~~ Richey <br />?~Ia- Cor~s3sson Expires Notary Publir~in far <br />February 28, 1985 The State of Texas <br />S^x~3TE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />ss: <br />COUNTY {1F HALL ) <br />i3ezore me, a Notary Public for said County, personally came <br />Dawn WilXiams,.kn:own to me to be the identical person w2aa signed <br />the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof <br />to be her voluntary act and deed. <br />~iditness my, hand and tdctarial Seal on ~~~:%Ib /~ ff CZ Y ~' ~"t~, <br />S }$~, ,! <br />i"atarv Public <br />w~wr~wwn--~.e. r wwrae <br />veNCE~tT L oc~vror~ <br />Mfr oo~ Ezp @~ 29,1lM <br />