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~9 _ i....;._ <br />the vent the Mertga8oz•s fail ra y ~+c~er iue are-ax ~. 11 r , r carer ' te:^tents, a r ~z to <br />r + ~ :r. .zatzrane. as herelubefore provided ,..r ~ i l tt. ~ :y ent~. fec e.r is ae . rider -?:_ terr ~ of sri~v est. c, ^, <br />r^ lirensa, ar privilege; or Mortgagee et,ai ed Cn Sr4uz• expez e5 .tb rt tree>, atto*^iet Yee o ts, <br />r rn..~ , 2-zdather ch~u.•ges in connectiesn wl h. litigation, Mortgagee may make such rgY...ant .. pravtde such irss.anre,. j <br />_ur ,,:ch abii~tlbn, and tt;e amaunts pald therefor shall become apart of the Sndebt~dness secured riereby Sue I <br />v ,:~a^,„ :e SmarsedlaLely, ::rid shall bearlnterest fromthe date oP payment at Lhe same rate as prcv'd,~d Par default ti <br />_., ~,~ mote. <br />~1" ?gzat ':r. the event ~rtY ?r. r.;.: a e ^iade ^• tie Mo tg-cars 'r ~tzerr sz: casor .r. SrteresL i'ar raki.g ar damaging <br />ly the exercise oY eminent ^romsin the vhai~ nz ny part of the ~ortnagai n mise or ar ea^event rnerein, the said I! <br />awards a~eherebY assigned o the Mo t~;agee the hiartgagee 1 T ^eby zuthari?d *a collect, receive, and receipt , <br />therePcr and: to apply the sama in „ayment. ^.anY indebtedness„ natured ,~z unmatured, secured Dy this mortgage. j <br />{'p'^.~ Tha:t ir< the evert Mortgagors itsi;lt 'n -he payment at .3d principal st.:m, ar of any '_nstallnent hereof, or <br />o* an;T interest 'iere,rn, at ie ti e wrier ape ^hal~ be dze. a_ ~.cith espect to any covenant r t.cndit on here- <br />af; Mien at °heap Ton at Mo g~Se `1e en 3..,rShed°in ~sldSUatet,randrrthehFlartaagee may iimmedlatelyufo ecloseaDhis <br />s8a1. bear intere.,. aC _tre defaux~ ate <br />mortgage or pursue cry other available legal remedy. <br />'41 That in Lhe event sc n 1~` brnught t ' e: ase This n large, the ~vortSagea shall be ant tt.lad. to immediate <br />jossassion a* the mortgaged r.remises. and ~- ~,_,z.t .ay appoin~ receiver to Y.ake possession aP said premi_e..,with <br />the usuail Dowers oP receivers in like cases. <br />(g.) That failu. a ~e~ay * her .~ r t ea. se aria is Sq,irs ^i~ 'eqe, aria ~ not b ^anst .zee as a <br />a+alver thereof; h-t spy a oP No ~ahee v iv+r' nY ct +~. 3efault of `tartaB^yors shall not b construed a; a ~ <br />4raiver csf any fz.~,z_e de. ax._~s.. ,.hat .r. ~. ^-. ~ePn:[ ~. ,.n .h° t. }n.:n~ oP ~~} .anerti atic.n ln.~tal~menUs or interest, <br />or in sass of paymer by p gagee o a.y en ,udcme ~ /urarzc st or ernen e a rents, fees or cr4rges, ~ <br />Bald Mo*°tgagee ahai ".awe th. rlvt as et ko r ^_c~ -na tre whole ~r^.^*,ednP 5 we end. sayable, to tore lose on <br />acanunt of such spec.Plc ,:efa,,t _o. ,uoh +r a +n ..;taalt and :,z .h Por,closz.ze proceed+_ng~ may be ,.ad and <br />Lhe land described herein ?ray :,off:d, sub~ec~ co :he ua,-_id indebtedness hereby sec~zrad, and this mortgage shall <br />rantin;ze ~ a 1 far 3m 'ipald na z <br />(g~ TreL the 'tortgagee ^tar ette*id a i Per the matu ?t c:' and renew, slid r°ame'rtiae id indebtedness, release ~ <br />from llar43.ty any tarty 1 able t*r e n ' as t.h lien hereof rcrtiens o'' t*re property covered hereby <br />v+ithout 3.:.acting *i ,~ iori~y ~:e o ~ ~ t b I t c' +ortgagor- ~r any o~hzr part' L'i payment a. said <br />'ndebtadness, al. much ex~_r.Niors, a P.._.;ent.,. , cnewa_a, ~ rid . ear~arti~.._tlors t^, t,e secu..ed hereby. <br />i;.(7} 't*•arisfer et Securlt - L Ss Der e + ~_ F r. + a t, ;eir `:eir zegal ar sort + yes ,and assigns, I <br />5-, r s rt o~ the orsid r3 lar ter the Hate secured <br />tia~ the ^"egrity and resporssbl Y ' 'h b g a a _ t <br />hereby a.7dL :.hat he e va*it *.li a s w o s '~, 1' n v} ne "a„r 'escribed her the <br />crtga3° •eev a t ept~or, decla. e trio .~L .web _c s ^~ •' t. eiy due and ~ayable _.nd may ;reseed in t..t ea- <br />_oreem_.._ r '..-. - ~`:rs as on er{v ather def vl.t in :h_ ,terms ~_ ,^. no`e :rid m.,r, gage. <br />(:idcrd,,. ar.3 ~'•-rases h,-:axr zrri~.d. sip he crmm-lea e-et e e ^ cer :^-ueC :: r, the :inFUlar or ~jdurai f <br />nv:aBeT_ ,•ttdw3 mas...t<lar„e _ _,aare, ^eu__ ;.e+'. LLcc.,r3 .g- .,, ttn .o._c~xr.. ~ <br />` "~' Ecigene' L/~ Greene <br />' ~ Loretta T. Greene <br />,sirs., ~ .~r.aL} <br />. Lal. ___. . .,~ ) <br />Ta E d>n c~~ {t~ <. c ~ <br />lci thL in ±ay ."~~~r-~ ...--.. =-~g'~' -~~~•t .~_. _. [;o y E'i.,r>i, ,n .:.;a ro ~.~ ~znty-and <br />;,rate, Aerse..a ~ _•,._ Eugene L. Greene_and Loretta T. Greene, husband and wife, <br />tc ma knt?w2: tc b. ,. 2ze pe_ea.+, ;,avi_d -=aiG ~r,.o ..xee .~e:-. ~.__ -regoi^-z nom,.°~°,e.rt. and ackauwledged t,r:C ;:;et' avee~ot ad <br />ha same aS t*eir ve._:tary ._,.~ ~~utc _eec:. <br />!~' ueommiss*_a ri°es~Kb_a~_4,..1`iSti <br />r {_.__~_ <br />i E~ <br />~ E ~ ~~ <br />~ i t ~~ <br />g f# j Y€ <br />I <br />~ 1 ~ tt <br />+r1 c~ <br />a ~~ + <br />C~ <br />h- <br />'~ ~ <br />~° ~ to <br />~~ ~ <br />_? <br />Yi. tii <br />A. f¢h. <br />Y <br />C <br />Q1 N <br />Y <br />a m <br />c m ~ <br />J L 17 <br />tQ ~ 5 <br />o a <br />L <br />~- p R <br />V L <br />'L tg <br />ta. E <br />0 <br />:.i .c,~ <br />~ ~'` c a e <br />~~ <br />.TyVe or psi rde rna-. urx; <br />tioc.say cptbiir, .., am; f.~^ ,.e.l^ L'ouzay and :.~,!,e <br />y <br />~- ~: '' 1 <br />r•- <br />, <br />j ~ <br />j ~ <br />j <br />~• <br />` <br />G + <br />j <br />j ' <br />} ~ <br />4 T. _ j <br />> s' 1 f1 <br />i <br />~ $ _ <br />j + <br />r ___._ .r <br /> ~,;~. <br />14~ <br />i {: <br />t .• <br />G:, <br />j~ <br />~ <br />~' <br /> <br /> <br />' <br /> <br />i <br /> <br />j <br />