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E. DEA~i & JUDITK WOLFE <br />~~ <br />~~ ~ ~A ~ ~ ~ ~ EXTENSION AGREEMENT <br />In consideration of the extension of the time of payment of the original pramissary <br />note hereinafter described, the undersigned, E Dean Wolfe and Judith A. Wolfe , <br />hereby covenant and agree to pay to The First National <br />Hank of Grand Island, Grand Island, Nebraska, or order, the principal sum of <br />THIRTY SINE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND NO/100-----•--°--------------($ 39,700.00 ), <br />together with interest thereon at 16%~ per cent per annum from the date hereof, <br />such sum to be gayable on July 12, 1982 Tnterest shall. be payable at maturity <br />on July 12, 1982 <br />The original principal note in the amount of 1;nT:TV c~ TunnS,p,lyDr AIdIl. NQ/lOtLDOLiABc <br /><$ 4b_Orn0.00 } was executed and delivered by the undersigned under the date of <br />1ggO to The First National Bank of Grand Island, Grand Island, <br />Nebraska,' and was due and payable on the 17th day of nece??+ber, 1980 together <br />wi h interest at 13 per cent per annum and secured by Real Estate Mortgage: <br />to The First National Bank of Grand Island, Grand Island, Nebraska, recorded as <br />i1nr,ttnr+nr itgt3-OO'i752 in ti2e Mortgage Recotds of ,-17 County, Nebraska <br />The undersigned agrees to pay such extended balance of principal of TurR'1'v-NINE <br />•rxnrt~ sm SEVEN Hlrt3nRID-------~$3Q,700.00 }, together with interest thereon at <br />per cent per annum, such principal and interest to be payable in lawful <br />money of the United States of America at The First National Bank of Grand Island, <br />Grand Island, Nebraska. <br />All of the covenants and agreements in such original note and the Real Estate Mortgage <br />above-described, other than hereinbefore modified, shall be and remain unchanged and <br />in full force and effect during such extended period. if default be made in payment <br />of any principal sum., the entire principal sum with interest thereon, shall become <br />immediately due and payable at the election of the legal holder thereof. <br />In further consideration of such extension of time of payment of such indebtedness, <br />I hereby ratify and confirm such mortgage recorded as Document 9180-003752_ <br />in Real Estate Mortgage records of Hall County, Nebraska as <br />the first mortgage lien upon the real property described therein, and the whole of <br />the title thereto as now owned by me. <br />The undersigned executes this Extension Agreement with reference to and on the faith <br />and credit of their property, which they now own. or have an interest in or hereafter <br />may acquire; the express intention being to charge and to continue to charge any and <br />all of such property with the payment of the indebtedness, the payment of which is <br />herein extended. <br />iN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have hereunto set their hands this 12th day of <br />January, 1982 <br />STATE OF -l~hrac a• ) <br />)SS. <br />COUNTY OF Hatl ) <br />,~ ~/ `~ E. Dean Wolfe <br />~~a~_ ~ ~~ <br />Judith A. Wolfe <br /> <br />On this. ~ih day of 3anuazX, 1982 before me, the undersigned a Notary Public, <br />in atsd for_ „a~; County, personally came E. .Dean ~IO:I£e and Judith A. Wolfe <br />~_~ersonally known to me to be the identical persons whose names <br />~ a o the above and foregoing Fattension Agreement as makers, and they <br />F~itli~~~3t, id instrument and the execution thereof to be their voluntary act and <br />~k deEd for the p pose therein expressed. <br />n. ~,~ "F '' T Y3 <br />L~1 'FESTIML~~ WREOF, I have hereunto affixed my h nd and offici,a,Y sal at^ <br />~? ~' ebraska on the day and year t above writ iT,~ <br />.... _ <br /># ~.~±~+~'~~ ~ it ~ `'`_~%~.~''y~_._-__~L~'.<--~.,~.!' <br />s b,7,8, N 20' of 9, 540' of 14,;' Notary Public <br />15, N 50' of 16, 35, 36, 37, 44, 53, <br />51, 8 62, Wolfe°s Subdivision, and. <br />I,ot 3, Wolfe's Second Subdivision. <br />