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8.~. t~ t, U r~ ~. <br />exhibit '"I" <br />Siore niP. 2340 Webb Rd., Grartd tsiand, tdebraska b8$Ot <br />lE~:~L F}ESCREP'i`Ef3N: <br />.~.. tract. of land it the ~aartheast Quarter of the *7ortl:east <br />Qua-ter {i~r aNE-~) . Section 'ltae=tee {12) , To:•:ns?~:i. Eleven {I1) . <br />. tvcrth, =?~^.~a Ten {143 , idest of the 5th P.:I. , in Hal.? Cosr~ty. <br />Nebraska, snore particularly described as fo11c;F.s: Co:rrnenc° <br />ing at a point 275 feet easterly of the Nortn;aest cor:~er of <br />I~`r:>o2wEs an t2te *IOrth line of said ~,niN£'s to the point of be- <br />gir_::ing; thence Easterly along the North line cf said NEaNE <br />a dista^.ce of 594 feet; thence. Southerly and parallel to the <br />Last 3Zns of Sall iZEaNEi a distance ar 240 feet; thence <br />Easterly and parallel. to the itiorth Zine o_` seid :.EiNE: a <br />distance of 35 feet; thence 5autheriy and parallel to the <br />east line of said h'E:P7E~S a distance of 55o fec°t; thence <br />iti'esterly and parallel to the D:orth line of said t:E'•_NEs a <br />c;_stance of 324:.5 feet to a point on the East right-o~-way <br />line of U. S. :ic}hway No. 281., said. point bei^.g 75 feet east <br />of the >rsest line. of said ;:Bi?tiEq; thence Nort herly along the <br />East righ~ of-vtay line of Id.S. highway No. 281 and parallel <br />to the 4Fest llne of said NE<~.E. a distance of 538.2 feet; <br />thence Easterly. and. parallel to the :north line of said <br />NENE'~. a distance of 244 feet; thence Norti:erly ana parallel <br />to the c3est line. of said +:EsNE a distance of 217.8 feet to <br />she place of beginning, and cantai^.inq 13.154 acres Wore or <br />less. of which 4.'43:6 acres more ar less are presently occupied <br />by cou.°~ty right-of-way; <br /> <br /> <br />